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Anyone know of an MMORPG that's coming out within the next couple months?  I don't have a lot of time left to play these things :(


  • evirusevirus Member Posts: 37

    Originally posted by Tryggvi
    Anyone know of an MMORPG that's coming out within the next couple months?  I don't have a lot of time left to play these things :(

    tell me there is not a mortality based reason why you dont have time. well all i realy hear about for the most part is the world of warcraft expansion, but there nothing too outstanding about WOW to speak or in the first place


  • neuronomadneuronomad Member Posts: 1,276

    Not to be rude but this site has a listing of soon to be released MMOs on the main page, along with a game list of upcoming MMOs.  A little research goes a LONG way.
    That being said there are a bunch of games due to be out at the first of 2007 such as Gods and Heroes, Tabula Rasa, and a few others.  It depends are what you are looking for.  As to the above poster about TBC, it's an expansion not a new game so to speak.

    Also as a Guild Wars fan, Guild Wars Nightfall (a stand alone MMO that is free after inital purchase) is due out in a month.

    Currently Playing: Guild Wars 2 and Path of Exile

    Quit: Eden Eternal, Wakfu, DDO, STO, DCUO, Sword 2, Atlantica Online, LOTRO, SWTOR, RIFT, Earthrise, FFXIV, RoM, Allods Online, GA,WAR,CO,V:SoH,POTBS,TR,COH/COV, WOW, DDO,AL, EQ, Eve, L2, AA, Mx0, SWG, SoR, AO, RFO, DAoC, and others.

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