Originally posted by Tryggvi Anyone know of an MMORPG that's coming out within the next couple months? I don't have a lot of time left to play these things
tell me there is not a mortality based reason why you dont have time. well all i realy hear about for the most part is the world of warcraft expansion, but there nothing too outstanding about WOW to speak or in the first place
Not to be rude but this site has a listing of soon to be released MMOs on the main page, along with a game list of upcoming MMOs. A little research goes a LONG way.
That being said there are a bunch of games due to be out at the first of 2007 such as Gods and Heroes, Tabula Rasa, and a few others. It depends are what you are looking for. As to the above poster about TBC, it's an expansion not a new game so to speak.
Also as a Guild Wars fan, Guild Wars Nightfall (a stand alone MMO that is free after inital purchase) is due out in a month.
-------------------------------- Currently Playing: Guild Wars 2 and Path of Exile
Not to be rude but this site has a listing of soon to be released MMOs on the main page, along with a game list of upcoming MMOs. A little research goes a LONG way.
That being said there are a bunch of games due to be out at the first of 2007 such as Gods and Heroes, Tabula Rasa, and a few others. It depends are what you are looking for. As to the above poster about TBC, it's an expansion not a new game so to speak.
Also as a Guild Wars fan, Guild Wars Nightfall (a stand alone MMO that is free after inital purchase) is due out in a month.
Currently Playing: Guild Wars 2 and Path of Exile
Quit: Eden Eternal, Wakfu, DDO, STO, DCUO, Sword 2, Atlantica Online, LOTRO, SWTOR, RIFT, Earthrise, FFXIV, RoM, Allods Online, GA,WAR,CO,V:SoH,POTBS,TR,COH/COV, WOW, DDO,AL, EQ, Eve, L2, AA, Mx0, SWG, SoR, AO, RFO, DAoC, and others.