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My major is environmental engineering.

Am I  or ...

Yes folks, I'm really taking this pointless major and I'm about to drop out and actually do what I like - computers.  But the IT field and most everything else that deals with computers is so over saturated, I thought I'd go to school for something that most people never heard of.



  • TheodorykTheodoryk Member Posts: 1,453 is environmental engineering anyway?

    "Speaking haygywaygy or some other gibberish with your mum doesn't make you foreign."

  • Vertex1980Vertex1980 Member Posts: 951

    I hug trees and make sure they feel okay.  j/k

    Environmental engineering is the application of science and engineering principles to improving the environment (air, water, and/or land resources), to provide healthful water, air and land for human habitation and for other organisms, and to investigate the possibilities for remediation of polluted sites. Negative environmental effects can be decreased and controlled through public education, conservation, regulations, and the application of good engineering practices.

    Pretty much in my area I would be working in chemial plants, etc making sure the company follows Federal and State laws.

    I don't want to do that.  I want to actually GO OUTSIDE and just work with nature, etc. 

  • TheodorykTheodoryk Member Posts: 1,453
    Aha, now I understand and comprehend! Well, I'm not sure what kind of market there is for that sort of thing in the USA, but here in Canada there's an ever increasing demand for specialists in your field. The environmentalist movement is in full blown effect, and political parties of every stripe have been forced to adopt some kind of environmental improvement program. I've recently read an article regarding this issue, in which it was noted that 34% of Conservative voters claimed the Green Party as their second choice should they chose not to vote Conservative in the next federal election. Sooo, we have a government which will be invariably pouring billions of dollars into environmental research programs, and which even today is constantly thinking up new legislation which will further regulate industry, forcing corporations to take on specialists of their own. In short, the demand for people with an education such as yours is huge, and ever increasing. Again, I'm not sure what the situation is like in the USA, but judging by what is going on my side of the border, I say stick with it.

    "Speaking haygywaygy or some other gibberish with your mum doesn't make you foreign."

  • baffbaff Member Posts: 9,457

    Try agricultural college. They always have spaces.

    Farming is for people who actually care enough about the enviroment to live the life. The Green Party is for city folk who don't. 

  • EmyrnEmyrn Member UncommonPosts: 149
    You copycat, I inspired you.  And I would never be an engineer - too complicated. You should try accounting.
  • //\//\oo//\//\oo Member, Newbie CommonPosts: 2,767

    Wait a sec.. you're the same guy with 2 kids making 9$ an hr?

    Oh, you also happen to be 20k in the red too?

    Damn, that's going to be one rough semester for you.

    This is a sequence of characters intended to produce some profound mental effect, but it has failed.

  • cornoffcobcornoffcob Member Posts: 860

    Originally posted by Vertex1980
    Am I image or image...
    Yes folks, I'm really taking this pointless major and I'm about to drop out and actually do what I like - computers. But the IT field and most everything else that deals with computers is so over saturated, I thought I'd go to school for something that most people never heard of.

    Damn hippie ::::02::

    I hope some day we can all put aside our racisms and prejudices and just laugh at people


  • VampirVampir Member Posts: 4,239

    Originally posted by Vertex1980

    Am I  or ...
    Yes folks, I'm really taking this pointless major and I'm about to drop out and actually do what I like - computers.  But the IT field and most everything else that deals with computers is so over saturated, I thought I'd go to school for something that most people never heard of.

    no your not nuts. but join the EPA if you want to get field work, not as much pay they get real field work time.

    they go and inspect mining sites, oil stuff, dumps etc.

    and i know someone who's one of their field agents and he has been shot at by rednecks when he tried to shut them down for environmental reasons on different occasions.


    98% of the teenage population does or has tried smoking pot. If you''re one of the 2% who hasn''t, copy & paste this in your signature.

  • Vertex1980Vertex1980 Member Posts: 951

    Originally posted by //\//\oo

    Wait a sec.. you're the same guy with 2 kids making 9$ an hr?
    Oh, you also happen to be 20k in the red too?
    Damn, that's going to be one rough semester for you.

    I go to college for free.  Grants FTW!  And I'm not a hippie.

  • zeedaamzeedaam Member Posts: 145
    I can share with you a little experience from the ones that I have worked with. I'm a civil engineer with a specialty in stormwater and hydrology (once the rain hits the ground, it becomes my business). I've worked with a couple of environmental engineers and what I saw that they do seemed pretty interesting. There is field work involved but TONS of political and legal work too. I personally don't care for that and feel there is too much of it already in my line of work.

  • KuzzleKuzzle Member Posts: 1,058

    Originally posted by Vertex1980

    I go to college for free.  Grants FTW!  And I'm not a hippie.

       Sure ya are, ya bald headed hippy.

       Seriously, though, that field sounds really boring. I mean, if it were something you were interested in, sure, but if you're not interested in it... I mean, hell I can't even focus on my school work, and I'm only in high school.  I wish things didn't suck so much...

  • Vertex1980Vertex1980 Member Posts: 951

    Originally posted by Kuzzle

    Originally posted by Vertex1980

    I go to college for free.  Grants FTW!  And I'm not a hippie.

       Sure ya are, ya bald headed hippy.

       Seriously, though, that field sounds really boring. I mean, if it were something you were interested in, sure, but if you're not interested in it... I mean, hell I can't even focus on my school work, and I'm only in high school.  I wish things didn't suck so much...

    That's why I'm thinking about leaving.

  • reavoreavo Member Posts: 2,173

    I have a computer science degree.  I tried a few jobs after I graduated and decided I hate computers after that.  What was a hobby turned into a job and then a strong dislike.  I don't even want to crack a computer case ever again, much less write code or try to decipher someone elses.  YUCK YUCK YUCK!!!  

    So, I got a teaching certification.  Now, for the first time in my whole life, I actually enjoy my job.  And I feel like I'm leaving a legacy other than living in a cubicle making other people money. 

  • baffbaff Member Posts: 9,457

    Been teaching on and off for 18 years now. I worked in the music biz and in T.V. had a few businesses and lived out a few fantasies, but I never really managed to give up the teaching. It certainly helps when talking to policemen and vicars also. When I was a student. I hated teachers. Never saw it coming. 

    I'm getting itchy to go back into the classroom next year. Decisions decisions. The money is aweful and if you get teenage males it can be pretty crap. 

  • CooktasticoCooktastico Member Posts: 599
    That is a dumb major haha. But hey at least it's not COMS. Just get with your school and switch to comp. science or something. The computer science learn lots of stuff like java, c++, netowkring, and all that jazz. If you want to be more on the graphics side, then I would apply to the school of arts and try to get into graphic design. It's never too late to do something that you like.
  • Vertex1980Vertex1980 Member Posts: 951

    Originally posted by Cooktastico
    That is a dumb major haha. But hey at least it's not COMS. Just get with your school and switch to comp. science or something. The computer science learn lots of stuff like java, c++, netowkring, and all that jazz. If you want to be more on the graphics side, then I would apply to the school of arts and try to get into graphic design. It's never too late to do something that you like.

    Yeah, tell me about it...  I should of just became a garbage man and made more money.

  • TheodorykTheodoryk Member Posts: 1,453
    Environmental engineers ride singlefile to hide their numbers...

    "Speaking haygywaygy or some other gibberish with your mum doesn't make you foreign."

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