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Do we really need to keep beating the poor horse? I mean, it's been dead for quite some time now.
When people ask serious questions, their threads get locked, banned or they just die out. When someone makes a stupid thread asking a pointless question, it gets 50 pages and 8,000 views.
This community really needs to take a step back from all the garbage and start making this community actually worth wild.
I'm so sick of seeing Necro keep making new accounts and the mods keep giving him all three strikes, again and again and again. I'm so sick of seeing all these ****ing SWG was SOOOO Zer0K00l when it wasn't killed by the updates".
I'm so sick of seeing people ask the same ****ing question about "A good FREE MMORPG!!@!@$".
I'm so sick of seeing people bash World of Warcraft. If it's not your game, so be it. You don't bash people who drive Fords or a BMW or whatever just because it's not "YOUR car".
Yes I'm aware I will get flammed, made fun of, etc... that's just the nature of this community. To ALWAYS go in, "guns blazing" and then try and belittle that person for trying to make a point.
I'm ready. Are you?
Maybe if someone came out with a really good MMORPG we would all have something else to do on the weekend. I just bought Oblivion, and it was pretty cool for the first afternoon, but my systems on the low side. I'm waiting for either Vanguard or AoC to come out before I buy a new system. Once they come out, if they're any good, I probably will not be on these forums, nor will I be playing Oblivion. Amazing that I spent $40 because I was desparately bored...Mkes responding to these same old threads kind of entertaining, really.
What else can we talk about? Paris Hilton getting arrested?
The gays want pink tutus on their lvl 60 Orc Warrior?
To tell you the truth, not many games support ingame relationships anymore so the whole "gay gamer" thing is pretty fucking pointless and is just another way for gays to seperate themsevles from the rest of the world making these all gay guilds and what not.
Really, who gives a shit. It's a game. I'm an alien/dwarf/human/monkey/etc. who's gonna kick your ass regardless of what your sexuality is. lol
A Work in Progress.
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What's your Wu Name?
Donovan --> Wu Name = Violent Knight
Methane47 --> Wu Name = Thunderous Leader
"Some people call me the walking plank, 'cuz any where you go... Death is right behind you.."
What's your Wu Name?
Donovan --> Wu Name = Violent Knight
Methane47 --> Wu Name = Thunderous Leader
"Some people call me the walking plank, 'cuz any where you go... Death is right behind you.."
I find it interesting that alot of the same threads that have been repeating over and over again have been started by the same few people.
What's your Wu Name?
Donovan --> Wu Name = Violent Knight
Methane47 --> Wu Name = Thunderous Leader
"Some people call me the walking plank, 'cuz any where you go... Death is right behind you.."
So where were you going with this rant?
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Really? 'Cause I'm tired of all the religious people saying that "God" does exist. Hmph!
Seriously, though, I haven't seen a religiously themed topic in like a week. Well, except that one of Booz's, but that's not really a debate. *shrug*
Really? 'Cause I'm tired of all the religious people saying that "God" does exist. Hmph!
Seriously, though, I haven't seen a religiously themed topic in like a week. Well, except that one of Booz's, but that's not really a debate. *shrug*
It seems like every thread i look at turns into one... For example...
Title: Old school gaming
Poster1: "Hey what old school games do you like"
Poster2: "Shut up you're gay"
Poster447: "Shut up you bible-humpin close minded fool.... God doesn't exist"
It's hilarious really... But at the same time alil anoying... But one thing that is interesting is the insults that fly by...
What's your Wu Name?
Donovan --> Wu Name = Violent Knight
Methane47 --> Wu Name = Thunderous Leader
"Some people call me the walking plank, 'cuz any where you go... Death is right behind you.."
That thread had potential but it died pretty fast.
I agree....
I saw two homosexual threads with over 300 posts a piece.
Remember those? Homosexuality and then Homosexuality isn't a sin or something on the lines of that.
They usually get locked up after a while because people will first off say it's about homos then you look at the last post and it's about strawberrys.
Neptus - FFXI - Pandemonium
Neptus - WoW - Detheroc
"There's no star system Slave I can't reach, and there's no planet I can't find. There's nowhere in the Galaxy for you to run. Might as well give up now."
Boba Fett
Current: Puzzle Pirates

Waiting: SWTOR,Aion, CO
Played: AC, WoW, SB, EVE
Seriously, if you don't like talking about off topic things, you should really think about why you click the big "Off-Topic" section button in the first place.
There is no guild that seperates gays from everyone else. You're more than welcome to join those gay guilds. They were created to offer an environment where we didn't have to listen to the endless anti-gay cracks from our own guildies. Or have to hide the fact that instead of saying I have "wife-aggro" we're really being told by our same sex partner to quit spending so much time on the computer.
Straight people can join the gay guilds. Just try it. Say you're straight and you don't mind being in a gay guild and will follow the rules of no homophobic redneck putdowns and you will find a more than welcome guild to spend your time in.
It's more like the straights trying to seperate us from them. We would love to be accepted and feel welcome and respected. But when you've dealt with these putdowns and prejudice all your life you tend to become a little hesitant to what peoples intentions are.
And btw, I pick on people that drive Fords. So, the whole car thing that the OP posted isn't true.

REALLY pisspoor analogy. "All BMW drivers are stuckup assholes" "Fords are the biggest POS on 4 wheels". I've heard those 2 statements with relation to cars more than ANY other... You generally do bash people based on groupings, it's an inbuilt psychological survival instinct - don't feel bad about it.
I'm not talking about just OFF TOPIC. I'm talking about the same post in EVERY thread.
I guess you didn't read my title of my thread eh?
I'm not talking about just OFF TOPIC. I'm talking about the same post in EVERY thread.
I guess you didn't read my title of my thread eh?
What's wrong, we're not entertaining enough for you? You must drive a BMW.