I had played for 3 years and gave up. Went back last xmas and played for 5 mins. It looks ancient and tired. Have fond memories but its really time to move on for me.
Compared to the new colorful grand theft auto san andreas It does look ancient to me to i played gta sanandreas from beggining to end no boredom thats a game im a OG and 87% completed best game i played in a long time thanks to rockstar.
I had played for 3 years and gave up. Went back last xmas and played for 5 mins. It looks ancient and tired. Have fond memories but its really time to move on for me.
Compared to the new colorful grand theft auto san andreas It does look ancient to me to i played gta sanandreas from beggining to end no boredom thats a game im a OG and 87% completed best game i played in a long time thanks to rockstar.
Hey vanilla ice, go back to playing grand theft auto like all the other wannabe gangsters.
"Hey look at me, i'm so pimp, posting on a message board!"
I had played for 3 years and gave up. Went back last xmas and played for 5 mins. It looks ancient and tired. Have fond memories but its really time to move on for me.
Compared to the new colorful grand theft auto san andreas It does look ancient to me to i played gta sanandreas from beggining to end no boredom thats a game im a OG and 87% completed best game i played in a long time thanks to rockstar.
Hey vanilla ice, go back to playing grand theft auto like all the other wannabe gangsters.
It sounds to me like you the wannabe with the pimp crap dont hate the playa hate your game.
"Hey look at me, i'm so pimp, posting on a message board!"
My older brother played EQ for years after the rest of us siblings quit. I had a couple level 60's, a bard, a monk, and something else. My little brother never made it to 60 but was in the 50's. My older brother played it long after the level cap broke and made 70. I think he had upwards of 500 yea, 500, days played time. He of course quit because the game bombed out. I quit because a few minutes before i had to catch a plane i died and of course i couldnt spend 5 hours on corpse retrieval and wound up losing my character. EQ was only good because it was the first of something. I recently reactivated my account and played for all of about 3 hours before i had to recancel my account. It was great, but now it just feels like a waste of time. I can say the same thing about wow though...but ive had a level 60 of every class and most races in wow and before BC came out i lost interest in the game. I reactivated that account to to play BC but at level 64 i realized im wasting my time and money. MMO's dont have the luster they once did. I think old EQ'ers like me need something new. Not newer versions of the old.
Never take life too seriously youre never gonna make it out alive.
They banned me for deleting my 7 year old toons so you know they are gay
Wow, what a mature post... I think you'd be better off in WoW and Runescape with the other 14 year olds anyway.
Yea i Prolly would be better off with 14 year olds cause grownups playing video games are really nolifers anyhow in my opinion and if you got kids thats even worse to spend countless hours on everquest.
You came back to a 3 month old thread to respond to that and you're talking about no-lifers? The thing with trolls is that they think they're funny, and they sit there cracking up thinking they're "getting to people", but the reality is that a troll is nothing more than a really, truly, sad pathetic little person whose life is so pointless and/or whose intelligence is so low, that anonymously irritating people intentionally is all it takes to amuse them. The best trolls will look back one day and think "wow, what an a-hole I was" and be embarassed. The worst of them will continue to live pathetic lives wondering why so many people can't stand them. Not a good outcome either way.
Hey vanilla ice, go back to playing grand theft auto like all the other wannabe gangsters.
"Hey look at me, i'm so pimp, posting on a message board!"
Hey vanilla ice, go back to playing grand theft auto like all the other wannabe gangsters.
It sounds to me like you the wannabe with the pimp crap dont hate the playa hate your game.
"Hey look at me, i'm so pimp, posting on a message board!"
SoE wishes to thank you for the 1+ grand you sunk into Everquest. It's a game. It's meant to be a timesink, not a way of life.
Let us know how San Andreas is doing 7 years from now. I'm sure youll still be playing it daily then.
Dude, that sucks.
Whatever works.
this is a game when it was at it's prime is fun and rewarding to play, then came the competition and it died:p
just proves nothing last forever.
Never take life too seriously youre never gonna make it out alive.
Yea i Prolly would be better off with 14 year olds cause grownups playing video games are really nolifers anyhow in my opinion and if you got kids thats even worse to spend countless hours on everquest.
You came back to a 3 month old thread to respond to that and you're talking about no-lifers? The thing with trolls is that they think they're funny, and they sit there cracking up thinking they're "getting to people", but the reality is that a troll is nothing more than a really, truly, sad pathetic little person whose life is so pointless and/or whose intelligence is so low, that anonymously irritating people intentionally is all it takes to amuse them. The best trolls will look back one day and think "wow, what an a-hole I was" and be embarassed. The worst of them will continue to live pathetic lives wondering why so many people can't stand them. Not a good outcome either way.