So you want to try to take out the Freedom pants goers..HA good luck!
You may have gotten SD, but you wont get the rest of that easy.
* takes out his dual pistols and shoots the F**K out of MurtBijani. Then walks up to his wounded body kicks away his gun, pulls out a knife and stapes him in his eyes*
I think ill let you live, anyway what can you do with out your eyes.
Love your enemys, it will drive them crazy.
9.523809523809523% nerd blood flows through your veins. NOOOOO get it out get it out!!!!
wu-name=Ungrateful Dreamer
Love your enemys, it will drive them crazy.
9.523809523809523% nerd blood flows through your veins. NOOOOO get it out get it out!!!!
(What's really funny is that I used that phrase a lot back in my UO days. It was my battlecry and motto... I was a little weird back then... before I slid down into full-blown freakishness.)
~*~ neschria Bludgeoner of Bunnies
... This is where I draw the line: __________________.
*you hear bullets flying into sd's body*
that dont mean im dead punk! i declare myself non-killable because of my pantslessness! you cant do nothin! wootzor!!!


So you want to try to take out the Freedom pants goers..HA good luck!
You may have gotten SD, but you wont get the rest of that easy.
* takes out his dual pistols and shoots the F**K out of MurtBijani. Then walks up to his wounded body kicks away his gun, pulls out a knife and stapes him in his eyes*
I think ill let you live, anyway what can you do with out your eyes.

Love your enemys, it will drive them crazy.
9.523809523809523% nerd blood flows through your veins.
NOOOOO get it out get it out!!!!
wu-name=Ungrateful Dreamer
Love your enemys, it will drive them crazy.
9.523809523809523% nerd blood flows through your veins.
NOOOOO get it out get it out!!!!
erm... im still here guys? guys? hello...? im so alone and pantsless, they all think im dead...

this is sd...
hey look! he's still bald!
i don't think you were here...but sd showed us a pic of him, and i've always badgered him about being bald....
might make a bit more sense now
"Whoever controls the media controls the mind..-'Jim Morrison"
"When decorum is repression, the only dignity free men have is to speak out." ~Abbie Hoffman
(What's really funny is that I used that phrase a lot back in my UO days. It was my battlecry and motto... I was a little weird back then... before I slid down into full-blown freakishness.)
Bludgeoner of Bunnies
This is where I draw the line: __________________.
*neschira dies*
LMAO u guys are too much lol
Aw, you can't kill me. I'll just respawn anyway. Without pants.
Bludgeoner of Bunnies
This is where I draw the line: __________________.
hell yea man! the lack of pants give you the power to respaw-... hell it just gives you tha powah!!! woooooooo!!!!!!!!

This topic can never die! Nobody likes pants!
"Whoever controls the media controls the mind..-'Jim Morrison"
"When decorum is repression, the only dignity free men have is to speak out." ~Abbie Hoffman
Love your enemys, it will drive them crazy.
9.523809523809523% nerd blood flows through your veins.
NOOOOO get it out get it out!!!!
wu-name=Ungrateful Dreamer
Love your enemys, it will drive them crazy.
9.523809523809523% nerd blood flows through your veins.
NOOOOO get it out get it out!!!!
gimme a hallelujah brothas! *HALLELUJAH* amen brotha! let us clence the world of the evil beings known as pants! can i get an AMEN!!!

Lets show the government what we are made of!
Love your enemys, it will drive them crazy.
9.523809523809523% nerd blood flows through your veins.
NOOOOO get it out get it out!!!!
wu-name=Ungrateful Dreamer
Love your enemys, it will drive them crazy.
9.523809523809523% nerd blood flows through your veins.
NOOOOO get it out get it out!!!!