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Things to do when you're bored.

Go outside.  (Even if it's raining, you'll refresh your soul... no, not F5)

Enjoy your girlfriend/boyfriend.  (Take her/him for a ride of their life.  In more then one way)

Stop playing games. (Yes, take a break, when you come back to a game after a small break, you'll enjoy it)

Watch a movie.

Call up random people using Skype and make fun of them.

Freeze ants with "canned air".

Take your pet for a walk to pick up men/women.

Talk to your wife.  (Yes, this too can actually kill more then a few hours)

Add more if you like.



  • KhuzarrzKhuzarrz Member Posts: 578

    Originally posted by Vertex1980

    Talk to your wife. 

    Reported for spam. This comment just proves this is a junk thread.

  • Vertex1980Vertex1980 Member Posts: 951

    You can't be serious?

  • JackcoltJackcolt Member UncommonPosts: 2,170
    Watch a documentary showing the different kind of ways humans can reproduce


  • ghost047ghost047 Member UncommonPosts: 597

    Originally posted by Vertex1980

    Stop playing games. (Yes, take a break, when you come back to a game after a small break, you'll enjoy it)

    K, I am never bored, I play games. But in fact, I just realise, I am never bored.

    Your topic should be: Things to do instead of playing games.

    Get a life you freaking no, you don't understand, I'm a Gamer, I have many lives!!

  • Vertex1980Vertex1980 Member Posts: 951

    Originally posted by ghost047

    Originally posted by Vertex1980

    Stop playing games. (Yes, take a break, when you come back to a game after a small break, you'll enjoy it)

    K, I am never bored, I play games. But in fact, I just realise, I am never bored.

    Your topic should be: Things to do instead of playing games.

    I guess so...  I even get bored of playing games.  There's only so much one can do.

  • SlickinfinitSlickinfinit Member UncommonPosts: 1,094

    Go out and get drunk

    Start a civil war reinactment group

    Join scientology

    quit and ridicule remaining scientologists

    begin construction of the ultimate tin foil hat

    give all your possesions away and start walking in one direction and dont stop

    Randomly start fight with the first punk who looks like he is a creed or nickelback fan

    Try to smoke as much chronics as Chong does in Up in smoke lol

    {(RIP)} SWG

  • RideonRideon Member Posts: 62

    hehe, well usually i get bored becasue im not high anymore :) so i go smoke a bowl, and just like 1 guy said man, canned air is exciting,

    but, i have to bad of ADD a pen can amuse me for 20 minutes or so

    so i will prolly work out, go smoke a bowl, (there goes an hour or 2) then just stare at my computer screen because it froze. for about 20 minutes, then find a pen to throw at wall or something.

    then im on my mmo!

    Which character are you test by Naruto -

  • Vertex1980Vertex1980 Member Posts: 951

    Originally posted by Rideon

    hehe, well usually i get bored becasue im not high anymore :) so i go smoke a bowl, and just like 1 guy said man, canned air is exciting,
    but, i have to bad of ADD a pen can amuse me for 20 minutes or so
    so i will prolly work out, go smoke a bowl, (there goes an hour or 2) then just stare at my computer screen because it froze. for about 20 minutes, then find a pen to throw at wall or something.
    then im on my mmo!


    Some of the best words said so far. 

  • PhoenixsPhoenixs Member Posts: 2,646

    Make threads called "Things to do when you're bored.".

  • XeximaXexima Member UncommonPosts: 2,698

    Originally posted by Phoenixs

    Make threads called "Things to do when you're bored.".

    I defianately tried to click that like 20 times, then restarted firefox because I couldnt click the link... i'm stupid.
  • PhoenixsPhoenixs Member Posts: 2,646

    Originally posted by Xexima

    Originally posted by Phoenixs

    Make threads called "Things to do when you're bored.".

    I defianately tried to click that like 20 times, then restarted firefox because I couldnt click the link... i'm stupid.

  • KhuzarrzKhuzarrz Member Posts: 578

    Originally posted by Vertex1980

    You can't be serious?

    I can in fact... But I wasn't in this case... Twas a joke based on your suggestion that one can actually -talk- to one's wife...
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