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PvP Questions

BladenBladen Member CommonPosts: 6

ok...who can lay out the pvp rules for me.  More specifically, what happens to "you" if someone kills you.  Do you lose exp, equipment, gold, etc..?  And if you do lose things from being player killed, is there going to be a server where this can't happen?  Or maybe this is only in specific zones that I can easily avoid without avoiding major content?

I don't mind the pvp, looking forward to it even.  But if I lose stuff I worked hard for just cuz some jerk wants to gank me while doing quest or something just so he can take my gear...sorry, had enough of that in L2.  If all I lose is a bit of time to get back to where I was, then that's ok.

Anyway, sorry if this has already been explained.  I haven't found anything on this subject that answers my specific questions.  This is quite important though.  It is sad that I even have to ask this...  I mean, who in their right mind thought that is a good idea?  The whole point for playing these types of games is to get gear and develope your character and the idea of losing hard earned items for reasons that you often can't do anything about...yeah...sounds real fun.  0 tolerance for that sh!t...

Well, please tell me otherwise cuz this seems to be an AWESOME game in every other way.  It all comes down to the pvp specifics now so far as me giving it any more of my time than I already have.  I am just tired of wasting my time with amazingly kick ass games with a shitty pvp system.



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