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Yes you! Those people who can't seem to move on, can't seem to actually stop crying about how bad SOE & LA killed the game.
Yes, I too once played SWG before all these updates pretty much runied the game... what did I do? I moved on.
I took my time with SWG for what it was, fun - a memory, and held onto that and moved onto bigger and better things. Yes I'll agree that some of the most fun I've had in a MMORPG has come from SWG, I know that it won't be anywhere as rewarding as it once was.
Therefor I ask all these crying babies to please SHUT UP!
It's done, it's over. SOE won, we lost. Lets all move on. And stop crying over spilt milk... stop beating the already dead horse, it's over, fin!
Why am I a n00b? You come and troll me, but all you can do is call me a n00b. Let me give you some examples.
These are actual threads for Star Wars Galaxies.
I dont think they have the right dev team
Here is a review of what SWG should have been like...
"Too much reading" required
SWG veterans unite!
Has SWG destroyed your love for games?
I could go on and on and on and on and on and on......... about how there's one thread after another about how the game was, how it use to be, how it destroyed gaming, etc.
WHO CARES! I understand the hate that many people (including myself) had when SWG started to get worse and worse, but enough is enough.
I know there has to be some people out there who actually see my point-of-view.
(PS. don't feed the trolls)
I see your Point-of-View.
People dont need to hang on to things so long. They need to move on to another MMO or just take the game how it is and deal with it. Its just like if something bad happens in life, you dont keep dreading on it, you pick up your life and move on.
I see your Point-of-View.
People dont need to hang on to things so long. They need to move on to another MMO or just take the game how it is and deal with it. Its just like if something bad happens in life, you dont keep dreading on it, you pick up your life and move on.
I'm glad to hear that at least ONE person sees what I'm getting at.
And this is in Pub because?
No annoying animated GIF here!
Use this forum to talk about MMORPGs. Please stay on the topic about MMORPGs and use the "off-topic" forum for unrelated posts.
It's on topic about MMORPGs, but I wanted to address this to everyone, not just the SWG people.
That's why it's in the Pub. Thank you, come again.
I got flamed on teh SWG boards. Maybe I'll find some allies here.
That's why it's in the Pub. Thank you, come again.
I sort of agree but making a post just fuels the whole thing.
The game sucked all along. They never had it right. I'm sorry to hear so many people "lost" a game they wasn't the players fault SOE can't manage a game. But really, its going on years ago....
Even if they never changed it, odds are all the people playing would have dropped off anyway just like in all other games.
Many MMO's are fun and entertaining to play. Forget about SWG, its dead and gone and its not coming back.
If SOE did make make a classic server, would you go crawling back to it after all the hate displayed here?
Personally I would rather have something new like.....
Star Wars Lego the MMORPG!
I make a post and I get flammed. I knew this would happen to me, and a lot of people would be upset with me. But it just got under my skin seeing so many pointless threads about SWG and what went wrong.
To each their own. I made a rant, and I stand by it. People will flame me, and that's okay. I'm prepaired to deal with the children when they do.