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can you people keep this all open beta and stop spamming posts that i read that i dont wanan read, cause its OFF TOPIC. this is really gettin outa hand. and really me complaining about it makes alot of sense. who comes here every day to find posts for open beta so they can play it, not to hear soemones rant on games economy or there computer problems or what not.
Wow, chill out, if you don't want to read a post then don't read it. I think I missed the part where people put a gun to your head and forced you to read every topic in the BETA section.
And this cheap old stupid Forum Software even doesnt have an search function.
Now I realise there's tons of members here and it's hard to moderate posts. But seriously guys, is it that hard to comprehend what this section is about?
This has nothing to do with any Open Beta... Lead by example.
"<Claus|Dev> i r pk"
Yeah thats my opinion
your are right 

Every day i look in this forum and i read so many rubish about the games and so and 10% are about open beta.
Thats annoying
Stop this please.
Amazing the level of maturity, it was just a valid point. That was all, and leading by example has been doing wondrous so far whyever did we stop it. Sigh.
And while the thread has nothing to do about mmorpg open beta's. It's about the state of this very forum, that would make it pretty much on topic.
----ITS A TRAP!!!----
pibble u really dont need to flame this post. action needs to start somewhere and obviously the publicn eeds to know.
also, last night i reported 6 posts in here for off-topic, and u know what happpened, they were moved, so im not as insane as you might think.