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Questions about city of villians

I am thinking of buying city of villians and i have questionsabout the game

1)can youmake non-human characters?

2)what is the monthly fee?

3)can you get henchmen?

4)what is the leveling system?

5)what is the maximum level?

6)how does one aguire skills?

7the name implys just a city can players go beyondjust the city?

8) i am familiar with guild wars is there a story like guild wars or is it a free form game like grand theft auto


  • AnofalyeAnofalye Member, Newbie CommonPosts: 7,433

    Originally posted by noob-gamer

    I am thinking of buying city of villians and i have questionsabout the game
    1)can youmake non-human characters?
    Yes and no.  There are no races as to implies in conventional MMOs.  However, you are free to take any customisation feature (LOOK) you prefer.  Always an humanoid, but you can have a lizard tail and a bat's head.  Or a devil's tail and some monstruous face...or just be more human or skeleton...really tons of choices and combo to do there.  Also, the kheldians are a special character your can play after reaching level 50, they transform into Kheldians forms by using their powers, from the regular character outlook (not available now in CoV, but I assume that by the time you get 50, the equivalent if not kheldian will be online).
    In size, a character can vary about the double in height, in width and depht.  It is the best customisation on the market, and by FAR.  All models are in 3D and they will move fine, no matter if you are twice bigger or smaller!  Really great.
    2)what is the monthly fee?
    About $15 US, as most MMOs.
    3)can you get henchmen?
    I suppose you mean as in Guild War?  Then no, each player is played by...a player.  However, some class have pets...LOT of pets.  Each of your 2 power pools usually grant 1, 3 or 6 pets in it progression, depending on your primary and secondary.  Also, the epic power may grant an additional pet.
    Also, you may find AV, Heroes, Monsters, Boss, Lieutnant or minions willing to help you for a mission, they are usually prisonners to be freed, so it is really up to you to save them and then adventure with them, inside that mission.
    4)what is the leveling system?
    50 levels that require progressively more XP, so you will prolly be anywhere between level 3 and 15 after your first play session, but it might require many play sessions to make only 1 level at higher levels.
    Everything is affected by levels, if a monster is 1 level higher than you, he get "20%" bonus, 2 levels higher "50% bonus" and so on, on damage, on to hit, on resistance, on duration, on EVERYTHING.  Now the % is purely fictive, I didn't bother to try to figure the exact difference, but you get the idea.
    The basic damage is affected by your level, the game keep tracks of everything, like hit for 17.43  and later it add up everything, everyone play with that off except a few nostalgics.  I level my first character to 50 with that on, at all the time...remember me EQ!  Before it was ruined by raiding (actually, the time it took me to realize it was ruined by raiding, blast these devs and their lies and attitude).  Enough of EQ, back to the topic. 
    5)what is the maximum level?
    50 levels, about 3 importants accolades and 10 other accolades for the fun of it, About 24 powers to developp with 67 enhancement slots to add on them, up to a maximum of 6 slots per power.  Each of these slot can hold 1 enhancement, be it TRAINING, DUAL, SINGLE or even something better.  The epic pool is available at level 41+, from level 6+ you have access to up to 4 secondary pools of powers.
    6)how does one aguire skills?
    There is no skill per say, by leveling up you gain the powers and the slots.  The enhancements must be buyed.  The accolades require a list of task to be done.
    7the name implys just a city can players go beyondjust the city?
    No and yes.  The City is big and there is a LOT inside this city, including wide open area.  All the missions are inside INSTANCE missions, these may happen anywhere, many are outside of the city, it could happen on the moon even if I didn't see that soo far.
    8) i am familiar with guild wars is there a story like guild wars or is it a free form game like grand theft auto
    Both of best worlds.  You have a story, it is nice and well written, it is reall great and amazing, made me smile a LOT.  But you don't have to follow it, you can do whatever you want, reading it is optional.  Usually when I am grouped I don't read it but when I solo, I read it.

    I hope I answer your questions, feel free to ask for anything more.

    PS: What I write may sound like heavy, but the game is really intuitive and easy to figure and understand, just try it, easier to try then to write about it.  It is INTUITIVE!  A lot more than any other MMO on the market! 

    - "If I understand you well, you are telling me until next time. " - Ren

  • MastermartzMastermartz Member Posts: 255

    Originally posted by noob-gamer

    I am thinking of buying city of villians and i have questionsabout the game
    1)can youmake non-human characters?
    2)what is the monthly fee?
    3)can you get henchmen?
    4)what is the leveling system?
    5)what is the maximum level?
    6)how does one aguire skills?
    7the name implys just a city can players go beyondjust the city?
    8) i am familiar with guild wars is there a story like guild wars or is it a free form game like grand theft auto

    This is a great game my friend...but it lacks content all you do is play missions and PvP theres nothing else to do... however you wont get bored until about level 30 where leveling is a pain in the arsenal. also, you cant buy items, only Enhancments that just upgrades your powers (not visually just like damage, accuracy, range etc..) Great game! but im afraid its for those who are new to MMO's or people taking a break from thier main MMO
  • Distortion0Distortion0 Member Posts: 668

    Originally posted by noob-gamer

    I am thinking of buying city of villians and i have questionsabout the game
    1)can youmake non-human characters?
    Like said, your character is only human because you say they are. Alot of people enjoy writting weird background for their characters. So if you say your a lizzard man and give your guy a lizzard head, then you're pretty much a lizzard man. There are lotts of costume options by the way.
    2)what is the monthly fee?
    About $15.00
    3)can you get henchmen?
    Masterminds can, lots of them. Controllers and Dominaters can have a few pets. You also get alot of 'temporary powers' which give you pets.
    4)what is the leveling system?
    A bit like WoW, with EXP and such. EXP is mainly gained from missions though, not grinding. Leveling is also alot cooler, since you get new powers or enhancement slots.
    5)what is the maximum level?
    50 but reaching fifty is less happy and more sad.
    6)how does one aguire skills?
    Threw leveling you get new 'powers' which are like skills.
    7the name implys just a city can players go beyondjust the city?
    Like said, the city is big. There are a few places out of the city like Striga Isle, an Alternet Dimention, Croatoa.
    8) i am familiar with guild wars is there a story like guild wars or is it a free form game like grand theft auto
    It's more story oriented than guild wars in some ways. Alot more text based though. Missions tell stories.

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