Is it just me? I can't seem to find a thriving gaming community in any game I've played lately. Are we all too spread out? Or am I just looking in all the wrong places?
Hmm.. do you mean an actual in-game community, or something such as this, a generalized forums?
I realy don't understand your question. For example, go to any popular forums about (insert X game here), and you will see a fairly thriving community. (Example, L2Blah for lineage II).
Or perhaps your talking about ingame communitys? I don't know, I realy don't understand the question fully.
Originally posted by Chaotica Ah, sorry I wasn't clearer. I apologize. I mean in game communities. Or maybe, more to the point, ingame communities that interest me. I'm an avid rper and gamer. I look for mature companions to play with in game. It seems that I can't really find anything like that lately. I feel like I'm looking on the wrong servers or in the wrong games or something.
Oh ok, I see. That clears up a lot.
RPing can be fairly hard sometimes to find a good community for it, especialy if you don't want to get interupted by a bunch of smacktards running around. (even though, I am one of those smacktards usualy, hah!). I would possibly recomend Everquest II on the Antonica-Bale server. It's an RP prefered server, and EQ II is probaly a good game to Rollplay in. (I played it for a bit. It has plenty of options for rollplay, however, I just didn't like it because SOE loves to nerf).
Other than that, I would agree that RP communties are getting "harder" to find as well. However, I am almost positive that in any game you should be able to find an RP guild that suites your tastes.
Originally posted by Chaotica Ah, sorry I wasn't clearer. I apologize. I mean in game communities. Or maybe, more to the point, ingame communities that interest me. I'm an avid rper and gamer. I look for mature companions to play with in game. It seems that I can't really find anything like that lately. I feel like I'm looking on the wrong servers or in the wrong games or something.
Play neverwinter nights. The game is gettin' old, but still plenty of tight knit communities left. Just try some of the Story PW servers, you'll probaly be hooked if there's an RPer in you.
The only really healthy community I've seen so far is in WoW. Every other game I play has a pretty low population. There haven't been any big releases for months, and it looks like we have a few more months to go before anything else is unleashed. Most of us that are sick of WoW are doomed to float from game to game for the time being.
I think one of the biggest reasons there don't seem to be the same communities as a few years ago is the sheer number of games thinning out the population. A few years ago there were only a couple of MMORPGs to play, and now there are dozens, if not hundreds.
Another related reason is that people no longer want to have to sit and wait for hours in order to do anything. I'm sure most of the site users here know what it's like waiting for a particular creature to spawn or counting the hours you've been looking for a drop. Now with the number of games, if nothing is happening in one, people will play another instead, meaning you don't see people who would normally have been sitting around with nothing to do.
Originally posted by Dajmin I think one of the biggest reasons there don't seem to be the same communities as a few years ago is the sheer number of games thinning out the population. A few years ago there were only a couple of MMORPGs to play, and now there are dozens, if not hundreds. Another related reason is that people no longer want to have to sit and wait for hours in order to do anything. I'm sure most of the site users here know what it's like waiting for a particular creature to spawn or counting the hours you've been looking for a drop. Now with the number of games, if nothing is happening in one, people will play another instead, meaning you don't see people who would normally have been sitting around with nothing to do.
I'd say you hit bullseye with that comment. At the moment there are so many (even free/free trial) MMOs, that if one gets boring, you go to the next, especially if there isn't much of a community. I always wondered/envied how some peeps could play the same game for 2, 3 or more years. Well, if SWG wouldn't have been nerfed...
Originally posted by Chaotica Is it just me? I can't seem to find a thriving gaming community in any game I've played lately. Are we all too spread out? Or am I just looking in all the wrong places?
i think its not tha game , its more about the comunity you find in the game , i plat one of the games people say it as a terrible comunity , and i love everyone in my guild and allience.
Originally posted by Smirch The only really healthy community I've seen so far is in WoW. Every other game I play has a pretty low population. There haven't been any big releases for months, and it looks like we have a few more months to go before anything else is unleashed. Most of us that are sick of WoW are doomed to float from game to game for the time being.
Heh, huge hordes of mostly immature players is the last thing the OP is looking for. numbers do not make a good community, in fact it often breaks one up.
There used to be a heck of a lot of RP on the Atlantean server of Anarchy Online, its getting harder to find, but its still there. Additionally, a lot of RPers are waiting for Age of Conan to come out as of now
No man is an island, entire of itself; every man is a piece of the continent, a part of the main. any man's death diminishes me, because I am involved in mankind, and therefore never send to know for whom the bell tolls; it tolls for thee. Hemingway
Originally posted by Dajmin I think one of the biggest reasons there don't seem to be the same communities as a few years ago is the sheer number of games thinning out the population. A few years ago there were only a couple of MMORPGs to play, and now there are dozens, if not hundreds. Another related reason is that people no longer want to have to sit and wait for hours in order to do anything. I'm sure most of the site users here know what it's like waiting for a particular creature to spawn or counting the hours you've been looking for a drop. Now with the number of games, if nothing is happening in one, people will play another instead, meaning you don't see people who would normally have been sitting around with nothing to do.
I'd have to agree with you on this as well. It seems we are all spread out pretty thin between games right now. Even some of my best friends from my DAoC and UO days all play different games now, so I can't even get our small group together.
I am hoping to find a game where I can log in, get out there and really meet some people that enjoy rping and gaming. I love a group that thinks up rp storylines and events that mesh well with the gaming environment. Heck, I'm even happy with groups that love to play and rp off the cuff.
I guess I just need to get out there and look harder. I currently play EQII, but I don't play on the Antonia Bayle server. I think I'll switch over to it and see what is going on there. I also just dl'd the free trial for Saga of Ryzom and DDO. I'm going to see what's going on inside those two. I'm also hoping that LotRO is done right so that it draws a real good rp community.
Thanks to all of you for your ideas and responses. I appreciate you taking the time to discuss this with me.
I'd venture to say that mature companions are scarce now because MMORPG's just aren't being designed for mature people anymore. The key demographic is a pimply faced, 13 year old loser who wants some instant gratification from his X-box, and would reply to you with a blank stare if you talked about strategy, challenge, commradeship, or the suspension of disbelief in a rich online world.
asheron's call had an awesome in game community
That's because the "core" game was there to support that kind of community in the first place. I'd go back again today if only they'd merge some servers to liven things up.
Originally posted by Chaotica I am hoping to find a game where I can log in, get out there and really meet some people that enjoy rping and gaming. I love a group that thinks up rp storylines and events that mesh well with the gaming environment. ... I also just dl'd the free trial for Saga of Ryzom and DDO. ...
I've no experience with DDO but I think you will find the Ryzom community very mature, helpful and role-playing friendly. This game might be what you're looking for. It certainly features a great storyline and very certainly it's the most unique virtual world out there at the moment.
I maintain this List of Sandbox MMORPGs. Please post or send PM for corrections and suggestions.
EvE has a mostly adult community with 140k players all one server. The corp I'm a member of has over 400 members and our allince has over 5000members. we have built (counts fingers and toes) 13ish player owned stations each of which took a LOT of team work.
Originally posted by Chaotica Is it just me? I can't seem to find a thriving gaming community in any game I've played lately. Are we all too spread out? Or am I just looking in all the wrong places?
Most of my friends fall into the following:
1) They are back playing CoH/V.
2) Playing another game until something they want comes out (vangaurd, aoc, BC expansion for wow). A couple have gone to Eve, others are just trying a lot of games (bored), other are not playing anything.
2) Playing another game until something they want comes out (vangaurd, aoc, BC expansion for wow). A couple have gone to Eve, others are just trying a lot of games (bored), other are not playing anything.
you really need to put yourself out there in whatever game you play.
myself, Im extremely picky when it comes to joining guilds. and, Im always in a guild.. in other words im not a solo gamer who relies on pick up groups.
i always research the server I join, and when available I always join roleplay servers to reduce (read, not eliminate) the asshole factor. once on a server, I start researching guilds and I pay attention to guild tags and make notes of all of the guilds/clans that I see most active and also pay attention to how its members behave and are named. When I get a feel for what clans/guilds are out there I try to contact them through forums or in game.
i have turned down more clans/guilds prior to becoming a member more then Ive been turned down. once you know what sort of group you want to be associated with, it gets easy to find this community.
I must add, dont settle on a sub par guild or clan. Finding a good game is easy in my opinion, finding a good clan/guild can be difficult. if you ever have doubts on your guild, start looking into other options.
"If you want a picture of the future, imagine a robot foot stomping on a human face -- forever."
I realy don't understand your question. For example, go to any popular forums about (insert X game here), and you will see a fairly thriving community. (Example, L2Blah for lineage II).
Or perhaps your talking about ingame communitys? I don't know, I realy don't understand the question fully.
Ah, sorry I wasn't clearer. I apologize.
I mean in game communities. Or maybe, more to the point, ingame communities that interest me.
I'm an avid rper and gamer. I look for mature companions to play with in game. It seems that I can't really find anything like that lately.
I feel like I'm looking on the wrong servers or in the wrong games or something.
A Voice From Within
RPing can be fairly hard sometimes to find a good community for it, especialy if you don't want to get interupted by a bunch of smacktards running around. (even though, I am one of those smacktards usualy, hah!). I would possibly recomend Everquest II on the Antonica-Bale server. It's an RP prefered server, and EQ II is probaly a good game to Rollplay in. (I played it for a bit. It has plenty of options for rollplay, however, I just didn't like it because SOE loves to nerf).
Other than that, I would agree that RP communties are getting "harder" to find as well. However, I am almost positive that in any game you should be able to find an RP guild that suites your tastes.
The game is gettin' old, but still plenty of tight knit communities left. Just try some of the Story PW servers, you'll probaly be hooked if there's an RPer in you.
I think one of the biggest reasons there don't seem to be the same communities as a few years ago is the sheer number of games thinning out the population. A few years ago there were only a couple of MMORPGs to play, and now there are dozens, if not hundreds.
Another related reason is that people no longer want to have to sit and wait for hours in order to do anything. I'm sure most of the site users here know what it's like waiting for a particular creature to spawn or counting the hours you've been looking for a drop.
Now with the number of games, if nothing is happening in one, people will play another instead, meaning you don't see people who would normally have been sitting around with nothing to do.
i think its not tha game , its more about the comunity you find in the game , i plat one of the games people say it as a terrible comunity , and i love everyone in my guild and allience.
feel free to join the forum , if you have the game you can also wisper me : neoteo ex animo
Guild -
Blog -
Heh, huge hordes of mostly immature players is the last thing the OP is looking for. numbers do not make a good community, in fact it often breaks one up.
There used to be a heck of a lot of RP on the Atlantean server of Anarchy Online, its getting harder to find, but its still there. Additionally, a lot of RPers are waiting for Age of Conan to come out as of now
No man is an island, entire of itself; every man is a piece of the continent, a part of the main. any man's death diminishes me, because I am involved in mankind, and therefore never send to know for whom the bell tolls; it tolls for thee.
I'd have to agree with you on this as well. It seems we are all spread out pretty thin between games right now. Even some of my best friends from my DAoC and UO days all play different games now, so I can't even get our small group together.
I am hoping to find a game where I can log in, get out there and really meet some people that enjoy rping and gaming. I love a group that thinks up rp storylines and events that mesh well with the gaming environment. Heck, I'm even happy with groups that love to play and rp off the cuff.
I guess I just need to get out there and look harder. I currently play EQII, but I don't play on the Antonia Bayle server. I think I'll switch over to it and see what is going on there. I also just dl'd the free trial for Saga of Ryzom and DDO. I'm going to see what's going on inside those two. I'm also hoping that LotRO is done right so that it draws a real good rp community.
Thanks to all of you for your ideas and responses. I appreciate you taking the time to discuss this with me.
A Voice From Within
I look for mature companions to play with
I'd venture to say that mature companions are scarce now because MMORPG's just aren't being designed for mature people anymore. The key demographic is a pimply faced, 13 year old loser who wants some instant gratification from his X-box, and would reply to you with a blank stare if you talked about strategy, challenge, commradeship, or the suspension of disbelief in a rich online world.
asheron's call had an awesome in game community
That's because the "core" game was there to support that kind of community in the first place. I'd go back again today if only they'd merge some servers to liven things up.
I maintain this List of Sandbox MMORPGs. Please post or send PM for corrections and suggestions.
For every minute you are angry , you lose 60 seconds of happiness."-Emerson
Most of my friends fall into the following:
1) They are back playing CoH/V.
2) Playing another game until something they want comes out (vangaurd, aoc, BC expansion for wow). A couple have gone to Eve, others are just trying a lot of games (bored), other are not playing anything.
That sounds like most of my friends as well.
A Voice From Within
any game thats designed to be community bases has a good community. see wurmonline
I find it amazing that by 2020 first world countries will be competing to get immigrants.
Sent you a mail, Chaotica.

In memory of Laura "Taera" Genender. Passed away on August 13, 2008.
Got it, katriell! Thanks so much for all this fantastic info!
Checking out all the links now.
Much appreciated!
A Voice From Within
you really need to put yourself out there in whatever game you play.
myself, Im extremely picky when it comes to joining guilds. and, Im always in a guild.. in other words im not a solo gamer who relies on pick up groups.
i always research the server I join, and when available I always join roleplay servers to reduce (read, not eliminate) the asshole factor. once on a server, I start researching guilds and I pay attention to guild tags and make notes of all of the guilds/clans that I see most active and also pay attention to how its members behave and are named. When I get a feel for what clans/guilds are out there I try to contact them through forums or in game.
i have turned down more clans/guilds prior to becoming a member more then Ive been turned down. once you know what sort of group you want to be associated with, it gets easy to find this community.
I must add, dont settle on a sub par guild or clan. Finding a good game is easy in my opinion, finding a good clan/guild can be difficult. if you ever have doubts on your guild, start looking into other options.
"If you want a picture of the future, imagine a robot foot stomping on a human face -- forever."