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Will You Leave EQII for LotRO?

ChaoticaChaotica Member UncommonPosts: 93
Just thought I'd get an idea of how many might head on over to LotRO when it goes live.

A Voice From Within



  • ElnatorElnator Member Posts: 6,077

    Originally posted by Chaotica
    Just thought I'd get an idea of how many might head on over to LotRO when it goes live.


    LOTRO is being made by Turbine
    DDO was made by Turbine
    AC2 was made by Turbine
    AC1 was made by Turbine

    None of the prior 3 were particularly awe inspiring.  AC1 was pretty good but even it had issues that caused it to never exceed 120k subs even when it was getting decent advertizement/visibility.   It lingered in the shadow of EQ and UO and then DAOC came along and passed it as have several other MMORPG's since.  Anyone who is expecting much out of LOTRO is in for a dissapointment.

    I plan to try the beta... but I'm not expecting much.

    Currently Playing: Dungeons and Dragons Online.
    Sig image Pending
    Still in: A couple Betas

  • herculeshercules Member UncommonPosts: 4,925

    if its good i buy it and since i am down on time nowadays i probably only play it if its better then EQ2.

    That said i have little faith in turbine after DDO and AC2.

  • CelestianCelestian Member UncommonPosts: 1,136
    I seriously doubt I will play anything by Turbine ever after DD0.

    They got some seriously screwed up management there.

  • nthnaounnthnaoun Member Posts: 1,438

    Originally posted by Elnator

    Originally posted by Chaotica
    Just thought I'd get an idea of how many might head on over to LotRO when it goes live.

    LOTRO is being made by Turbine
    DDO was made by Turbine
    AC2 was made by Turbine
    AC1 was made by Turbine

    None of the prior 3 were particularly awe inspiring.  AC1 was pretty good but even it had issues that caused it to never exceed 120k subs even when it was getting decent advertizement/visibility.   It lingered in the shadow of EQ and UO and then DAOC came along and passed it as have several other MMORPG's since.  Anyone who is expecting much out of LOTRO is in for a dissapointment.

    I plan to try the beta... but I'm not expecting much.

    I quote Elnator here, because what he says is true. While you would think LOTRO would be an instant success or maybe I just wish it would, Turbine is making it. Turbines games aren't horrible, but they don't appeal to the masses nor me. I'll stick with the Station Pass. If I play any other game, it will be Vanguard, but even then, I could play them all on Station Pass.
  • bedolla3401bedolla3401 Member Posts: 293
    hell no
  • ChaoticaChaotica Member UncommonPosts: 93


    You all have me all depressed now.

    Man, I really hope they don't mess it up! I've been waiting for LotRO for years now!

    A Voice From Within

  • CelestianCelestian Member UncommonPosts: 1,136

    Originally posted by Chaotica

    You all have me all depressed now.
    Man, I really hope they don't mess it up! I've been waiting for LotRO for years now!

    Think of all those D&D fans that were brutally shot down by D&D Online. The mass graves are the size of Long Island.

    After I went into DD0 beta and it was released as it was in beta I lost all interest in LotrO.

  • TallynTallyn Member UncommonPosts: 217
    Looking at the previous trends for books/movies turned into video games, I'm actually more afraid than excited for LotRO. As we have seen with WoW, only video games make good video games. Hell, even "board games" make bad MMORPGs now.

    I could be wrong. In fact, I hope I am terribly wrong, but in the long run I am pretty sure that LotRO will be nothing extraordinary and just another SWG or DDO.

    Turbine broke my heart with DDO. I'm still bitter towards their idea to hide behind a popular franchise name, but maybe they can change my mind... and maybe they will make another flop and continue their reputation for closing down games.

    Time will tell.

    Good luck to all of you who jump on the Middle-earth bandwagon. Tell us how it is. I'll be trying to find a group in EverQuest 2 and pushing new limits in Vanguard.
  • scaramooshscaramoosh Member Posts: 3,424


    no pvp? lol

    Don't click here...no2

  • joda84joda84 Member Posts: 11
    I will play both EQ2 and LotRO.  I really do not care for pvp, I don't want to be "pwned" everytime just because I don't spend every second of my life getting gear.


  • ChaoticaChaotica Member UncommonPosts: 93
    I was afraid to try DDO at launch, after preordering and playing SWG when it first came out. I am an avid D&D player as well and I was just too afraid to be disappointed by the online game. When are these companies going to learn? Surely the start up costs are still far more than the start up subscriptions. They can't be making money off these crappy games. They need to start listening to their beta testers... and they need to put more time into developing the games. *Sighs*

    A Voice From Within

  • GreyfaceGreyface Member Posts: 390

    Originally posted by Celestian
    I seriously doubt I will play anything by Turbine ever after DD0.

    They got some seriously screwed up management there.

    QFT... and you could be excused for forgetting Asheron's Call 2.


  • M1sf1tM1sf1t Member UncommonPosts: 1,583
    I played DDO and disliked it but that is not the reason I wont be playing LoTRO. The fact is the game just looks plain and boring. The game play from what I here is grind and raid with very little in-between to warrant me to switch from EQ2. Besides if I can't play a Uruk Hai or Hardrim desert warrior fighting for The Great Eye of Saraun then there is no point in playing that game IMHO.

    Games I've played/tried out:WAR, LOTRO, Tabula Rasa, AoC, EQ1, EQ2, WoW, Vangaurd, FFXI, D&DO, Lineage 2, Saga Of Ryzom, EvE Online, DAoC, Guild Wars,Star Wars Galaxies, Hell Gate London, Auto Assault, Grando Espada ( AKA SoTNW ), Archlord, CoV/H, Star Trek Online, APB, Champions Online, FFXIV, Rift Online, GW2.

    Game(s) I Am Currently Playing:

    GW2 (+LoL and BF3)

  • ZwerchfellZwerchfell Member Posts: 37
    I didn't like the last 2 Turbine games so I don't expect much from LOTRO. So no

  • DarkikonDarkikon Member UncommonPosts: 42
    Games based on movies, however good, have never really been very good. Likewise...movies based on games usually stink too. Resident Evil is probably the best movie based on a video game and it was pretty borderline (but Milla Jovovich spent much of her time onscreen half-naked so that was cool).
  • bouncingsoulbouncingsoul Member Posts: 211
    Turbine has me skeptical about LOTRO after seeing DDO become a bit underwhelming. I wish that Turbine could still be run by the initial creators and devs for Asherons Call 1. That game was simply awesome, but nothing they've put out since has really done anything for me (other than Ac2, and that was after I got past all the bugs).

  • HEYuSHOOSHHEYuSHOOSH Member UncommonPosts: 107
    ya ddo sucked, i hope turbine can tearn this game around and do something good with it.

  • infernerinferner Member Posts: 5
    I ' ll definately give it a try just for the name, but I don't believe I'm gonna quit everquest 2 for it.

  • ColdmeatColdmeat Member UncommonPosts: 3,410

    IP's with an already long instilled fanbase do not make good virtual worlds, let alone great ones. While on the outside it might seem like a good idea, it just doesn't translate well.

    Take SWG as a prime example. If it had simply been a scifi MMO with no connection to the Star Wars IP, I am absolutely certain it would have been better recieved, bugs and such notwithstanding. The very nature of the beast means that the canon of the IP will be violated, like the whole Jedi thing, and the preexisting fanbase is going to hate it, simply because it can't live up to the fantasy they've been living in their imagination for god knows how many years.

    LotR will be the exact same. Everyone wants to be Aragorn, or Gandalf, or in my case the Ring Wraiths, or Sauron or what have you, but barring 24/7 babysitting by a dedicated staff of GM's creating the illusion that any given character is the central hero of the game world, disappointment is inevitable. While it might seem cool to interact with the major players from the books, the reality of the situation simply does not support the assumption. Maybe in 10 years when the hardware, and mob/npc AI has improved by an order of magnitude such a conversion of a popular IP might be viable, but in a MMO world of respawns, and character interaction limited to passing out simple minded fed ex quests, it just ain't happening, sparky. Nothing to do with Turbine, although they may well drop the ball before it leaves the gate, it's going to be panned irregardless of who develops it.

    Which is not to say that LotRO will be a bad game, simply a bad translation of the original IP

  • wyzwunwyzwun Member Posts: 328

    Originally posted by nthnaoun

    Originally posted by Elnator

    Originally posted by Chaotica
    Just thought I'd get an idea of how many might head on over to LotRO when it goes live.

    LOTRO is being made by Turbine
    DDO was made by Turbine
    AC2 was made by Turbine
    AC1 was made by Turbine

    None of the prior 3 were particularly awe inspiring.  AC1 was pretty good but even it had issues that caused it to never exceed 120k subs even when it was getting decent advertizement/visibility.   It lingered in the shadow of EQ and UO and then DAOC came along and passed it as have several other MMORPG's since.  Anyone who is expecting much out of LOTRO is in for a dissapointment.

    I plan to try the beta... but I'm not expecting much.

    I quote Elnator here, because what he says is true. While you would think LOTRO would be an instant success or maybe I just wish it would, Turbine is making it. Turbines games aren't horrible, but they don't appeal to the masses nor me. I'll stick with the Station Pass. If I play any other game, it will be Vanguard, but even then, I could play them all on Station Pass.

    I am quoting both of you because what your saying is 100% flase...

    Rites of the Four Horsemen

  • ElnatorElnator Member Posts: 6,077

    Originally posted by wyzwun

    Originally posted by nthnaoun

    Originally posted by Elnator

    Originally posted by Chaotica
    Just thought I'd get an idea of how many might head on over to LotRO when it goes live.

    LOTRO is being made by Turbine
    DDO was made by Turbine
    AC2 was made by Turbine
    AC1 was made by Turbine

    None of the prior 3 were particularly awe inspiring.  AC1 was pretty good but even it had issues that caused it to never exceed 120k subs even when it was getting decent advertizement/visibility.   It lingered in the shadow of EQ and UO and then DAOC came along and passed it as have several other MMORPG's since.  Anyone who is expecting much out of LOTRO is in for a dissapointment.

    I plan to try the beta... but I'm not expecting much.

    I quote Elnator here, because what he says is true. While you would think LOTRO would be an instant success or maybe I just wish it would, Turbine is making it. Turbines games aren't horrible, but they don't appeal to the masses nor me. I'll stick with the Station Pass. If I play any other game, it will be Vanguard, but even then, I could play them all on Station Pass.

    I am quoting both of you because what your saying is 100% flase...


    What does FLASE mean?

    PS: Everything I said is verifyable fact.  Thanks.

    Currently Playing: Dungeons and Dragons Online.
    Sig image Pending
    Still in: A couple Betas

  • EnigmaEnigma Member UncommonPosts: 11,384

    Turbine is to MMOs


    Air Supply is to Modern Rock

    I will not be caught dead with a Turbine product. 

    People who have to create conspiracy and hate threads to further a cause lacks in intellectual comprehension of diversity.

  • airheadairhead Member UncommonPosts: 718
    ditto... i took an oath to stay away from Turbine after the AC2 fiasco. This saved me from wasting any money on DDO. I love all things tolkien, but a turbine game will probably change that for me.
  • ThenThen Member UncommonPosts: 80

    Never will I leave EQII for that:D

    I love EQII with all my heart!

    Hope there are lots of us that feal the same!



  • WolfmeisterWolfmeister Member UncommonPosts: 50

    Lets see... no evil races, no pvp, no factional warfare...

    What was the point of playing again? :)

    I mean, the quest and friendly adventure scheme got released early with DDO. Now, dont get me wrong, DDO has the potential to be great... just that... it isnt:)

    Flashforward to LOTRO; no real casting classes, no pvp, friendly co op play only, and no say how they are going to fill this void other than awe inspiring quests.

    But so as not to be too much of a negative nellie I will say one good thing about LOTRO; at least they will have minstrels LOL.

    We are the Founding Fathers in this virtual world in which we create. As such it seems we must do what our Founding Fathers had to do.. in order to let our fellow gamers have a fair shake.

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