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I still have a frigate but, it goes 870m/s with after burner. I was wondering if there are any ships that go faster and are good for what i am going to do.
I want a ship like the one from firefly. I was pointed to a transport ship, but it is out of my price/skill range right now.
I chat with some fellows who fly interceptors religiously. One of them was boasting a speed of 7300 m/s. He has excellent navigation skills and a lot of faction gear, so I'm sure he has put a lot of time into being one of the fastest pilots around.
To answer the question at hand, 800+ m/s in a standard frigate is a fairly quick combat ready speed. If you are looking to be a blurry streak and nothing more than a blip on the radar, you'll want to train for flying interceptors.
I put a good named afterburner(forget the name, "cold-gas arcjet" or something) on my Slasher(minmatar frigate) and a nanofiber internal structure hull mod and I can get over 1km/s easy, just thought I would mention a T1 newbie fast setup.
I don't know what you mean by firefly, I can get my Mammoth (minmatar industrial) over 500 m/s with a good afterburner and those overdrive injectors, if you don't want to take the hit to your cargo hold you can use nanofiber internal structure hull mods on that too, again a T1 solution. The afterburner empties your capaciter quite quickly but is good for the 15km to a stargate.
Transport ships are T2 indies and probably even faster, or have an extra low level slot or something for a speed mod.
I got my ship to 960 m/s. So I am pretty satisfied with the speed.
This is Serenity from FireFly. It is a basically a ship they use to transport passengers, livestock, illegal goods, ect.
I used to have an Osprey that I named Serenity. So I would say Osprey is the closest.
THanks, I'll check it out right now.
1) pilots with T1 gear
2) pilots with T2 ships/faction modules
3) fully faction equipped pilots
With a T1 frigate (executioner) and a T1 mwd (not that long to train) you can hit 3,000 m/s+ very easily which is quite a decent speed.
With a T2 frigate (any interceptor) with a T2 mwd , you can hit about 5,000 m/s , throw on a gistii mwd , you can hit 6,000 m/s.
The crazy pilots who have a full set of high-grade snake implants (approx. value of $1.5B) with gistii mwd's can hit excess speeds of 10,000 m/s while using domination overdrives and nanofibers.
Fighting a crow with long-range missiles that can do 10 km/s is REALLY not cool >_> ... unless you have a full set of halo implants and his missiles do SFA to you
Dakilla[666] ~ The Realm ~ Level 1000 enchanter (retired)
Maranthoric ~ La 4ieme Prophetie ~ Level 160 (5x) HE/Feu (de retour)
Leonthoric[DDC] ~ EVE online ~ <Fire The "Laser"> (retired)
For speed records we are talking over 10km/s. But that requiers VERY expensive stuff. 3-4b isk in implants and several 100m isk in modules and a friend with with a t2 battlecruiser and maxed out speed gang skills.
But without too much effort you can easily go 4-5km/s. You only need an Interceptor with a t2 microwarp drive and some named nanofibers. Maybe 2-3 months of skill training and 20-30m isk.
As for ship while the Osprey might look a bit like Serenity I think an Exequror would be closer to it in function. Osprey is a mining cruiser, Exequror is a cargo cruiser.
"The Exequror is a heavy cargo cruiser capable of defending itself against raiding frigates, but lacks prowess in heavier combat situations. It is mainly used in relatively peaceful areas where bulk and strength is needed without too much investment involved."
"Memories are meant to fade. They're designed that way for a reason."
All speed in Eve is knowing the stacks.
Low spots mean more injecotrs. 30 ms is small, then x 5 is not so small.
Then add mwd or AB and it can be up to 600% of 30 x 5 and say a base of 275.
If you look at armor tankers, they have alot of low slots. Amarr cruisers for example can be converted into bullets.
The fastest tech 1 is perhaps the factional Daredevil because it has a huge bonus for MWD activation. A nooblet could easy get 2200ms true speed out of it. While say the above Amarr shows 3600 T1 speed, you never really get there, inertia is too low and it takes too long.
On Inertia, this dictates your warp out speed as well and that is where Frigates and other tiny vessels rule. They warp fast, the gain speed fast. For the nooblet though, 3 months or less just look for more low slots and don't cry if you have to sac a little cargo because there is the core of Eve. All actions have a reaction, all good is neutralized.
**head explodes**
For effective, day-to-day speed, you'll want to look at gallente or minmatar ships. The Rifter pulls down excellent speed for a t1 frigate with a MWD, and packs a serious punch as well. Slashers lack any real combat or hauling capability, but can almost outrun interceptors. Ruptures and stabbers are very quick at the cruiser level, although a thorax has more sustainable speed. An exequeror makes a nice, quick hauling cruiser, although it doesnt have the ability to absorb damage like the t2 transport ships.