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I would like to thank all the posters here who prevented me from spoiling $55 buying this game. I almost tried to buy the pionneer offer but a friend of mine who was in early beta told me the game was a f.. p.. o.. s.. t.. w.. p.. #!$ #%%!! (approx. quote)
I tried SoG and according to what I have read, it is so different from DnL when it come to the game's name that it would be petty to point the finger at the games' likenesses.
Anyway, thank you, thank you, without you I would have spoiled hard earned money.
Your welcome.
Not only did you save yourself $60 bucks... but I'm told these forums are far much "funner" that Dark & Light.
No problem. We are gamers and we have to look out for each other.
I have to chime in here . . . thanks all for warning me away from this POS. I get mad when I see fanbois complaning about haters and their negative reviews that are keeping people away from DnL. Well YEAH, because the game SUCKS! I dont want to spend $60 of my hard-earned cash to find out that what looks and smells like shit, actually TASTES like shit also!
And its not just the money. I have a full time job with long hours, and when I get off I just wanna hang with my friends, or go out w/ my gf, or relax and play a good game. When I think about all the time I would've wasted or the aggravation I woud've had from DnL~!
I don''t really know when Humankind will die out but i''m guessing about 6 years before WOW.
What they don't seem to realize is almost everyone here wanted to play the game that was promised. I know I started watching it in '04. I preferred coming here because the truth seems to come out here. They weren't censored like the official boards. The only reason I've really jumped on the "hate train" is because I don't want to see future companies get away with the crap these guys did. I want my games to be released with more testing, not less. I want my game to have more stuff to do, not less. If people give those guys money, more con artists will jump on the bandwagon and take advantage of people.