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Test your IQ

GundamitGundamit Member Posts: 268

Congratulations, Gundamit!
Your IQ score is 127

This number is based on a scientific formula that compares how many questions you answered correctly on the Classic IQ Test relative to others.

Your Intellectual Type is Insightful Linguist. This means you are highly intelligent and have the natural fluency of a writer and the visual and spatial strengths of an artist. Those skills contribute to your creative and expressive mind. And that's just some of what we know about you from your test results.


Ok, now lets see how the rest of you do!





  • SerienSerien Member CommonPosts: 8,460


    they asked for my info, and i entered it, and nothing happened...

    it just like refreshed the page...meh


  • UiruruUiruru Member Posts: 984
    That was kind of long... Well not really... I feel kind of disappointed... According to this my IQ is only 135... imageimageimage  Oh and it said my type was Visual Mathematician...

    Oh my god... dont ask where i found it

    A: 73% S: 66% K: 33% E: 26%

    98% of the teenage population does or has tried smoking pot. If you're one of the 98% who has, copy & paste this in your signature.

    A: 73% S: 66% K: 33% E: 26%

  • SatansDiscipleSatansDisciple Member Posts: 2,782

    im 157 bizatches!!! :P. im a visual mathemetician thing too.

    "This is the beginning of a new day. You have been given this day to use as you will. You can waste it or use it for good. What you do today is important because you are exchanging a day of your life for it. When tomorrow comes, this day will be gone forever; in its place is something that you have left behind...let it be something good."
    - Unknown Author


  • UiruruUiruru Member Posts: 984
    Yeah, but how many did you guess on?

    Oh my god... dont ask where i found it

    A: 73% S: 66% K: 33% E: 26%

    98% of the teenage population does or has tried smoking pot. If you're one of the 98% who has, copy & paste this in your signature.

    A: 73% S: 66% K: 33% E: 26%

  • SatansDiscipleSatansDisciple Member Posts: 2,782

    none actually... i never knew i was this smart :::^D::

    "This is the beginning of a new day. You have been given this day to use as you will. You can waste it or use it for good. What you do today is important because you are exchanging a day of your life for it. When tomorrow comes, this day will be gone forever; in its place is something that you have left behind...let it be something good."
    - Unknown Author


  • UiruruUiruru Member Posts: 984

    Yeah right, I dont believe you


    Oh my god... dont ask where i found it

    A: 73% S: 66% K: 33% E: 26%

    98% of the teenage population does or has tried smoking pot. If you're one of the 98% who has, copy & paste this in your signature.

    A: 73% S: 66% K: 33% E: 26%

  • SquareSquare Member Posts: 254
    My IQ is 144 and I'm a visionary philosopher.

    Screw ENIX

    It's hip to be square.

  • magik_fxmagik_fx Member, Newbie CommonPosts: 278

    i got a 136 and....

    Your Intellectual Type is Word Warrior. This means you have exceptional verbal skills. You can easily make sense of complex issues and take an unusually creative approach to solving problems. Your strengths also make you a visionary. Even without trying you're able to come up with lots of new and creative ideas.

  • UiruruUiruru Member Posts: 984
    im thinking about retaking it and seeing how low a score I can get... I bet it is rigged...

    Oh my god... dont ask where i found it

    A: 73% S: 66% K: 33% E: 26%

    98% of the teenage population does or has tried smoking pot. If you're one of the 98% who has, copy & paste this in your signature.

    A: 73% S: 66% K: 33% E: 26%

  • SquareSquare Member Posts: 254

    "Find out more about your unique intellectual strengths in your personalized 15-page IQ report. It's ready right now!"

    What kind of an idiot would pay $15.00 for that? Anyway, I thought real IQ tests took about a day to complete.

    Screw ENIX

    It's hip to be square.

  • DekronDekron Member UncommonPosts: 7,360
    Congratulations, Dekron!
    Your IQ score is


    33.333333333333336% of me is a huge nerd! How about you?

  • DekronDekron Member UncommonPosts: 7,360
    oh btw it said visionary philosopher...not sure how it calculates that


    33.333333333333336% of me is a huge nerd! How about you?

  • SatansDiscipleSatansDisciple Member Posts: 2,782

    is it different everytime?

    "This is the beginning of a new day. You have been given this day to use as you will. You can waste it or use it for good. What you do today is important because you are exchanging a day of your life for it. When tomorrow comes, this day will be gone forever; in its place is something that you have left behind...let it be something good."
    - Unknown Author


  • UiruruUiruru Member Posts: 984
    Seriously, I have taken a real IQ test before and they take a few hours.  Your score is also based on how long it takes you to finish a problem...

    Oh my god... dont ask where i found it

    A: 73% S: 66% K: 33% E: 26%

    98% of the teenage population does or has tried smoking pot. If you're one of the 98% who has, copy & paste this in your signature.

    A: 73% S: 66% K: 33% E: 26%

  • DekronDekron Member UncommonPosts: 7,360

    true true.  If you really want to prove yourself take the Mensa test (  Then you can feel proud if you are accepted.  They only allow people membership  that rate in the top 2% IQ in the world.


    33.333333333333336% of me is a huge nerd! How about you?

  • UiruruUiruru Member Posts: 984
    Yeah... that stuff is crazy... I did some of their problems one time... it was crazy... I got alot of them right... but still... wow...

    Oh my god... dont ask where i found it

    A: 73% S: 66% K: 33% E: 26%

    98% of the teenage population does or has tried smoking pot. If you're one of the 98% who has, copy & paste this in your signature.

    A: 73% S: 66% K: 33% E: 26%

  • RasukeRasuke Member Posts: 362
    I've seen this before on another forum and everyone agreed it was completely innacurate.  If all of you were that smart you would be in college by the age of 15 most likely.  And just so you know the first time I took it I got 166 proving how wrong it is.  Trust me, this quiz isn't very good.  You want to know your IQ, go take one of the REAL quizes out there, cus this one is just feeding you lies.

    I'm back I think... get over it.

    image image image

  • UiruruUiruru Member Posts: 984
    Well put...

    Oh my god... dont ask where i found it

    A: 73% S: 66% K: 33% E: 26%

    98% of the teenage population does or has tried smoking pot. If you're one of the 98% who has, copy & paste this in your signature.

    A: 73% S: 66% K: 33% E: 26%

  • magik_fxmagik_fx Member, Newbie CommonPosts: 278

    Yeah unfortunately this is mostly just a ploy to get you to buy the 15 page booklet so you can brag about your think they'll give you a low score and expect you to buy it and show it off?

  • GundamitGundamit Member Posts: 268
    And it's fun image



  • ParaTrooperParaTrooper Member Posts: 1,961
    Those online IQ tests are fun but not accurate, if you really want to know ur IQ i suggest getting a proper test done, i have and my score from that test was nowhere near my real IQ.... maybe it's because i just woke up image

    Achiever 86% Killer 80% Socializer 20% Explorer 13%

    *Notice: The views expressed in this post are solely those of the author... got sick of holding backspace.
    ParaTrooper, That guy that used to mod the forums.

  • StormbowStormbow Member UncommonPosts: 202
    LOL  127 here too.  I skipped most of the "harder" math problems because I hate doing long math.  :X

    [Edit]  Took the Emotional Test too, scored 126 on that one.  [/Edit]

    Emode's been around a LOOOOONG time.  The oldest test I have results for is "What's your emotional Age?" taken "October 16, 2000".  Gotta love Emode!

  • digitydarkmandigitydarkman Member Posts: 2,194

    Heres How It Goes:


    Very Low IQ - Your An Idiot

    Low IQ - Your Alright

    Normal IQ - Your Just Fine

    High IQ - Your Alright

    Very High IQ - Your An Idiot


  • StormbowStormbow Member UncommonPosts: 202

    Originally posted by digitydarkman

    Heres How It Goes:
    Very Low IQ - Your An Idiot
    Low IQ - Your Alright
    Normal IQ - Your Just Fine
    High IQ - Your Alright
    Very High IQ - Your An Idiot

    More like:

    Very Low IQ: You're an idiot.
    Low IQ: You're alright.
    Average IQ: You're average, duh.
    High IQ: You're probably an idiot that makes fun of people with a lower IQ than you.

    Very High IQ: You're a flaming liar.

    Can't tell ya how many "hundreds" of people...gamer geeks mostly...that I've heard say their IQ is in or above the 140's mark.  Can I get an "AMEN!"?  LOL

  • PsychoSmurfPsychoSmurf Member Posts: 6
    i took that "tickle by emode IQ test" a while ago..... i got a 178 and i was a visual problem solver, or something to that effect

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