We see many MMO goings on these days.. and pvp is nearly a must-to-be in a strong one, with some tittle like Dark age of camelot, World of warcraft we have see a great pvp system that take place and give a new fresh wind to the MMO style, do you think Vanguard can be a major blow without it ?? Pirates of the burning sea, warhammer online,Age of Conan this tittle promise a strong pve environnement, graphics and pvp content,faction wars, pvp rewards... I hope Vanguard don't hit the market a bit too late....
I see what you are saying, but I think the PvP in Vanguard will be great. They already said that they are not going to Pin PvP to Vanguard at the the very top just so they will have it. They are going to work on PvP like a whole new game with very different settings.
I think they are just taking their time with it.
Vanguard is supposed to have PvP servers, but they talk like they aren't going to just have PvP thrown into the game like in EQ, but have some type of meaningful PvP. And they may have some different types of PvP servers at that. Not sure what they are thinking when they say meaningful PvP, but it is in the plan.
I would think it depends on the quality of the PvE content. If it is simple kill task then no because we already have lots of that type of gaming.
It would be hard to compare with the games you have listed as they all have a proposed heavy PvP focus. When a game has a primary focus on PvP, the PvE content tends to suffer but people are looking for the PvP and it does not have as much of a negitive impact.
DAoC, although a good game had a terrible grind back in the old days. A terrible, dull, stand in a corner and kill the same mob over and over, worse then L2, grind. The PvP aspect kept it out of trouble though as it was full and complete. The rest of the game was improved and the grind was reduced. Overall the content was very bland. (at least it was up until ToA) The reason L2 caught so much flak is because the grind is considerably longer because of the higher level cap (and corresponding increased math of the XP tables) but no different from DAoC in the content respect HOWEVER we already had a tough PvP focused game with a tough grind. People where burned out on it already.
At some point in MMO's PvE has come to mean kill task.
WoW's content basic kill task. There is nothing more to it. It has easy leveling, decent rewards and PvP so no one b*tches about it to much. Not until lvl 60 at least. overall however, WoW is a grind game. No real inovation at heart really.
A strong PvE focus game needs strong content if that is all it has. If the content is just "go and kill me 10 rats" type stuff, this game will not do to well........because we already have that type of gameplay.....many many times over at this point. EQII already has that covered. Its a good looking, kill task grinder.
You can grind WoW, you can grind L2, you can grind DAoC, its all the same, it just depends how much time you want to give to the game.....How many different skins can people play that type of game with?
Asheron's Call was probably the best case for the non-kill task related content. AC did degenerate into a scavenger hunt though as the the content was pretty much item focused. Basically they implemented harder and harder dungeons (quest) with better and better rewards. Each new reward outclassed the previous ones. AC solution pretty much has been increase the level caps and feed the same thing. Turbine just sucks as a game designing company though, look at the track record.
PvPers are mostly hardcore and even on fourms like this one only about 25% are PvPers. That % is much smaller in the outside world of players who do not post. EQ1 only had a few servers, same for EQ2 now. PvP would be nice, but it tends to become the main point of a game unless restrictions are in place, and restrictions tend to make PvP boring.
So unless a game is designed with PvP as its main point you will not find it successfully used in MMOs that start out as PvE without major changes. The number of servers will be what the population demands and we will most likely see once again just a few servers will have it as we do in other games.
Insert generic anime quote/My Chemical Romance lyrics here.