David Whatley, the CEO of Simutronics, sat us down and gave us a run through.
Wyr the system through which they plug special abilities into people, items and abilities is, according to him, the heart of the game. Players can collect wyr, which are like an evolution of City of Villains enhancements, through quests, monster bashing, trading, etc.
Rather than simple buffs, wyr are give and take and the major way players customize their items and selves in the game. For example, one wyr added fire damage to a sword (and some cool flames), but decreased its cold damage. Theyre tradeoffs. Whats more, when combined with special other wyrs, they can combine to form a special ability. In the example we saw, Val Zeairs strength and Val Zeairs luck combined to not only enhance the sword, but also provide the player with a special bonus to their jumping ability. Players are not expressly told which wyr combine in ways like this, Whatley considers part of the process of discovery. |
i want this game, now.
I am the flipside of the coin on which the troll and the fanboy are but one side.
whoa whoa whoa whoa....whoa!??
You can be a combination of races ??
If this is true...I mean I've never even thought about having that in a game....I mean back when I played P&P games I did but a MMO?
Simu...you just blew my mind!
When you do something right people won't be sure you've done anything at all.
(Simu/HJ FTW)
Exactly. End of bother.
(Hmm... that ryhmed...)
Um, you know I am Brynn. I'm pushing like crazy for them.
Leezardman FTW!
Great stuff!
Thanks for the article, now can we have more???
They plan on having 4 races at release, with 2 sub races in each race. Humans(Old Bloods & Togs), Stoneborne (Stoic Burians (Dwarves) & Qwi(Gnomes)), Ilvari (Mistfolk (High Elves), Earthfolk(Wood Elves) and Suwari (Cat people,
Thanks to Hero's Hall for the linkys.
LOL, yeah, I was just waiting for E3, so people would be reminded how good this game can be. It really puts stuff like Vangaurd to shame, but doesn't have the publicity. It blew people away last year, and it's going to do it again this year. It wont be a sleeper for much longer I don't think.
Guild Wars 2 is my religion
half-elf, half-dwarf? Nah think bigger...err I mean...smaller? Anyways a half-dwarf, half- swuari is where it's at !
Enter the kitten brigade !
When you do something right people won't be sure you've done anything at all.
It does in fact affect height and build. You can already use the slider to create a character that's a mix of Burian (short, stocky) and Ilvari (tall, slender, pointy ears). Plus you can then make the figure skinnier or bulkier in the next set of options.
It does in fact affect height and build. You can already use the slider to create a character that's a mix of Burian (short, stocky) and Ilvari (tall, slender, pointy ears). Plus you can then make the figure skinnier or bulkier in the next set of options.
Perfect. I will be making ilvari-burians and tog-ilvaris. I couldn't ask for better customizing functions. I always wished in WoW I could be a nightelf dwarf. Take your time and make this game right (but not too long that the graphics start to look dated).
Guild Wars 2 is my religion
Why would our graphics ever look dated? We're not going to just stop working on the game.
I highly doubt they're going to be firing all the artists and programmers just because people are playing it.
That includes after you all can actually play the game.
Hero's Journey GM
Hero's Journey Official Site
Hero's Hall
I played Gemstone III when it was free from AOL and for a few years after it moved to total control from Simu. It has been by far the best online rpg I have played. I think and hope that Simu will put the same if not more effort into Hero's Journey.
I can't wait to see more of this game and for it to come out.