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IMHO, this is something seriously lacking in MMORPG's...Mini-games are a big part of the reason i buy games now. Remember in Final Fantasy, the card game you could play? What about Full-Auto (i think thats what its called) with all the mini-games?
now picture this. The WAR arena. 2 combatants (or two teams, whatever...) are about to square off. PLACE YOUR BETS!
YOU: "well jeez, i dont know...Erasmus is ranked 8th on the top-100 list, but this newcomer has flashed through the ranks because of his uber gear..."
Announcer: "Erasmus is going off at 42:1 odds!"
YOU: "100g on Erasmus, man i hope he pulls it off...."
not only do i think the coding would be "fairly easy", i think it would add an element to the game that would make it unique within itself. Throw in a card game of some sort. the more you win, the better cards you get, the higher you move up the ladder.
Maybe its wishful thinking, but i think ANY mmorpg would increase sales if it had more "side content" other than PvP, leveling, and "grind the best character..."
anyone agree? disagree?
| - 40k MMO fansite
I had also seen this picture before, and hope against hope that things like this make it in to the final game, it shows somting else in the game you can aim to do, but its not a need to do,
I dont just want to see battle mini games, games in town would be a good thing, reading "Death's City" from the black libury just gives an indication theres a big underground gambling sceen, that would be nice, but then that invites the usual "gambling is bad" sort of people,
Mini games though, I have to agree are a great idea, anything that you can come away from the usual grind out in the wilds, or away fromt he front lines of the PvP and set yourself back to relax and take a break are an idea worth keeping.
Die Noctique, By Day and Night
They could even take it further by having some sort of competitive game event (think Olympics) where there is an area that the two factions yield the war for a set period of times to allow their members to compete and show their superiority in specific events.
for example how WoW is spreading themselves so thin with a new battleground every 4-5 months, u have the alterac valley crowd, the peeps who love WSG and then the AB people even though it has max player ques and shit it still spreads PVP population out, casters want AV, melee want wsg/ab ect ect. a year down the road from now thier will be like 8-10 battlegrounds and only 2 of them will most likely be used while other players who love the other BGS stuck with nothing
i like the idear of minigames so late at night when no ones RVRING as an alternate thing to compete with but i just hope it wouldnt be so popular that it draw away from overall rvr experience u kno what im trying to say hehe id love to see like drinking style mini-games like the chrono trigger fair one and that kinda stuff.
Blood Bowl!
Lothor Crestingwalker
Subbed 7-19-03
Cancelled various times
I hate the NGE
Mordhiem however is a diffrent story, thats set many many years ago, before the city was rebuilt to the time it is today, before Karl Franz lead the Empire, and as stated, he is the leader of men in this game.
but I'm sure skirmish's like that could happen in small towns and camps as it is, in a PvP perspective.
A mini game to me is somthing that is off the beaten track from teh game, as like I said before underground gambling dens, or as some one else said drinking games. (All realy leading its self to pub games) a game in the game that you can start and stop at any time and it will not effect anything realy in game, ot even your character to a point, prehaps a few gold more or less in your pocket, or a black eye from that ace up your sleeve but not a "mega choppa of the +100 killing skillz" a small trophy or banner at most.
But a resounding yes to mini games, what ever they are.
Die Noctique, By Day and Night
It's called W.A.R. Do one thing and do it well.
That being said, betting on beating the other players senseless, that would cool.
If you have a betting system in PvP/RvR as a mini-game there is a risk that the games will be staged. This will completely ruin the "mini-game", so (sadly
) I recommend not to implement betting.
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What nyquil said.
Wasn't WSG intended as a mini game? Yet now it's THE BG to grind honor in, and is a major part of WoW's "PVP". Alterac Valley, the BG closest to the concept of "warcraft" is largely neglected, except perhaps on its bonus weekend. I personally LOATHE the lameass CTF in WSG, but to compete with raiders I gotta rank up. And to rank up to the epics I gotta play WSG for at least 20-30 times a day.
Minigames can be cute and all, but I'd hate to see them sidetracked from RVR, or PVP as a whole in WHO.
What nyquil said.
Wasn't WSG intended as a mini game? Yet now it's THE BG to grind honor in, and is a major part of WoW's "PVP". Alterac Valley, the BG closest to the concept of "warcraft" is largely neglected, except perhaps on its bonus weekend. I personally LOATHE the lameass CTF in WSG, but to compete with raiders I gotta rank up. And to rank up to the epics I gotta play WSG for at least 20-30 times a day.
Minigames can be cute and all, but I'd hate to see them sidetracked from RVR, or PVP as a whole in WHO.
WoW is no indication to what WAR's end-game will be like. I mean, WoW's end game is Raiding for wonder all those people want to play mini-games.