" We’ve been working on many improvements to Auto Assault since we went launched. This includes: - fixing mission bugs
- adding missions to fill in content gaps
- enabling loot linking in chat window (phase 1: same zone, phase 2: globally)
- improving loot drop rates (including paint cans )
- making cool new vehicle customizations
- balancing the game (including increasing the difficulty level)
- fixing skill bugs
- adding new sound and special effects
- adding significant user interface improvements
- new clan management options, such as slash-commands from any zone and UI improvements
- new convoy mission management system and UI
- providing an important new skill/attribute/research respec option
- continued development of the auction house and mail system
- and much more to be announced in the future.
With the exception of the auction house and email, which is a much more significant effort, we will be pushing these improvements in an upcoming patch! We’re also addressing stealth detection in a phase 1 fix as well as a phase 2 stealth detection system. Stealth detection is more difficult than one might think, considering we have three different environments in which it is used: PvE, PvP Arenas, and PvP Ground Zero.
The phase 1 fix is to address problems with stealth in Arenas. We are changing the cooldown on the skill to reset when a player comes out of stealth, so after you become visible, the counter will start ticking to refresh the skill for use again in around 33 seconds. However, in Arena PvP situations, you will not be able to remain in stealth for more than 30 seconds before the stealth will wear off.
This will still allow Bounty Hunters, Avengers, and Agents to still utilize stealth and stealth-related skills in Arenas, but still address problems with people who have used perma-stealth as a tactic of winning, once they are ahead in points. Again, this phase 1 fix is only in the OCD Arena and not in Ground Zero or anywhere in the PvE game.
The cooldown on stealth skills resetting when you come out of stealth will be in effect for the entire game. The ability to come out of stealth and then instantly stealth again is game-breaking in several respects.
In phase 2, we will introduce a stealth detection system where AI and enemy players will have a chance to detect stealth. It will be driven by a number of factors; mainly level offset, but also modified by the Perception attribute, distance to target, etc. If an AI is significantly above your level, expect to be detected. If an AI is significantly below your level, you can stealth up to almost point blank range before they can detect. The longer you remain stealthed and in-range of an enemy, the more chances they will have to see you. Some rare and powerful AI like bosses, guard turrets and Xeno may be able to always detect stealth.
This detection system is not intended to stop stealthing or to minimize this critical aspect of the stealth-classes. It is intended to introduce the ability for AI and enemy players to have some small chance of detection. This has always been intended to be introduced into Auto Assault’s game play, and we’re finally able to work on this important system. We would appreciate everyone’s patience in waiting until the full system is introduced to fully evaluate it.
The other important aspect to the stealth detection system we are implementing is a powerful bonus to stealth-related skills. We are adding a scaling to-hit and critical hit bonus to all “usable in stealth only” damage skills. This will enable any attack delivered from stealth to hit its mark far more often as well as dealing significantly more damage.
We have many exciting plans for the game and we listen closely to your feedback. As concrete information becomes available, we will get it out to the community. "
This page will be updated whenever there is a new patch/update being released with all of the information from the README files as well as other notes as needed.
Ramming bug: Ram delay for PvP implemented (3 sec delay between consecutive rams).
Removed time delay on respecs. You can now respec at will, if you have the money.
Fixed PhysX slider for fluids on the low end. You can now set the slider as low as 0.5x.
Fixed token bug: Outpost Tokens are not given outside of PvP, by suicide, or inside the token delay.
Fixed problem with the deleting the vehicle that was equipped when entering town.
Crafting items from memory decrements uses left counter; newly memorized items do not disappear from memory.
Fixed item loss in trade window: Players can now transfer maps with an item in a trade window without losing the item.
Update 3 on Nexus - November 30, 2006
Beware! Darkbite's mother has taken offense at the wanton death of her offspring. It is now possible that she will show up on occasion when he dies… and could be carrying some new goodies to boot.
Added new Outpost Token Store "Warmonger" items and boss-specific loot drop items from the new Level 80 instance boss "The Tower”.
Added 4 variant friction tank treads, shared across all factions (now found available in stores at Levels 24 and 48).
Added new warning message to outposts in Ground Zero. When a turret or infantry defender is damaged, the owning race will receive a warning message.
New Level 18 instances. These each require a group to complete. Human: Scav Uprising missions (speak with Houston in Militia Base). Biomek: 5 Detention missions (interact with Terminal-bastion-26 in Winston). Mutant: 5 La Leche Madre missions (commune with Warren in Bordertown).
Added new Meks for display in Hazard Mode area.
Crafting skill requirements on a number of ornaments have been adjusted to cover the 180 to 200 skill gap.
Mastery MK1 has been changed to level a 60 requirement. MK2 and MK3 will not be dropping.
Deflection and resistances have been restored to 100%. Note that they do scale based on the level difference between the attacker and the enemy. For example, if a Level 75 is attacking a Level 80 opponent, the Level 75 only rolls against half of the deflect and resistances of the Level 80 target. It scales up to 100% at even level. A Level 78 hitting a Level 80 would be attacking against 80% of the enemy’s deflection and resists.
Removed restrictions on deflection and resists in PVP.
There are two ways to get Outpost Tokens in Ground Zero now. Tokens should never be awarded in any other map except the contested layer of Ground Zero. The first way is by holding Outposts (this is identical to the way Tokens were given at release, but the payout has changed). After holding an Outpost for ½ hour, you get 1 Token. After holding the Outpost for another ½ hour, you get 1 more Token.
Whenever you kill an enemy, there is a chance that they will drop a Token. Two factors modify this chance: the number of Outposts your race holds, and the population of your race.
Added UI component on the bottom left portion of the HUD that shows the percent chance of a Token dropping from your current target.
Added a new warning message to Ground Zero Outposts. The messages will alarm the owning race when a turret or infantry defended is damaged.
NPC's that have core missions to offer are now distinguished by yellow pillars instead of white pillars.
Xeno Darkbite Dinged! He should now be a bit more fun to farm.
Clan Names should appear along with character names now – the clan name is displayed above the character to other players and when self-targeted.
Sped up loading of maps.
Default loot mode set to distributed instead of killer gets loot.
All of the following accuracy-based consumables now share a reuse timer:
Basket of Fried Spitter Wings
Fried Alligrake Chips
CB'er Road Meat
Jury-Rigged Targeting Array (I-VI)
Lidar Burst (I-VI)
Nanosensors (I-VI).
Hestia Missile Destroyer recipe has been corrected to use patched phase array instead of a functional one.
Moved Estlin away from entry to detention.
All item rarities above Xeno Artifact will use the gold outpost reward color now. (This is because things like "Battlemaster" vs "Warmonger" items are distinguished by having different rarities, all above Xeno Artifact).
If a player dies, INC will come get them after two minutes even if they don't push the respawn button.
Medals that give stat awards should now award their effects immediately. Lastly, the rollover of the medal in the medals window should properly display the effects given by the medal in green text underneath the description now.
Added a server -> client time synchronization, so that clients with way wrong local clocks will still see correct status on their respec terminals, and in upcoming tournament lists.
Skill Rank Cap adjusted. Modified all skills, so that they reach maximum effectiveness at rank 20. This allows players to have more skill points to spend getting more skills.
Added penetration to DOT skills to counter the deflection changes.
Absorbing Nanites no longer reaches incorrect (negative) pulse times when purchased to maximum ranks. It now defaults to 6 second pulses (as before) and can be reduced to 3 second pulses at maximum rank.
Accumulator point cost reduced.
Acidic Surprise has had its damage increased slightly.
Agent skill Excite has been fixed to pulse a DoT as intended. Previously, it did not pulse.
AssaultMek point cost reduced slightly.
Atrophy has had its damage increased slightly.
Biomek Defence point cost reduced slightly.
Biomek Order should now work.
Chlorofire has had its damage over time effect increased slightly.
Constructor Repair changed to heal over time.
Corrosive impairment has had the damage per pulse increased slightly.
Depletion has had its damage increased.
Gamma Storm has had the DOT damage increased slightly and only does fire damage now.
Ignite has had its damage element increased.
Nanite Restructuring point cost reduced slightly.
Nano Scrambler turret point cost reduced slightly.
Nanotransfer has had its damage increased slightly and heal component decreased slightly.
Predator point cost reduced.
Redormation cooldown greatly reduced, amount healed reduced to keep it in line with new cooldown.
Retrorepair skill ranks reduced, point cost reduced. should no long heal both caster and target.
Swarming Nanites has a percent chance to hit now not dependent on targets defense.
Tactical Micronuke cooldown lowered, removed energy component, fire damage increased.
Added the penetration bonus on Tactical Micronuke to the skill description.
Lowered point cost on Advanced Implants slightly increased amount buffed.
Lowered the max number of targets on Combat Guidance to 6.
Combat Guidance had a critical hit component that wasn't being displayed correctly. Combat Guidance was also incorrectly reporting an accuracy buff that was actually an offensive bonus. This value has been adjusted to bring it in line with where it should be. When stacked the two versions of Combat Guidance were giving values out of bounds.
Power cost on Combat Guidance reduced.
Point cost on Nanite Resurgence greatly lowered, deflection bonus reduced.
Caustic erosion should now work.
Deteriorate should now work.
Echo really, really should work now, really this time!
Repair.virus should be able to target self now, increased amount healed.
Radiant Repair point cost lowered, skill changed to an AE direct heal.
Lowered point cost on Field Maintenance, amount healed per pulse adjusted, cooldown lowered, constructor version no longer interruptible.
Booster Pack changed to a direct heal from a heal over time, cooldown reduced slightly.
Combat Engineering point cost reduced, defensive bonus reduced slightly.
Cooling Emissions has had the point cost lowered.
Coordinated Repair cooldown greatly reduced, heal amount reduced to keep it in line with new cooldown.
Crippling Aura should no longer drop stealth effects.
Magnetic Lockdown has had its damage reduced to bring it in line with where an AE skill with status effect should be.
Megawatt Arc's damage over time effect and power drain should now work properly, cooldown has been reduced, fixed the DOT, it is now an AOE as indicated in the description.
Overload Reception heal changed to a direct heal from heal over time.
Repair Surge increased in strength.
Tactical Uplink has been adjusted to where it should be for what the skill does.
Shield Sciences has lowered point cost.
Static Charge has lowered point cost and increased percent chance to hit.
Theoretical studies point cost lowered, tech component added, amount of ranks lowered to 10.
Point cost on Defense Matrix lowered, should also scale correctly now.
Power cost on Heat Seeker lowered.
Megawatt Arc wasn't displaying its' offensive bonus to hit in the text.
Autopulse shielding charge time increased. The damage of the skill, ranks, etc. have not been changed.
Charged Hull changed to 15 ranks.
Absorption no longer reaches incorrect (negative) pulse times when purchased to maximum ranks. It now defaults to 6 second pulses (as before) and can be reduced to 3 second pulses at maximum rank.
Blood Spike has had its point cost reduced. Accuracy buff increased slightly power cost increased slightly.
Caustic Phase has been changed to do only corrosive damage.
Displacement point cost reduced.
Energy Resist point cost reduced.
Excite should now pulse correctly as a DOT, the damage has been adjusted as well.
Jared's Curse was doing damage way out of range of where it should be. The damage done by the skill has been reduced and the point cost on the skill has been reduced to learn it. The recharge time has also been reduced.
Mutant Archons now have a new factional skill-add specialty skill at Level 60 called Phase Unity.
Oppressive phase no longer does energy damage, contamination damage has been increased.
Origineration increased in strength.
Phase Cloud now has a percent chance to hit based upon the skill rank, regardless of target’s defense.
Phase Tendril point cost reduced should, now buff HP correctly.
Phase Thrust has had its duration increased from 4 to 8 pulses.
Phased Hindrance given a better chance to hit.
Phased Illumination has a percent chance to hit now not dependant on targets defense.
Predator point cost reduced.
Purification now is a direct heal instead of a heal over time, cooldown reduced as well, healing component increased slightly, damage has also been increased.
Recombination changed to be a direct heal from heal over time. AE added to effect, cooldown slightly decreased.
Reconstitution fixed to be in line with new ranks on skills.
Religious Zeal should now affect the caster.
Revitalize cooldown greatly reduced, amount healed reduced to keep it in line with new cooldown.
Slightly increased the accuracy bonus on Righteous Inspiration.
Slightly increased the resistances on Phase Shift skill.
Spectral Phase has had its damage increased slightly, point cost reduced.
The Changed skill will now affect the caster.
The duration on the Fulmination debuff should now correctly increase with more purchased ranks.
Ursaic Roar has a better chance to hit.
Phaseform Rake pet has double movement speed.
Phaseform Bloodretch pet has increased range, to-hit chance, and maximum damage.
Increased movement speed, maximum damage, to-hit chance, and penetration of Mutant Phaseform Crusher melee skills. Increased range of ranged, to-hit chance, and maximum damage of contamination attack.
Scorched Blood has been changed to a dot, damage type changed to fire.
Shamanic Vision has lowered point cost, buffed amount increased slightly.
Spectral Phase’s fear will last 5 seconds now and minimum damage has been increased slightly.
Archon's Insight point cost slightly lowered.
Phase Burst damage increased slightly, point cost lowered.
Torment point cost lowered.
Tactical Leadership point cost lowered.
Point cost on Wraith Wind lowered.
Point cost on Bramblephase lowered slightly.
Point cost on Influx lowered.
Organic Resin point cost lowered.
Blood Saturation reduced to 12 ranks, cooldown lowered, amount healed per pulse increased.
Lowered point cost on Shaman's Insight slightly increased amount buffed.
Point cost lowered on Phase Shield. Number of ranks reduced to 12.
Grounding lowered to 15 ranks.
Recombination now works as intended as an HP buff. Its power cost has been corrected to scale properly.
Point cost on encrusted Blood Lowered. Deflection bonus lowered slightly.
Blood Spike changed to passive AE aura. Number of ranks reduced to 15.
Malachite: Added new Meks for display in Hazard Mode area.
Fixed a number of clipping errors.
Fixed a number of potential client and server crash bugs.
Fixed DirectSound sound bugs.
Made some optimizations to map load times.
Save hair before helmet disables and return hair when helmet is off (char create).
An issue that could occur with the Biomek Flamer Device when new devices were created while previous was active has been fixed.
Experimenting on items without generating any additional enhancements should no longer alter the level, accuracy, or armor values of the item when crafted.
Summoned creatures now cast skills at the effective level. The effective level is now properly displayed in the QuickBar. (This fixes the cases where people using + skills items would see the pet at the correct “level” but the skills they were using were executing at the base skill level.)
Squashed a bug that resulted in a message window saying "Inventory drop failed, server returned false" when moving items around in the inventory. (Please report any instances of this still occurring.)
Inventory manipulation code has been tweaked a bit to cut down on (or eliminate?) inventory de-syncs from the server.
Stealth Fix: auto-repair should no longer show for stealthed characters. Also, stealth characters should properly disappear from other player's minimaps, rather than continuing to show at their old location.
Summoned creatures now cast skills at the effective level. The effective level is now properly displayed in the QuickBar.
Skills that have their first skill point added AFTER a boost to skills, now reflect the skill boost, without the need to remove and reapply the boost.
Fire resistance gadgets should show up now.
Lockdown no longer prevents the firing of your guns or skill usage. This was a bug. Lockdown was not intended to be as powerful as it has been on live.
Siege mode has had its -accuracy component adjusted to its intended value.
Blinds work as intended now. Blind now reduces the affected enemy’s accuracy by 50% for both skills and weapons.
Enhancements should drop with more variance throughout the game now.
“Punts” should no longer be an issue. Many skills have had their ‘push back’ component removed.
Update 3 on the Public Test Server - November 10, 2006
Update 3 is now available for open testing on the Public Test Server (PTS). You can check out the patch notes here, and read all about the PTS here.
Maintenance Hotfixes - September 22, 2006
Using the "stack" button when there are full stacks in inventory will no longer cause inventory de-syncs with the server.
Experimenting on items without generating any additional enhancements should no longer alter the level, accuracy, or armor values of the item when crafted.
Fix to medals that give stat awards/bonuses, such as the +16hp from the 1-Up medal - effect should now apply properly.
The rollover in the medals window should properly display the effects given by the medal in green text underneath the description now. *Known Issue: If you swap vehicles in town, the effect will not appear to transfer to you new vehicle, but this is merely cosmetic and will display correctly after you zone.
Inventory manipulation (picking up items, dropping them, etc.) should not cause an inventory de-sync from the server.
Several client and server crashes fixed.
Maintenance Hotfix - September 21, 2006
Fix for certain accounts that have been unable to save characters. NOTE: This publish will NOT cause disappeared characters to reappear. Affected players, please contact support with the character names you need restored.
Maintenance Hotfixes - September 12, 2006
Mission activated in Scrap Valley, Militia Base, and Western Front for the 1up Event!
The Battlemaster Incendiary Mini-Gun now correctly gives its +25 Perception Bonus.
Corrected a problem with mass and torque on the MC-11 Grizzly. Mass is now 52500 and drivetrain 25000.
Biomek Pillage Chassis will now reach its intended max-boosted speed.
Coliseum Level 60 and 70 missions now repeatable. (They should give XP each time they are completed now.)
Mutant missions "Bragging Rights" and "Earn Your Stripes" now require the correct number of tokens to complete.
Maintenance Hotfixes - September 2, 2006
The functionality of /ignore has been changed. If you type /ignore withsomeone selected it will add them to the ignore list. Type it again and it removes them.
We’ve been working on many improvements to Auto Assault since we went launched. This includes:
- fixing mission bugs
- adding missions to fill in content gaps
- enabling loot linking in chat window (phase 1: same zone, phase 2: globally)
- improving loot drop rates (including paint cans
- making cool new vehicle customizations
- balancing the game (including increasing the difficulty level)
- fixing skill bugs
- adding new sound and special effects
- adding significant user interface improvements
- new clan management options, such as slash-commands from any zone and UI improvements
- new convoy mission management system and UI
- providing an important new skill/attribute/research respec option
- continued development of the auction house and mail system
- and much more to be announced in the future.
the exception of the auction house and email, which is a much more
significant effort, we will be pushing these improvements in an
upcoming patch! We’re also addressing stealth detection in a phase 1
fix as well as a phase 2 stealth detection system. Stealth detection is
more difficult than one might think, considering we have three
different environments in which it is used: PvE, PvP Arenas, and PvP
Ground Zero.
The phase 1 fix is to address problems with stealth
in Arenas. We are changing the cooldown on the skill to reset when a
player comes out of stealth, so after you become visible, the counter
will start ticking to refresh the skill for use again in around 33
seconds. However, in Arena PvP situations, you will not be able to
remain in stealth for more than 30 seconds before the stealth will wear
This will still allow Bounty Hunters, Avengers, and
Agents to still utilize stealth and stealth-related skills in Arenas,
but still address problems with people who have used perma-stealth as a
tactic of winning, once they are ahead in points. Again, this phase 1
fix is only in the OCD Arena and not in Ground Zero or anywhere in the
PvE game.
The cooldown on stealth skills resetting when you come
out of stealth will be in effect for the entire game. The ability to
come out of stealth and then instantly stealth again is game-breaking
in several respects.
In phase 2, we will introduce a stealth
detection system where AI and enemy players will have a chance to
detect stealth. It will be driven by a number of factors; mainly level
offset, but also modified by the Perception attribute, distance to
target, etc. If an AI is significantly above your level, expect to be
detected. If an AI is significantly below your level, you can stealth
up to almost point blank range before they can detect. The longer you
remain stealthed and in-range of an enemy, the more chances they will
have to see you. Some rare and powerful AI like bosses, guard turrets
and Xeno may be able to always detect stealth.
This detection
system is not intended to stop stealthing or to minimize this critical
aspect of the stealth-classes. It is intended to introduce the ability
for AI and enemy players to have some small chance of detection. This
has always been intended to be introduced into Auto Assault’s game
play, and we’re finally able to work on this important system. We would
appreciate everyone’s patience in waiting until the full system is
introduced to fully evaluate it.
The other important aspect to
the stealth detection system we are implementing is a powerful bonus to
stealth-related skills. We are adding a scaling to-hit and critical hit
bonus to all “usable in stealth only” damage skills. This will enable
any attack delivered from stealth to hit its mark far more often as
well as dealing significantly more damage.
We have many exciting
plans for the game and we listen closely to your feedback. As concrete
information becomes available, we will get it out to the community.
TAKEN FROM THIS LINK: http://www.autoassault.com/news/patch_notes.html
This page will be updated whenever there is a new patch/update being released with all of the information from the README files as well as other notes as needed.
You can get the latest patches and installers from our FTP site at ftp://ftp.autoassault.com/client.
Maintenance Hotfixes - December 11, 2006
Update 3 on Nexus - November 30, 2006
Update 3 on the Public Test Server - November 10, 2006
Update 3 is now available for open testing on the Public Test Server (PTS). You can check out the patch notes here, and read all about the PTS here.
Maintenance Hotfixes - September 22, 2006
Maintenance Hotfix - September 21, 2006
Maintenance Hotfixes - September 12, 2006
Maintenance Hotfixes - September 2, 2006

"It is the nature of herds that they flock to where there are more of the same not more quality."