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Why is this forumn full of KSSN games all the time

sheek80sheek80 Member Posts: 158
Cant you quit talkin about this. First off this isnt a korean website, majority are not korean with kssns and even if they did have access to one its wrong. People keep posting games that are Korean here and its ruining the english aspect of this forum. If you dont agree then you probably havnt read enuff posts, beggers asking for illegal accounts, ways to bypass signups, signup Guides (which help people sign up illegaly) Not to mention climbatz givin out hints on Searching for kssn info. IDe like this to stop and to get a real intellegent responce, im sure all the kiddies who want to forge kssn are going to respond so by all means think before you post. Ide love to hear a moderators comment on this since this is a popular site, tell me why you keep promoting this.


  • HarutoHaruto Member Posts: 175
    I agree, if the website does not offer at least a poorly translated English version I won't even bother to look at the game itself. There is no point to playing a Korean game until it gets localized or offers an English based server, many will never do so. And the KSSN is in place so that the server is filled with other Koreans, so they don't have to deal with us trying to speak english to them, just as we hate when people are always speaking a foreign language to us in English based games.

    If you have to go thru all kinds of steps to cheat your way into playing a game that didn't want to there in the first place, and that you can't even read to undeerstand what is going on what is the point of it?

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  • scracascraca Member Posts: 45
    thats because many good games come from korea and alot of people want to play them even though they are not in English..

  • sheek80sheek80 Member Posts: 158
    Thats not true at all, you cant really name any korean mmorpg that has any content, its all about leveling and grinding and doing same thing over and over. English games HAVE much much much more content and are more enjoyable, its not even really debatable cause its a obvious fact. Wether the korean game is a l2 clone which almost all them are or some anime cutie hack and slash, its still useless griding.

    Korean games are sad for long term play and i dont think they should have a place in these forums.

  • theanimedudetheanimedude Member UncommonPosts: 1,610

    Originally posted by sheek80
    Thats not true at all, you cant really name any korean mmorpg that has any content, its all about leveling and grinding and doing same thing over and over. English games HAVE much much much more content and are more enjoyable, its not even really debatable cause its a obvious fact. Wether the korean game is a l2 clone which almost all them are or some anime cutie hack and slash, its still useless griding. Korean games are sad for long term play and i dont think they should have a place in these forums.

    I agreed with your OP until you said this. Few fun and interesting games do come from Korea, or any other eastern country for that matter. But thats not the point.

    Your last comment of: "Korean games are sad for long term play and i dont think they should have a place in these forums." is wrong. I dont think you should be judging what should and shouldnt have a place in these forums.

    MMORPG is MMORPG, whether you like it or not. Just because you dont like a game does not give you permission to bash or belittle other peoples choices, and that was wrong of you. Please refrain from putting down other people or their choices in games, for that is childish and cruel.

    Other than that, I agree that unless you speak korean, have a valid KSSN, or have some info on a game coming to english OB soon, and want to share it, or something of the like, its not really a valid thing to do.

    I will admit however, I have done it before, and these are the results I found, so I stopped bothering. It's neat to try out a game like that, but its not correct, and frankly, you cant do much because you cant understand whats going on.


  • Rikimaru_XRikimaru_X Member UncommonPosts: 11,718
    I agree with theanimedude on this. The one thing this fourm is not full of is KSSN, anyone asking for, discussing how to get it or whatever will be reported.

    -In memory of Laura "Taera" Genender. Passed away on Aug/13/08-

  • lcgodlcgod Member Posts: 32

    BAscially, we can see that almost 50% of online games are producing by Koreans.

    Guess they are really good at it..

  • sheek80sheek80 Member Posts: 158
    Hello you ned to calm down and take a chill pill. My opinion on how fun
    korean games has nothin to do with the KSSN aspect. Rikimaru , your a
    hypocrit since your the major contributer of all the KSSN posts
    created. I remember months of guides links and such to korean only
    games. This isnt about my opinion on how fun KOREAN games are (stop
    taking it like its such a insult) ITS A GAME. This is about the use,
    the possible use and the help to use KSSN and sign up for KOREAN ONLY
    GAMES that most specificly ask outside there country to not sign up.

    Stop straying OFF THE TOPIC. Your just upset cause i said korean games arent all that apealing. Again let me get you back on the real subject. Its illegal. I dont really care what you think about my opinion of funess of the games, its jsut a way to disagree.

  • sheek80sheek80 Member Posts: 158
    You promote ALL the discussion. Neone can do a search for your posts and see most of them are about korean games needing kssn sign ups. Comon man dont lie and dont make me post quotes. I used to think you were a cool guy until you reply to posts like these like you had nothing to do with the problem...

  • JelloB2000JelloB2000 Member CommonPosts: 1,848

    Originally posted by sheek80
    Cant you quit talkin about this. First off this isnt a korean website, majority are not korean with kssns and even if they did have access to one its wrong. People keep posting games that are Korean here and its ruining the english aspect of this forum. If you dont agree then you probably havnt read enuff posts, beggers asking for illegal accounts, ways to bypass signups, signup Guides (which help people sign up illegaly) Not to mention climbatz givin out hints on Searching for kssn info. IDe like this to stop and to get a real intellegent responce, im sure all the kiddies who want to forge kssn are going to respond so by all means think before you post. Ide love to hear a moderators comment on this since this is a popular site, tell me why you keep promoting this.
    Nope no advice on how to search for korean security numbers exist on this site or how to commit anything illegal. If you do find any such thread/post use the report button, its what its for. (I have seen one such post once i 8 months & it got moderated).

    Guides for signing up in foreign betas is not illegal (unless KSSN:s are involved).

    (Do not quote anything that is going to get moderated, just report & wait for it to get deleted).

  • Rikimaru_XRikimaru_X Member UncommonPosts: 11,718

    Originally posted by sheek80
    Hello you ned to calm down and take a chill pill. My opinion on how fun korean games has nothin to do with the KSSN aspect. Rikimaru , your a hypocrit since your the major contributer of all the KSSN posts created. I remember months of guides links and such to korean only games. This isnt about my opinion on how fun KOREAN games are (stop taking it like its such a insult) ITS A GAME. This is about the use, the possible use and the help to use KSSN and sign up for KOREAN ONLY GAMES that most specificly ask outside there country to not sign up.

    Stop straying OFF THE TOPIC. Your just upset cause i said korean games arent all that apealing. Again let me get you back on the real subject. Its illegal. I dont really care what you think about my opinion of funess of the games, its jsut a way to disagree.

    We are not bashing you kid, wait hold up. First of all I don't give guide links here. I never have and never will. Other people do that. I MAKE accounts. I don't give out KSSN, becuase it's my friend's family. I also don't make accounts to games that will have an english version. It's just a waste of my time. I tend to stray away from korean accounts and make chinese and japanese and other non korean games. It's not illegal. If you don't have the permission to use the KSSN, then it's illegal. Me on the other hand, I have a written agreement (so don't put my name in this).

    Basicly, if you own it or have the permission, you can do what you want. If you don't, it's illegal. Now some other people like clabitizz(sp) or whatever might use illegal ones, but not Riki. So, you can rant on someone else other than me if you want to do name calling.

    -In memory of Laura "Taera" Genender. Passed away on Aug/13/08-

  • lcgodlcgod Member Posts: 32
    Because Kroeans made a lot of games
  • JaziaJazia Member Posts: 584

    Well people like to try new stuff, and many of the new games don't have English version yet.

    For the silly guy who said koreans don't make good games, well that might be true. but does that mean Americans make better games? If you think so, Which one? World of Warcraft?? Don't make me laugh!

  • sheek80sheek80 Member Posts: 158
    Makin accounts for people Rik, still illegal as far as the korean companys are concerned (1 ksssn to the real kssn owner, not to some random kid thinkin he is such a nice guy exploiting it. k thx

  • HarutoHaruto Member Posts: 175

    Originally posted by Jazia

    Well people like to try new stuff, and many of the new games don't have English version yet.

    For the silly guy who said koreans don't make good games, well that might be true. but does that mean Americans make better games? If you think so, Which one? World of Warcraft?? Don't make me laugh!

    There is no reason to compare F2P games with P2P games honestly, and as we know almost all of the F2P games that are actually worth playing are foreign, and mostly from Asian nations. Being fun or worth playing at all is purely in the eye of the beholder. Just because someone says they are not worth playing, or Korean games are the worst etc... Does not mean you have to listen to them, or that it is true to you. For them? Yes they might truely think this, but that is why this is an OPINION.

    We can all post our arguments either way for this but as has been stated before...

    We can all post our opinions on the games, or how good/bad they are, the bottom line is that if you need to have a KSSN, or any other form of proof that you are in the games nation to play it, you are breaking a law set forth by the developers to keep people from other areas out.

    Eve Online, a world of infinite possibility. Click here for an extended Trial
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  • PhroznPhrozn Member UncommonPosts: 33
    If I'm not correct... Riki, isn't it illegal to 1) Share a KSSN 2) Share an account and 3) For outside players, to be playing on KSSN korean games?... even with permission?

    If it's not well then forget this post, but as far as i know it carry's a hefty fine on it. *being found using someone elses KSSN that is*
  • sheek80sheek80 Member Posts: 158
    yah rik just likes to find any little excuse if fingers are pointed at him

  • DekronDekron Member UncommonPosts: 7,360

    Originally posted by sheek80

    Ide love to hear a moderators comment on this since this is a popular site, tell me why you keep promoting this.

    We are not promoting any illegal activities.  Do you see a forum on for the sole purpose of promoting the forgery of KSSN?  Do you see ads promoting this?  As Riki said, if anything is posted such as that, it is promptly deleted and the user who posted it is more than likely banned.

    Yes, is primarily an English speaking site, however, that does not mean that any who speaks another language is forbidden to create an account or even post in their native tongue.  Please be respectful of other members. 

    By the way, moved to off-topic.

  • Rikimaru_XRikimaru_X Member UncommonPosts: 11,718

    Dekron is correct.

    As far as I am concerned (might have a few errors in this): Sharing KSSNs (when you personally own it) isn't illegal. You can share your SSN if you want, but it's not a good idea (as far as me, I can't share becuase it's illegal in my agreement, besides I don't give KSSNs. It's none of your business to know them). If you don't personaly own it, it is illegal. That is why people don't share or discuss sharing them. Sharing accounts isn't illegal (there is no way for a person to know a KSSN by account sharing). Outside players can play on KSSN korean games. Put it this way, if you moved from korea to the US, you think they would restrict you from playing when you are korean, read korean and have your personal KSSN? Don't think so. Only people who do that kind of stuff are the people in the Phillipines(sp?) (as in they don't like outsiders in their ENGLISH games).

    Oh yeah sheek. I don't know why you like to point fingers, but you know people ask questions to obtain knowledge. Not point and try to make a blind point referring to a rant.

    -In memory of Laura "Taera" Genender. Passed away on Aug/13/08-

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