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EverQuest: Fan Faire Blog, Part Four

DanaDana Member Posts: 2,415

Jon Wood, our News Editor, files a belated version of his final day report from Sony Online Entertainment's Atlanta Fan Faire.

Today was an interesting day as I attended a few more seminar sessions. I had noticed that the names of the different sessions were similar to those that I had attended during the summit. Still, I went along anyway to see what it was all about. I walked into a much bigger room this time, seating far more than the 20 or so that the summit sessions held. So many, in fact, that the developers needed microphones to be properly heard. I was impressed by the way that they were handled though, as the same informal feeling that we experienced during the Community Summit, when there were so few of us, was maintained through to the fan faire sessions. While I can not speak for the other games, and how they handled themselves, this was certainly true of the group from EQII. From talking to various Faire attendees, I have gathered that the other games sessions had a similar feel. Unfortunately for me, I didn’t pick up too much that was new from the sessions. Most questions were either repeats of old question that I had heard during the summit. If they weren’t that, they were very specific and personal questions that would be almost impossible to get across properly to you here.

You can read the full entry here.

Dana Massey
Formerly of
Currently Lead Designer for Bit Trap Studios

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