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Another Pirates MMO being developed

Wonder how that will effect this MMO. I cant see them working on beta for too much longer. They'll want to get PoBS out quicker now

Disney has far deeper pockets than PoBS also.


  • New_to_MMONew_to_MMO Member Posts: 71

    It appears as though gamers can stash that eye patch--for now. Disney Online's upcoming massively multiplayer online role-playing game, Pirates of the Caribbean Online, won't be walking the plank to retail waters in 2006. According to the game's Web site and a statement from Disney, the MMORPG will now plunder stores in 2007.


    dcmaxversion = 9
    dcminversion = 6
    On Error Resume Next
    plugin = (IsObject(CreateObject("ShockwaveFlash.ShockwaveFlash." & dcmaxversion & "")))
    If plugin = true Then Exit Do
    dcmaxversion = dcmaxversion - 1
    Loop While dcmaxversion >= dcminversion
    The game was originally scheduled to ship alongside the theatrical release of Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest this summer. However, the new release date doesn't mean that the game won't have the benefit of a major motion picture tie-in. The game will launch sometime in 2007, which is also when the third Pirates of the Caribbean movie hits theaters.

    In the game, players interact with characters from the films as they strive to become the Caribbean's most infamous pirate. Disney is sailing into uncharted waters, claiming that Pirates of the Caribbean Online will be the first MMOG "designed for kids and families." No matter who is playing, they'll have to have a steady income as Pirates will be charging a monthly fee.

    Disney also announced that Pirates of the Caribbean Online will be on display at this year's Electronic Entertainment Expo. No rating or pricing of the game has yet been revealed, but given Disney's knack for family fare, don't expect an M-for-Mature tag.

  • Matin61Matin61 Member Posts: 63

    Actually, I thought that PotBS might be holding off release until the movie comes out.  Call me crazy, but releasing a pirates MMO game at about the same time as a summer block buster would seem to be a no brainer.

    Now, considering that PotBS will be PvP heavy, I don't see them going for the Disney type rating.  I think PotBS is going to raise the bar on the Disney effort.  I will state one rule.  You should never release software that doesn't at least look as good as what is already out there.  I think PotBS will be raising the bar for the Disney game.

    Captain John Matin
    Royal Red

  • VillaretVillaret Member Posts: 4
    Plus PotC is geared more for little kids and families, which means that I think the difficulty level of the game with be very low. Not much interest for more sophisticated people. :D

  • IijsIijs Member Posts: 457

    Originally posted by admriker444

    Disney has far deeper pockets than PoBS also.

    Yep, which means they will be in 'test' much, much longer. Look for this game to sail in 2008-09. If you want to hang on the edge of your seat for the next three years, so be it.
  • AthelaAthela Member Posts: 492
    Ya, the aimed at "families and kids" puts the Pirates of the Carribean game out there for a different audience.  Actually, POBS may well benefit from the Pirates movie and pirate enthusiasm whilst Disney has to wait for the long development process. Headline: Disney Plundered by real pirate game!
  • YukmotYukmot Member Posts: 36
    Hopefully the whole Disney coming out with a pirate MMO will drag all the little kiddies over there and leave PotBS with a more mature audience. Plus like the above poster noted this game is more pvp oriented and all I can see Disney making is a pve cake eaters game.


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