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question about expack

noob-gamernoob-gamer Member Posts: 81
when can the new charactors come from new area to old areaimage


  • freakerdfreakerd Member Posts: 60

    When you buy chapter 2 and insert the key to your current account

  • BentBent Member CommonPosts: 581

    You'll also have to progress to a certain point in either story line. Probably have to get to LA for Phophets to move to Factions areas, and I'm sure factions will have some sea port also. So It doesn't seem you'll be able to easily take a lvl 1 from factions and move them to phophets.

  • TeeBeeNZTeeBeeNZ Member Posts: 259

    Originally posted by noob-gamer
    when can the new charactors come from new area to old areaimage

    Its NOT an expantion pack, its a new game. You buy it and play it. You dont need the previous game, and its got just as much content if not more. Its really hard to get this point of view across to peple as some of the websites simply dont get it (3dgamers for one)

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