I wasn't sure if u were aware of this game i thought i would bring it too ur attention looks kinda interesting with great graphics www.piratesoftheburningsea.com
airhead, they said when they introduce actual playable avatars..they will put in crafting and you will be able to build boats from scratch with other people...
Originally posted by Regal_TR airhead, they said when they introduce actual playable avatars..they will put in crafting and you will be able to build boats from scratch with other people...
Depends in what way you mean it. You'll be able to run shipyards eventually. A player has a limited choice how the ships has to be build (more gunports, more cargospace, better wood for the hull, ...). But you won't be able to choose riggings from one ship and put that on the hull of another.
Making a ship in a 3D-program will be a lot harder. A devoper posted the criteria for making your own ship. The conclusion was that you better not start with it, because the chance your ship will get trough is very small.
Originally posted by air_head1 I wasn't sure if u were aware of this game i thought i would bring it too ur attention looks kinda interesting with great graphics www.piratesoftheburningsea.com
This is one game I have been watching a long time and I am anticipating it more than CoH, WoW, and UO:X...good thing...it rerminds me of pre UO:R on the fact that there are a little safe havens but most of the world is PK...you can be pirates, navy, captains,own your own ship..craft items for in game sales (ie sails)...looks great and is designed for broadband...no dialup allowed. Looks good
Depends in what way you mean it. You'll be able to run shipyards eventually. A player has a limited choice how the ships has to be build (more gunports, more cargospace, better wood for the hull, ...). But you won't be able to choose riggings from one ship and put that on the hull of another.
Making a ship in a 3D-program will be a lot harder. A devoper posted the criteria for making your own ship. The conclusion was that you better not start with it, because the chance your ship will get trough is very small.
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