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Its so simular that it makes me never want to play this cause htey copyed l2 in a way that seems illegal. Now I have no knowledge on this kinda subject but I think they are thiefs what do other people think. Downlaod hte 100 meg plus video, youll seew hat I mean and you might get really mad if you care.
Armor is same races are same, looks and all. Check out the Orc, wears armor same as l2 orc, no difference.
Another game that looks like Lineage 2:
ESPECIALLY look at the interface lol plus the screenshot at the bottom with the guy using dual swords.. Looks a lot like Lineage 2.
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They might not have stolen the game but they may have stolen some models.
I wonder if they improved the gameplay. The graphics in Lineage 2 was great, but the Grind was so bad the most of us with lives had no chance of playing it. If this new game had a game built underneath those graphics, it would be nice
Hmmm I tested Lineage 2 and it was a great game. To bad I dont have any party member and keep getting Pk by trouble maker's
then I leave ..
I hope I can try out last chaos. Is look like lineage2 gf..
Tried it, shaiya is the same old grinding crap.
On the other hand, there are many more L2 clones out there. RF online for one too, so obivously.
Playing: EVE Online
Favorite MMOs: WoW, SWG Pre-cu, Lineage 2, UO, EQ, EVE online
Looking forward to: Archeage, Kingdom Under Fire 2
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