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We have heard reports that the recent patch to Everquest upgraded the visual appearance of spells in Everquest. Rumor has it that they really look incredible! If anyone else can confirm this or provide screens...let us know!
NOTE: SOE has not mentioned this at all. That is what makes it so odd!
- MMORPG.COM Staff -
- MMORPG.COM Staff -
The dead know only one thing: it is better to be alive.
I have not heard any of this, most of the buzz the last three weeks has about been the melee revamping.
I'm sure if it IS true, then SoE will announce it in the next patch. I havn't seen them announce patch info pre-patch unless it's dealing with issues that a lot of people are concerned about.
Personally, it dosen't matter to me. I don't play with the best video card around so my spell effects are completely off 99% of the time.
Patch information as of 12/18/2003 (
** Spells/Songs **
- New spell effects! Just about every spell in the game has been given a new spell effect. If you have your spell effects turned off, you may want to turn them back on.
It has just been implemented, as it turns out Sony didn't bother announcing it, just stuck it in the patch as a bonus.
yea in game i noticed that too...
let me tell...change is good!
the spells look badass! especially the necromancer dots
awesome/noooice/badass all in one!
check it out in WILL like this chanfe
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I saw some of them on test a while back. I think my favorite is the Thistlecoat line, where the effect looks like your torso is covered in giant burs. Funny, I walked through a field in a wool sweater once, and came out looking just like that.
I can't comment on them going live, but what I saw on test was pretty cool.
This is where I draw the line: __________________.
EQ: Zieg-Level 46-HalfElf-Paladin-RZ Server(Retired)
FFXI: Zieg-Lv21RDM/5WAR-Hume-Phoenix Server(Active)
EQ: Zieg-Level 46-HalfElf-Paladin-RZ Server(Retired)
FFXI: Zieg-Lv26PLD/9WAR-Hume-Phoenix Server(Active)
some of the new bard song effects are annoying lol htat one fire thing one..
i forgot what it was...
I can confirm the changes but at the moment do not have screenshots ...there is an enchanter spell that has an incredible runes and symbols graphic that is just beautiful...the weapon procs and everything look just flat out gorgeous. after playing all of the major EQ competetors i must say SoE has surpassed them by a HUGE LEAP..i doubt if any Fantasy MMORPG can or Will ever come close. Keep up the good work SoE .
I would be more than happy to take some snapshots if there was a place available to host the pictures.