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Ok I am going out on a limb here and to all those that play and have played SWG in the past. What would you like to see in a new or revised game? For SWG when would you place it? Would it have any Jedi or even the Empire running around?
Personaly I think an advanced skill tree would be a good plan. This way you could develop who you are and be diverse over another. to do this you would need a point based skill system. Just like an old PNP RPG. You could have combat, knowledge, social, business, and such grouped skills. For Example, the movies show that Luke could do Mosture farm work, Drive a speeder, fire a weapon and fix droids. he also posessed a good knowledge of Tatooine but nothing really beyond Tatooine.
As your player develops you get more skills to add to what you know so you could become great at knowldge of Droids but not focus so much on weapons. Or you may take a lot in pilot but have no social graces... (sounds like some people I know)
I have never been a fan of placing people into a forced part, where the Jedi is just a Jedi and Boutny hunter is just that. I think a system like this would allow you to have a bounty hunter, who can heal and fix his ship, or another Bounthy hunter who is also good at hacking systems and politics.
So what would you like to see in a new game?
SOE knows what you like... You don't!
And don't forget... I am forcing you to read this!
An EVE-style skills sytems. (Skills take time to train, but train whether you're online or off). An equal balance between ground and space content. (And not all space content being "fighting". Space stations, luxury liners, capital ships to explore).
Instanced housing.
Multiple factions -- minimum of three, better to have 9 seperate factions of three loose alliances.
I'd view it like this: You log on, choose your species and customize your background. You might land on Tatooine -- which is an open "world" like it is now as loosely affliated with the Hutt faction of the Smuggler Alliance, already having basic skills in slicing, pistols, and freighter piloting or spice manufacturing.
Or perhaps on Coruscant -- not an "open world" but a series of interlocked city areas, filled with life. You're a recent Academy graduate, part of the Imperial Military faction of the Empire. You're skilled in snubfighter weaponry and a certified TIE pilot.
Or perhaps on Dantooine -- you're a starfighter engineer, loosely allied with the Alliance but part part of the Independent Rebels faction. You're a skilled mechanic, able to upgrade basic ship components and a moderately talented gunner for multi-player ships.
I want a system where Master Merchants can place Vendors in the relevant section of the Imperial Mall on Coruscant, or in the Rebel Supply Depot on Dantooine, or in the seedy smuggler's dens on Tatooine. Where a Smuggler pilot can end up flying TIE interceptors on inflitration missions into Empire space -- on commission as a temporary agent of the Rebellian.
Where smugglers work with Image Designers and slicers to create a false identity, a false look that allows you to inflitrate the Rebellion.
Where high-ranking smugglers work with architects to create asteroid hideouts -- or high ranking Rebels form Squadrons from hidden bases created by Rebel engineers. Or where Imperial Guilds stage raids from their Corvette in orbit around Lok.
Where I can decorate my home -- whether a room in a space station, a complex on Imperial Center, a hidden asteroid hideout, or a out of the way corner of a Rebel base, or even a battered freighter -- (invulnerable like the Sorosuub, but useless other than for housing) -- with loot, with artwork, or even just furnished with battered ejection seats and blaster-scored tables that look like something I stole out of a cantina's garbage. An instanced home that I can leave open for others to gaze in awe at, or can be my private sanctuary.
Where if I get bored being an Imperial pilot, I can burn my bridges behind me and go to the Rebellion and become an engineer or weaponsmith, or turn to the Smuggler's Alliance as a slicer, a smuggler, or an information broker.
I want choices, and flexibility, and the change to tell my own freakin' story.
The entire game designed around realistic supply and demand forces, just like, well, reality. I think the closer the game can get to that, and the more it allows for, the better it will be.
Turn-based combat blatantly copied from City of Heroes. And have it be the universal way you interact with the world. I think game design and stability will be much more reasonable to work with and develop as a result of a single world interface style (rather than mixing real-time FPS). And besides, this is an Role Playing Game not a run and gun shooter, though it seems the two could be melded in some clever fasion.. for now though, I say keep it just turn-based. There are enough other more important things to be figured out.
The profession system just like the original SWG. None of the passe lvl 1-90 stuff. I want to be able to change professions when I want, and I want the gameplay style of those professions to be significantly distinct.
Highly realistic resource sinks. Things need to decay and wear out in order for realistic supply-demand forces to exist. After a while, your factory just breaks down and you have to get a new one... OR, get a crafter to retrofit the sucker, which brings in another load of great possibilities.
Crafting system just like the original SWG, except with the ability to retrofit and modify already-made items with new modifications. This would allow for technological evolution and an elegant way for profession imbalances to be rectified (and allow for more specialization, not to mention keeping a crafter's interest). This topic will be a major step forward in the genre if the motivations and requirements are properly understood and implemented.
A system by which players have a motivation to put player-funded missions on mission terminals (they could be mixed in with npc missions). Wealth would then be at least partially created by true player demand (like a real economy), not merely through "money printing", which is what our friend the Gold Farmer requires.
I'll stop now. This is too long.
I'd love anything like SWG was in the beginning (well, after they added mounts). Maybe just an expanded skill system, a way to switch between the complex 40-screen crafting system and a simplified one... a lot more races, vehicles, mounts (obviously). More skill points to spend... the market was nice, but you couldn't put anything good on it. You needed to have good connections or search a thousand houses to find a terminal that sold anything worth buying. Maybe a lot more perks for the imps to balance it out a little. Different era, either KOTOR time period or long after ROTJ. Another faction, and increase the tension between them. Not sure if they're still doing this, but I always hated those quest terminals. Grab two, run out, blow up lair, run back... got old fast.
There honestly isn't much I'd change from the original. I only quit because I felt like I'd done everything. An expanded skill system would fix that.
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Not giving feedback on what i want in SWG2 incase SOE is reading this, but anything not SOE/LA run will do me.
What im playing right now if i say its name SOE will likely say thats what i want and will try to acquire it or emulate it if they cant buy it.
Think lie,cheat,steal and you have the 3 rules SOE is run on.