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EverQuest II: KoS Q&A and Screen Series Begins

Another series kicks off today! Every Friday we'll have exclusive screenshots and renders from EverQuest II: Kingdom of the Sky starting with these three images. We will also carry an exclusive interview every other week. In the first installment, Rob Hinman asks Scotts Hartsman (Senior Producer, SOE) about several issues. Many magic users often complain about the lack of design and color to their robes. Their argument is that many of these robes have the same exact design, saved for a few different looks; and by level 40 every mage is wearing purple and gold robes. Will the new expansion bring forth any new and exciting designs that are different from the common look and how will they look class specific (example: A Necromancer robe and an Illusionist robe should look differently)?

Scott Hartsman: This is something we feel strongly about too. So much so, that we’re not only adding them in the expansion. We have been, and will continue to be, adding them to the live game as well.

New robes with new appearances have already made their way in to the game via our dungeon improvements over the past weeks, most notably in Ruins of Varsoon, Runnyeye, and the Temple of Cazic-Thule.

Even more new appearances will arrive in the coming updates to starting classes (as all casters now start out looking unique) and the dungeon improvements continue in Solusek’s Eye with at least one new robe there that the folks on the beta server thought looked amazing.

You may read the entire Q&A here.

Dana Massey
Formerly of
Currently Lead Designer for Bit Trap Studios


  • anarchyartanarchyart Member Posts: 5,378
    Those graphics are SWEET and I'm so glad they are adding new robes and armors for more distinct looks. PVP is gonna be soooooo sweet, almost a perfect ruleset, was just one thing I wasn't so sure about but I can't remember it now so it can't be that bad.image

  • ArremusArremus Member Posts: 656

    Doesn't really say anything too unique there, but then we can't expect a whole lot from the SoE guys.
    Am used to those kind of 'informative' interviews after a year+ of EQ2.

    I did have to laugh though at:
    Achievements, a new means of gaining abilities, are available to everyone who is level 20 and above, allowing us to include a lot more people in the Kingdom of Sky excitement. =)

    Let me reword that:
    "Achievements, a new means of gaining abilities, should have been included free with the PvP update as a content bonus to all of our players. But as (the Achievements) are available to everyone who is level 20 and above, and seeing as there is no other actual content in the KoS expansion for levels 0-40, we needed some way to sell lots of copies to those who don't need it yet. This way it allows us to make a shirtload more money- err.. include a lot more people in the Kingdom of the Sky excitement!"
    Which will of course be followed up with "Well you don't neeeed the Achievement system". Yeah.. right. haha.

    Anyways, it blows. Typical SoE marketing really. I just wanted to try out the PvP system as a last ditched effort to fill in time with EQ2 before something else finally arrives.
    I really didn't want to have to buy KoS - who's content I doubt I'll see a quarter of - to be able to compete in the PvP world (Achievements will no doubt be key to your PvP survival).


    "(The) Iraqi people owe the American people a huge debt of gratitude." - George W Bush.
    Oh. My. God.

  • UUCyberSteveUUCyberSteve Member Posts: 4

    While surprised that SOE launched a new expansion so quickly after DoF, it's showing their support and commitment to it's user-base by delivering components that A) Users were asking for and B) Bringing a fuller feature set (ie PvP, "AA", etc) into an already deep game. Yes, SOE has a bad rap, but with EQ2, I have never seen an MMO so effectively user-driven and I have enjoyed it from day 1 and will look forward to KoS when it comes out too.
    WoW-ites, when is your first expansion due out? When it's ready ... <thanks Blizzard> ::::31::

    - Frostwynn (58 Wizard - Mistmoore)

  • darktravestydarktravesty Member Posts: 199

    Very impressive, I can't wait ::::28::

  • anarchyartanarchyart Member Posts: 5,378

    Originally posted by Arremus

    (Achievements will no doubt be key to your PvP survival).

    Doesn't say anything remotely like that anywhere. They key to my PVP survival is that I don't suck and my oponent does, period.

  • badirontreebadirontree Member UncommonPosts: 42

    the competition with WOW made eq 2 100 time better !!!
    EQ 2 rulz

  • porgieporgie Member Posts: 1,516

    Originally posted by Arremus
    Doesn't really say anything too unique there, but then we can't expect a whole lot from the SoE guys.
    Am used to those kind of 'informative' interviews after a year+ of EQ2.I did have to laugh though at:
    Achievements, a new means of gaining abilities, are available to everyone who is level 20 and above, allowing us to include a lot more people in the Kingdom of Sky excitement. =)Let me reword that:
    "Achievements, a new means of gaining abilities, should have been included free with the PvP update as a content bonus to all of our players. But as (the Achievements) are available to everyone who is level 20 and above, and seeing as there is no other actual content in the KoS expansion for levels 0-40, we needed some way to sell lots of copies to those who don't need it yet. This way it allows us to make a shirtload more money- err.. include a lot more people in the Kingdom of the Sky excitement!"
    Which will of course be followed up with "Well you don't neeeed the Achievement system". Yeah.. right. haha.Anyways, it blows. Typical SoE marketing really. I just wanted to try out the PvP system as a last ditched effort to fill in time with EQ2 before something else finally arrives.
    I really didn't want to have to buy KoS - who's content I doubt I'll see a quarter of - to be able to compete in the PvP world (Achievements will no doubt be key to your PvP survival).SoE101.

    You smell of bias. Therefore your opinion stinks.


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