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EQ2 before release pledged to deliver stunning graphics and variety in armor and sstuff. Now after game is released we can see that there much less than was promised because of problem storing all the data for pretty costumes, armors and cloth templates.
My question is it going to be the same with HJ. It looks pretty too... Are we going to get all that promised or a part of it, again due to complications of storing necessary data on the game servers.
Someone I know said "This isn't the first time Simu has lied" (basically saying it's not going to be as great as I'm hoping)
I see this as their big chance, and if they blow it.. well...... it will be remembered at least.
Hero's Journey GM
Hero's Journey Official Site
Hero's Hall
Coming other game companies to SOE is an insult to every game company out there. As a matter of principle I will not buy or support SOE games.
I'll wait before Simu screws over thousands of fans several times (mutiple games) before I even compare them to SOE.
Do not... I repeat do NOT, compare us to SOE.
The only thing we at Simutronics have in common with SOE is we both have fantasy games.
That's it.
I'm not here to bash on SOE. But please do not compare us to them. It makes me feel unclean.
Simutronics Staff (GM)
You? Feeling Unclean?
Egads... Next thing you know... You'll start showering again... Then the whole world will fly off of it's axis!
hope it turns out to be a great game.
I too hope this game is not as bland as EQ II turned out to be, or for that matter most recent MMOG's.
In any case, is it really that hard to store and render good costumes and armor? Or isent it more dependant on the engine that is running the game. IMO EQ II engine is amazingly bad, with numerous lag issues and just lack of detail. I mean common, how much money and time have they invested in the project and they still have the memory leak issue? I don't know, perhaps there is more to it. I am not a computer science major, but would love it someone with more knowledge would tell me.
This is your chance to shine HJ, lets see what a real game can do.
I don't want to argue with you, but I have Athlon 3700+. 2GB RAM and Nvidia 9700GTX, Adelphia cable internet and I don't have a lag whatsoever. For sure its not going as smooth as a single player game, simply because there are many players around you and NPCs for the server are treated the same like an additional character on the screen.
But since I upgraded my computer I haven't had any lag issue, so mostly lag in EQ2 its purely based on your computer configuration and internet connection, also on your location.
If you have terrible lag in EQ2 its possible you will have the same issues in HJ. I really hope that HJ will end up being very interestingm for now I can see only nice graphics.
Yes, and? You know some features about the HJ you can share with?
Hero's Journey GM
Hero's Journey Official Site
Hero's Hall
Humility before Honor.
In all honestly. That's up to the gang at the main office to let you know about this subject. How our Engine does what it does would be a secret though.
But I can say that supporting new tech is something we've worked at.
Simutronics Staff (GM)
Simutronics Staff (GM)
"Module injection", also called "replace gracefully", or some like to refer to as "replace when convenient" mechanics - im sure you will not confirm, but a "cold" or "hot" might be nuff anyway
Royce, i am rarely posting in forums, but your previous SoE-reaction, comparable to a "Neocortex collapse" got me out of my burrow.
You gave yourself the title "GM", which is "gamemaster", which is normally known as support staff from the online view of the game.
Considering your previous postings, i dont believe you that and suspect you some1 higher up the ranks (no need to comment).
Regarding the SoE statement:
Its an old rule, that you get dirty hands when joining such "discussion", even if you are an innocent virgin in a white dress - at the end you are full of dirt too.
So let ME take over this part
All i want to say is, and this is very essential:
What a gamer might see as only a game, means the income and living for you and your kids you need to feed.
It is important to understand, that you are doing in service. A game is a service. This service is sold.
The customer has the wallet and this is all you want, plain and simple. And this is the most normal thing: Its called business.
The casual gamer wants a product matching his needs and ideals, matching it that good that he is willing to pay for it.
And this is the mission: To make customers pay for your service.
Whatever the customer wants, whatever is possible, however the game can extend by the customers wishes without spoiling the initial idea and gamemechanics, should be DONE.
It is to please and satisfy the customer in the needed way, to let the bills fly over to you.
I am more then willing to pay for many many accounts, as long as the game is getting bugfixed ASAP whenever there comes a bug to your attention, whenever a exploit is fixed asap, whenever a disbalance is adressed asap.
SoE and its pacman-style developers can NOTHING. They can only BUY games.
Then they run them down quick like EQ I (bought), like EQ II (bought), like Matrix online (bought) and Star Wars Galaxies (complete other devteam at the start, now a fancy eyehurting Supernintendo console game for pre-adolescence kids with motoric disfunctions) - sorry for that you SoE-Lovers reading this (why you are reading this anyway ? Go back to your forums and bash on the leaving NGE-hating vets).
Communication and the transportation of respect for the customer, is another very essential thing.
The game itself is only 50% of the rent. The other 50% are coming from the community and the operating company.
If you magnetize unmature "i pwnd ya dud and l33wt yo" players, your community will reflect this soon (and your reputation).
If you are to harsh in regulations (Saga of Ryzom style) you will loose customers too.
It is a very sensitive "instrument", and only a virtouso should be allowed to play on it (aka: Prev. gamers having a clue what the customer feels like).
SoE brought us an amazing example the last year, how to very exactly NOT operate a game and handle your customers.
They lied, the are coding like the first human spotting an Atari-ST1040 in the trash with a "Turtle Basic" ROM in its slot, full of bugs, non tested rubbish, designflaws making you losing the fate in common sense on the whole line.
And when they customer complains about it all they do is
a) Nothing
b) Nothing
c) Nothing
(I forgot "lie to you that Pinocchios nose appears microscopic compared to them).
Well, all i want to say is:
Mistakes are made to learn from them.
SoE made them, you other companys out there learn from them...hopefully.
Oh, and watch them like a hawk, they are not THAT much longer in the busniess, mark my words - before the next snow falls down (and dont tell me, you live in Colorado, that doesnt count :P )
When Electronic Arts® shut down "Moto City" and then "Earth & Beyond", they lost all their customers. Today, this once big company is a small french-frie shop, having their once called "developers" serving you coke, while playing thias hillarious No# 685 in the charts title called "Sims Online 2".
This is, what happens: The higher you climb, the deeper you fall...
Heros Journey is a title, which im observing for quiet a time now.
The keywords "Playerhousing", "social interacting" and "customization of your character" are already there.
I am excited for the beta testing - whenever it will be.
Best luck to you guys over there, i wish you all the best with "Heros Journey" - and not only because i have a great game to play then
How do I apply for Beta when it starts?
Do I have to be subscribed to the HJ official forums like in case of Vanguard to be accepted into Beta, or there will be special form to fill up?
I do hope too that Heroes Journey will survive Vanguard. But I will for sure try both Vanguard and Heroes Journey. Who wins my investment, depends on who will satisfy my needs better.
Also I don't like that SoE doesn't look around. They propagand their stupid ideology in the game which makes me sick sometimes. I personally think that its just fine to borrow ideas from other games mixing them up with your own unique features and I hope that HJ developers won't be as stubborn as SoE is.
I wish you all the luck HJ and hopefully will be one of those who get Beta invitation
So, you went into the future?
So, you went into the future?
There was already an application for Beta in the form of a survey, which will have a follow-up survey. It guaranteed you a spot in Beta, but only after current Simutronics customers got in.
Therefore, if you want to be the crowd that is in Beta as soon as it comes out, sign up for a Simutronics game at I recommend Gemstone IV, as that is what I'm playing. Dragonrealms is also pretty sweet, but it doesn't feel as developed as Gemstone. But that makes sense--GS was Simu's first product. It's been around for a hell of a long time.
Dragonrealms is about to celebrate 10 years. Don't count it out.
Simutronics Staff (GM)
I tried GS and I just didn't like it (Maybe I didn't give it enough time), I like the feel DR has..
That's just my opinion.
Hero's Journey GM
Hero's Journey Official Site
Hero's Hall
Well if you start with one and then move to the other... well most people are more loyal to their first. Has anyone ever played GS for over 3 months and them moved to DR and liked that more? Visa Versa?
Yeah, I'm quite sure you're right.
I can't help it though, DR is like my best friend.
Which is kinda sad. Especially since I haven't been playing for over a month now.
Hero's Journey GM
Hero's Journey Official Site
Hero's Hall
I liked DR's skill system more. But I liked GS's world and mechanics in general better. Why?
Rogues and warriors could cast spells.
The Gift of Lumnis.
Dual-Wielding. While none of my characters dual-wield, why isn't it in DR? I'd have a dual-wielding Kaldar thief with a Barbarian pretend guild.