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Most boring hypothetical MMO

Gammit100Gammit100 Member UncommonPosts: 439

When my outfitmates and I get bored, we have a contest to see who can come up with the most boring-sounding MMO.  Past winners are:

Tax Audit Online image

Root Canal Online image

Virtual Hemmoroid Surgery image


can you beat those?

MMO games played or tested: EQ, DAoC, Archlord, Auto Assault, CoH, CoV, EQ2, EVE, Guild Wars, Hellgate: London, Linneage II, LOTRO, MxO, Planetside, SWG, Sword of the New World, Tabula Rasa, Vanguard, WWIIOL, WOW, Age of Conan



  • SpiritofGameSpiritofGame Member UncommonPosts: 1,332

    OK, I'll try....

    1) Try-To-Smell-The-Virtual-Flower Online

    2) Single Player Pong Online

    3) Whining-About-SWG Online

    and, of course....

    4) Horizons


    ~ Ancient Membership ~

  • noname12345noname12345 Member Posts: 2,267

    1. taking a dump online

    2. picking a scab online.

    3. Trying to find the light switch online.

    "When Saddam flew that plane into those buildings, I knew it was time to kick some Iranian ass!"
    -cheer leading, flag waving American

  • ninjaBeaverninjaBeaver Member Posts: 158

    Hide & Seek Online

    Greenhouse Online

    Beg-a-Nickel Online

    image image image

  • VampirVampir Member Posts: 4,239

    1. Eve Online(too much micromanagement)

    2.Dry Cleaning online.

    3.and pharmacist online


    98% of the teenage population does or has tried smoking pot. If you''re one of the 2% who hasn''t, copy & paste this in your signature.

  • DamonVileDamonVile Member UncommonPosts: 4,818

    Watching paint dry online

    watching me do my job online

  • punchlinepunchline Member Posts: 544

    1. church! online
    2. watching a little kids t ball game online
    3. helping grandma with the dishes ... online

  • RemyVorenderRemyVorender Member RarePosts: 4,010

    1. Listen To Paint Dry

    2. Watch Your Fingernails Grow

    3. Start a Dust Collection...In Your Hand

    Doh Damon! You beat me to that one heheh. image

    Joined 2004 - I can't believe I've been a member for 20 years! Get off my lawn!

  • RemyVorenderRemyVorender Member RarePosts: 4,010

    Originally posted by AlexAmore

    1. taking a dump online

    But unlike most MMOs I've played, I actually look forward to my daily deuce. image

    Joined 2004 - I can't believe I've been a member for 20 years! Get off my lawn!

  • MMO_MunkMMO_Munk Member Posts: 299

    1. Communicate with a (India based) Dell Tech Support Online

    2. Garbageman Online

    3. Preschool teacher Online

  • VampirVampir Member Posts: 4,239

    Originally posted by MMO_Munk

    1. Communicate with a (India based) Dell Tech Support Online

    the most challenging MMO ever........


    98% of the teenage population does or has tried smoking pot. If you''re one of the 2% who hasn''t, copy & paste this in your signature.

  • knives22knives22 Member Posts: 375

    Eve online
    Lineage 2 ¯(º_o)/¯

  • KaptainZergKaptainZerg Member Posts: 322

    Tic Tac Toe: The Pythagorean Chronicles
    Reviewed by Lenny "Jockstrap" Leibovitz-Huckleberry

    The most anticipated MMO of the year has finally arrived. Sales figures for the first week are staggering. Tic Tac Toe: The Pythagorean Chronicle, published by In Yo Stupid Face Studios, might just be the WoW-slayer that sends Blizzard into an ice age.


    The first thing you'll notice about TTT is the simple yet elegant GUI. Player can jump straight into the action after the very first tutorial (narrated by Linsey Lohan's brother!). In fact, every aspect of TTT is so simple that grandmasters and novices can compete one-on-one immediately on a level playing field. That's what I call revolutionary.

    If there's one game you buy this month make it Tic Tac Toe: The Pythagorean Chronicles, it's headed for the GOTY award, trust me.

    Rating Description

    10 ~~~ Graphics Slick, mon. Anarchy Online ain't got nothing on this bad boy!

    10 ~~~ Gameplay It rules, unlike anything else out there!

    10 ~~~ Replay Value Like an artificial Christmas tree, it just doesn't grow old!

  • CrazyfoolCrazyfool Member Posts: 151

    Ok, my turn image

    1.(insert the most annoying overplayed boy band) Online

    2."Special" Olympics Online - i apologise, i had to.

    3."George Bush" Online


  • DedthomDedthom Member Posts: 541
    The MMORPG where you get to play real people doing everyday wait that is Sims onlineimage

    ""But Coyote, you could learn! You only prefer keyboard and mouse because that's all you've ever known!" You might say right before you hug a rainforest and walk in sandals to your drum circle where you're trying to raise group consciousness of ladybugs or whatever it is you dirty goddamn hippies do when you're not busy smoking pot and smelling bad."
    Coyote's Howling: Death of the Computer

  • SigneSigne Member, Newbie CommonPosts: 2,524

    Originally posted by DamonVile
    Watching paint dry onlinewatching me do my job online

    Silly... it already exists! (

    PS and your boss probably does spy on you! If he doesn't, he should.... ::::35::

  • TheWarcTheWarc Member Posts: 1,199
    Joel online image
  • moonfogmoonfog Member Posts: 979

    1. Blowing bubblegum Online (sponsored by Hubba Bubba)

    2. Milking Cows Online. (Milking goat Online for Hardcore players)

    3. Clouds Online (controll your own fleat of clouds and move them all over causing rain caos to all!)

  • Gammit100Gammit100 Member UncommonPosts: 439

    Originally posted by punchline

    1. church! online
    2. watching a little kids t ball game online
    3. helping grandma with the dishes ... online

    I think these are some of my new favorites.

    MMO games played or tested: EQ, DAoC, Archlord, Auto Assault, CoH, CoV, EQ2, EVE, Guild Wars, Hellgate: London, Linneage II, LOTRO, MxO, Planetside, SWG, Sword of the New World, Tabula Rasa, Vanguard, WWIIOL, WOW, Age of Conan


  • MrPopovMrPopov Member Posts: 217

    Water Boiler Extreme. Singular career path sets this one apart in the MMO scene (what other game offers only 1 career path?)

    "Honey we have to talk" World.

    Reading the Dictionary Online.

  • pirrgpirrg Member Posts: 1,443


    Clipping your toenails online as a distant second.

    I am the flipside of the coin on which the troll and the fanboy are but one side.

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