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Customer Support

JinxedGamingJinxedGaming Member Posts: 36

So, I recently returned to Shadowbane.  Apparently, I'd forgotten why I left in the first place.


I recently encountered a bug.  I teleported to my home town with my buff bot and was immediately attacked by our own town guards.  Because my buff bot was right beside me to loot up the items in my grave, I took off some items so they wouldn't get damaged.  The town was completely empty except for myself and my bot.


When I died and looted my grave with my buff bot, my grave was empty.  I was carrying quite a bit of stuff, and even if someone had been stealthed nearby, it would have been impossible to loot the grave that fast.  I petitioned the bug and asked that my stuff be returned to me.  Below is the response I recieved.  Summarized, it basically says they don't return stuff there bugs take away from you, becuase for some reason, it's unfair to give you back the stuff you spent hours farming for and shouldn't have lost in the first place.  I especailly liked the "PLEASE DO NOT RESPOND to this email."  Way to show you care about whether or not I keep putting money in your pocket.




Greetings fellow player!

Thank you for contacting the Shadowbane Customer Care team.

Concerning your petition, I'm sorry but it is a company policy that we do not reimburse skill and training points that were misplaced, nor do we reimburse gold, deeds, deleted NPCs, items bought which are not satisfactory to the player or lost due to bugs, and runestones (including promotions and disciplines) that were and are applied. It is part of the regular trial and error process associated to every game. It is also the same for anything applied because of lag or errors. Additionally, please note that we do not reimburse anything because the game was modified by Wolfpack Studios by way of updates, fixes or for small rollbacks after maintenance. Doing so would unbalance the game and give an unfair advantage.
You can find more information about Shadowbane in our Faqs at Http://

Please contact us again if you have any other problem.

The Shadowbane Customer Care team.

Auto-Response (CCR Eld) 12/16/2005 09:24 AMGMT Standard Time

Thank you for submitting a Shadowbane in-game incident. Please note that your incident will be held in queue in the order by which it was received.
PLEASE DO NOT SUBMIT DUPLICATE INCIDENTS as this will only add to the backlog and will slow down the response to your problem. You may be contacted by a CCR in-game or via email.

In the mean time, if you find a solution to your problem, please update or close your incident at

To learn more about using the Shadowbane Support system, please visit the tutorial:

Thank you,
The Shadowbane CCR Team

*PLEASE DO NOT RESPOND to this email.


  • darktravestydarktravesty Member Posts: 199

    Hmm, damn, never had the dissapearing item thing happen like that. But yeah, the guards attacking bug is annoying, but doesn't happen a whole bunch and you're usually able to live.

    And yeah, just like basically every game out there, they don't reimburse.

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