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question about armors

noob-gamernoob-gamer Member Posts: 81

in the manual i saw a set of armor i would like to get how do i get it



  • noob-gamernoob-gamer Member Posts: 81

    i realy saw 2 they were cyn's and devona's armor can i get them and if so where


  • punchlinepunchline Member Posts: 544

    getting armor depends on where you are at in the game
    at lvl 1 you cant get the higher lvl armors....
    and for the highest lvl armors i believe you neeed to be as far as droknars forge
    and be ready to spend some cash on them ::::24::

  • completely true
    the high level armors require not only a lot of money & a high level but also a huge amount of materials defenatly the nice looking ones.
    if you want some very nice looking armors which do not have any other (nor better) effect than the normal high level armors, you need to have a huge amount of obsidian shards & globs of ectoplasm
    which are very rare crafting materials especially if you need 100's of em....

    and i'm not sure but i suppose cynn & devona use unique armors
    & not just armors anyone can get in the game...

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