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Why would it be that you guys play MMORPGS? To socialize? To Explore? To level up as fast as possible?
Me, I play mostly to socialize. I always find myself being somewhat of a shop owner, or clan leader, or something like that wich involves socializing and making friends. Then in turn those friends help me out with leveling up, etc. and thats how I become powerful.
Turn me on, dead man.
S: 86% E: 60% A: 33% K: 20%
~Best thing since sliced bread
SWG-Ahazi- Kovoa DE/DOC
AC-Morningtha- Fou-Lu lvl 79 UA/LIFE
I play for the community aspect, to experience a rpg with other players makes it much more enjoyable imo.
Also at higher levels PvP can is a fun way of testing your character out, seeing how well he is set up against a real opponent rather than a computer char with poor AI.
NC > DAoC > EQ > UO > fecal matter > leper's oily rags > SW:G
Old timer.
Click on the link in my sig, take the test.
Have fun
"Playing EQ to the highend is like getting hit in the head over and over. When the hitting stops you start to miss the dizzy feeling. The lack of this "dizzy feeling" will ruin you to other MMORPG's"
A: 93% E: 55% S:3% K: 50%
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Achievers realise that killers as a concept are necessary in order to make achievement meaningful and worthwhile (there being no way to "lose" the game if any fool can "win" just by plodding slowly unchallenged). -bartle
Bartle: A: 93% E: 55% S:3% K: 50% The Test. Learn what it means here.
its fun to socialize with other people but to also do things as a rpg like you normally in single player rpg you wouldnt be able to have guild raid.. you couldnt even have a guild. Still the worlds i like if they were more sing player rpgs like mmorpgs id pla y them well except that everscrolls i didnt like it
Why do I play mmorpgs? To ESCAPE into a world where I can be and do almost anything and not have to give a damn!!!!!!!! And there a people (not npc) to be there and do these things with you. So socialize.
Life has to much restrictions. LETS ALL GET KRAZIE!
I guess I play mostly because:
1. I can experience a world that is far different from our own - where chivalry does mean something (at least in a fantasy world).
2. There is nothing fit to watch on TV.
For me when I want too socialize I go the the pub and/or meet some friends.
I play because MMORPGs are the most detailed/long lived games and if I at last find a game(MMOG) that I like it's not over in 20-60 hours play time like lots of single/ofline player games. Thats the simple reason for me.
Light laughter and sweet water to you fellow adventures.
Light laughter and sweet water to you fellow adventures.
Omol da'Ox
The Blooded
Omol da'Ox
Its a combination of many aspects... escapism, fun to play, socialization, and theres nothing wrong with killing a mob that twice your size and looting to get uber items.
ok this is my social class...lnow listen
some people are atheletes
some are perverts
some are dancers
some are musicians
and some are artists
while i can proudly call myself a GAMER! because i do not fit into any other category.... (this is just hobby catagery)'s jst who most of us are... we are gamers
we are computer guys
*tTim Allen's grunt*
Well first of all I play to do all of the things the first post said but i do it because its fun and also mmorpgs is more socializing.
My strongest move is called the Hiten Misturugi Ryu technique. No move is faster or stronger than it. (Hitokiri Battousai) go there for Naruto episodes!!