I played on Officials for a year and a half ON ERICA server
I also played on a few private server.
THe biggest problem on Officials is Botting is legal and if you dont bot you just cant compete.
And yes the grind is boring. If you cant spend 8+ hours a day on officials or if you dont bot, no sense in playing.
I legitly leveled my t00n to 71+ And i can say I sure wasted some time doing it.
And then theres the official GMs or lack of. Never met a bunch of worthless scum that should sit on a gernade as the official GMS. They dont even know they game. I once told a Official GM to suck on the end of my 44 magnum and he was so dumb he didnt have a clue what I meant.
And the north American Servers arent as fill as NCSOFT would have one think.
Thier real money is from the South KOreans and the millions playing it.
Now Privates arent the best, many bugs thats for sure. But You dont have to spend your life leveling a t00n.
I currently am GMing on a private server and I help far more then any official L2 GM can. ON any given day we have like a 1000 people online. In comparing to what i use to see on ERICA I would say they have 3000 or so there. our Giran is as packed as On officials and all the leveling areas are packed also.
THeres still a grind on the server I play on, and you have to craft everything like on officials.
I can say nothing beats Officials for everything working and awesome graphics. And nothing beats the officials for pure ego driven gomers. Its taken a bit to serious there.
And yes level 75 in a month is possible on officials now a days.
So wether its 75 in a month on a private or officials doesnt matter anymore
Personally I wont PAY NCSOFT anymore money.
I enjoy helping people in Lineage 2 and giving them the help I couldnt get on officials
And after GMING and knowing my GM commands are the same ones used on officials and all them times GMS told me they cant do anything even as simple as unstuck me way back in prelude. Heh
In the end its a pure fraud on NCSOFTs part and NCSOFTs kick backs they get from IGE lol
I know people who get banned for ebaying but NOT for using IGE...I know I tried to get myself banned and bought the smallest amount of adena and turned myself in and nothing happened lol
Yeah I blah blah blah a lot.
and I make little sense, but try talking to a Lineage 2 Official GM and you'll see how much sense i do make.
I played on Officials for a year and a half ON ERICA server I also played on a few private server. THe biggest problem on Officials is Botting is legal and if you dont bot you just cant compete. And yes the grind is boring. If you cant spend 8+ hours a day on officials or if you dont bot, no sense in playing. I legitly leveled my t00n to 71+ And i can say I sure wasted some time doing it. And then theres the official GMs or lack of. Never met a bunch of worthless scum that should sit on a gernade as the official GMS. They dont even know they game. I once told a Official GM to suck on the end of my 44 magnum and he was so dumb he didnt have a clue what I meant. And the north American Servers arent as fill as NCSOFT would have one think. Thier real money is from the South KOreans and the millions playing it. Now Privates arent the best, many bugs thats for sure. But You dont have to spend your life leveling a t00n. I currently am GMing on a private server and I help far more then any official L2 GM can. ON any given day we have like a 1000 people online. In comparing to what i use to see on ERICA I would say they have 3000 or so there. our Giran is as packed as On officials and all the leveling areas are packed also. THeres still a grind on the server I play on, and you have to craft everything like on officials. I can say nothing beats Officials for everything working and awesome graphics. And nothing beats the officials for pure ego driven gomers. Its taken a bit to serious there. And yes level 75 in a month is possible on officials now a days. So wether its 75 in a month on a private or officials doesnt matter anymore Personally I wont PAY NCSOFT anymore money. I enjoy helping people in Lineage 2 and giving them the help I couldnt get on officials And after GMING and knowing my GM commands are the same ones used on officials and all them times GMS told me they cant do anything even as simple as unstuck me way back in prelude. Heh In the end its a pure fraud on NCSOFTs part and NCSOFTs kick backs they get from IGE lol I know people who get banned for ebaying but NOT for using IGE...I know I tried to get myself banned and bought the smallest amount of adena and turned myself in and nothing happened lol
Yeah I blah blah blah a lot. and I make little sense, but try talking to a Lineage 2 Official GM and you'll see how much sense i do make.
and i 1 shot Anthars, seriuouls botting is bannable, (Farmers is something else) oh yere the game has a /unstuck feture now if you do get stuck...
Hmm, Botting isn't legal! I think anyway. It is against the game rules, but I rarely see anything done about them...this is true!
My question to the guy running the private server is, can you tell being a GM who is running L2 Walker? Are the GMs really pulling our legs. Are bots actually legal?
I've played real server for over a year now.....and recently tried the private server. The only reason to play on private server is to try out a new character type, or see what your class get's as skills at higher lvls.
The private servers have no sense of communty, and the pk...i mean PVP O.o is ALOT worse than on real server. If you love pvp, then try these servers. If you want a community feel to your game, suck it up, and pay the monthly fee.
Enough about the private servers and the jackhats flawed reasoning for playing on them. The reason is simple, they do not have what it takes to play the retail so they flock to a private server to play some arshats uber loot, max level version.
There is not a single valid reason anyone should condone or play a pirate version of any game.
By the way, reported (I report Bots also in L2 and it helps guys, there are a few that I don't see anymore, it may take two or three times but dont get discouraged)
i dono why anyone really wants to play them...i mean if u get from 1-60 in a couple of days thats great but then it gets boring cuz ur done wit the game
Originally posted by Sorrowho Posting linkz to private servers arent allowed, and if you dont like the grind in lineage2, i rather recommend Wow then any private server
Btw thousend play private and some have 3500 to 5000 peeps on private there some real good ones with almost no lag and bugs are rare rate 3x or 5x is ok.
But its more for peeps who cant afford p2p or hate long grind in retail.
Hope to build full AMD system RYZEN/VEGA/AM4!!!
MB:Asus V De Luxe z77 CPU:Intell Icore7 3770k GPU: AMD Fury X(waiting for BIG VEGA 10 or 11 HBM2?(bit unclear now)) MEMORY:Corsair PLAT.DDR3 1866MHZ 16GB PSU:Corsair AX1200i OS:Windows 10 64bit
I can see private servers if you want to experience the mechanics of another character. But you lose all the reasons for playing L2. No community, no continuity with your character.
I notice all these posts that have some wicked leveling plan, like 1-75 in nanoseconds, also slam the game. Hmmm.
In L2's defense, if you want a game that you will be interested in for years (because the pace is slower), and interested in community (with a bunch of like-minded fanatics), its a great place. And each Chronicles expansion (which they don't charge for, unlike the other f**k game companies) are major improvemetns.
Originally posted by isiaI can see private servers if you want to experience the mechanics of another character. But you lose all the reasons for playing L2.
Hmmm, i play to have fun. That's reason enough for me. xD
No community
Why not? All servers I played on had 1k-3k players online constantly. People aren't as greedy as on retail and they help out a lot more then there, both in pvp as well as equipment etc.
no continuity with your character.
Yeah, play a dagger in c1 - it's nice and balanced, then play it c2 and it's beat ppl 10+ levels above you with ease, then c3 comes and you're mostly useless. Lots of continuity. And it's not just daggers that get totally changed with every chronicle or get nerfed useless and stay that way. Look at dwarfs, EE or summoners. If there's a place with horrible continuity it's retail ;P
I notice all these posts that have some wicked leveling plan, like 1-75 in nanoseconds, also slam the game.
I am not sure if I like the idea to kill over 10.000 mobs for a single level while I see all those bot trains on retail. Those get banned really fast on the private servers I play while it's nearly impossible to get them banned on retail. Guess it helps that the bots are not paying for accounts on private servers ;P
And no, it's not just guessing. Someone I know well was botting 24/7 with 3 trains of 9 accounts - to level 75. A few times a GM contacted him with a stupid question but nothing ever happend otherwise. He sold the stripped accounts for $450-$900. Which is the nanoseconds leveling plan for rich ppl. Just because a credit card replaces high rates/faster levelling doesn't mean it's fairer if you ask me ;P
His new trains are all nearly 70 again. 67-69 range last time we chatted. Again not a single ban. So what's NcSoft doing all day? Why do they deny to force people to play by the rules? Why can't they do what private servers often can?
Hmmm. In L2's defense, if you want a game that you will be interested in for years (because the pace is slower), and interested in community (with a bunch of like-minded fanatics), its a great place. And each Chronicles expansion (which they don't charge for, unlike the other f**k game companies) are major improvemetns.
Take C1 client, take C1 server, enable all C4 features you can. You'd be surprised to see how few NcSoft really added in Chronicle 2-4. And if I look at the horrible pvp balance in c2 and the constantly changed drops I am not sure if you can really call it "extensions" or "improvement" anyway. They mostly enable the stuff that was there (locked) since open beta, adding some textures and 3d models while trying to change balance so that it fits the korean player base. To advertise the new chronicle they also add 1-2 "major features" like severan signs ;P
As for the slower pace, go play on a x0,0001 wow server that has only 1% of the quests activated. Let every death remove a few % of the xp and make sure mp/hp regen even while sitting is as slow as in L2, so that eg if you're a mage you'll be sitting a lot more time then you'll kill. Then you roughly got L2 pace. Would that really make wow more interessting to you then the normal x1 wow?
|| Languages for gamers: http://gamerslingo.com /where God ERROR: Target could not be found /target Believer /skill science You missed your target since Believer ignores science /skill logic You missed your target since Believer traded all his INT for faith.
Originally posted by MmoSwan The rest aka the dumb croud will spend several months of hitting the same few mobs over and over and feel the pain of the most boring most slow grind ever.
I suggest you google a little and you'll find out there're more people playing private L2 servers then people playing retail. It's not just a few that got sick of the uber boring uber repetive grind of L2. The Swan
we all have our own opnions, dont be so offensive... maybe theys lots off private servers, to play on, how many that plays on em is something else...
Sorry didn't want to offend you. I am offended by NcSoft's "we don't give a -_- about cheaters" policy, that's all. If they'd at least try to ban cheaters the servers would be a lot more fun place. Also the comment was more from my side of view. I feel like being part of the dumb croud when I see ppl use exploits to get in a few days where i get legit in a few weeks/months without NcSoft at least trying to do anything against it. You don't neccessary have to feel like that xD
As for private server numbers, there are a few 1000 servers, most rather small (< 200-400 players) ones but just the top ten of those has a lot more players then L2 NA. L2X, L2W (private servers) for example have 4 servers each alone. I never took asian L2 players into this comparisson since I got no clue about private servers in asia. I only looked at Europe and NA.
|| Languages for gamers: http://gamerslingo.com /where God ERROR: Target could not be found /target Believer /skill science You missed your target since Believer ignores science /skill logic You missed your target since Believer traded all his INT for faith.
Originally posted by Torak Who said there are no cheats in L2. Fact is there are exploits in ALL MMORPGs. Leveling services are also available for just about any game including WoW, EQ2, FFXI, DAoC. Insulting players of game you don't like is just immature.
What I said is that the poster I replied to was wrong about no cheats on retail. And the big boom exploit (or the various exploits before) is not normal powerlevelling for sure. As for the "dumb croud" - i was referring to myself and my friends that played legit as written in the posting before. Sorry for insulting myself Oo
On my old Retail server (Erica) there are two 7x players known to have reached their level legit.
Proof please
Just check l2blah and l2orphus for the erica section. The number of known legit 7x Erica chars just went up to 4 there. Or ask the people that play there.
Opinion, which we are all entitled to have. Do you have any statistical data at all to back up your statements?
If you want to validate what i said it's easy.
Open google, search for private L2 servers, find hundreds of them, some of them with thousands of players. Do the same thing for DAoC, WoW or any other game you want to. Compare those numbers. I would be surprised if you'd find a single DAoC server with at least 10% players (that's 300-500 online at the same time) of one of the bigger L2 (3000-5000) servers. Most server have 1% (30-50 users) if at all. The same goes for WoW even though there're a lot more servers they're still anything but well visited (max i saw was around 250 players).
I could post a few links but seriously, I am not here to advertise listing sites for private servers. Those would help with getting a quick overview really fast. If you want them PM me and i am happy to send them.
|| Languages for gamers: http://gamerslingo.com /where God ERROR: Target could not be found /target Believer /skill science You missed your target since Believer ignores science /skill logic You missed your target since Believer traded all his INT for faith.
[quote]Originally posted by Sorrowho seriuouls botting is bannable, (Farmers is something else) oh yere the game has a /unstuck feture now if you do get stuck...[/b][/quote]
Well, try to get a bot banned. If you succeed the owner was a complete idiot. I know enough ppl that bot trains to sell them when they're high level. Some are farmers, some are normal players that noticed that they could just run 8 more chars behind them and make a few grand without big risk.
The GMs not being able to understand english doesn't really help. When I first read on the forum about the GM that unstuck a bot that was reported because it kept hitting the wall I couldn't believe it. Then it happened *twice* to me. Nothing as lovely when you get a standardized message "your friend has been unstuck now" when you report some -_- for botting.
It's all nice that there are rules but if there's nobody to enforce them the ppl that break it are the winners.
|| Languages for gamers: http://gamerslingo.com /where God ERROR: Target could not be found /target Believer /skill science You missed your target since Believer ignores science /skill logic You missed your target since Believer traded all his INT for faith.
Originally posted by TorakEnough about the private servers and the jackhats flawed reasoning for playing on them. The reason is simple, they do not have what it takes to play the retail so they flock to a private server to play some arshats uber loot, max level version.
ROFL and that from the guy that said that insulting just makes you look immature a little up in the thread ;P
|| Languages for gamers: http://gamerslingo.com /where God ERROR: Target could not be found /target Believer /skill science You missed your target since Believer ignores science /skill logic You missed your target since Believer traded all his INT for faith.
HMmm well
I played on Officials for a year and a half ON ERICA server
I also played on a few private server.
THe biggest problem on Officials is Botting is legal and if you dont bot you just cant compete.
And yes the grind is boring. If you cant spend 8+ hours a day on officials or if you dont bot, no sense in playing.
I legitly leveled my t00n to 71+ And i can say I sure wasted some time doing it.
And then theres the official GMs or lack of. Never met a bunch of worthless scum that should sit on a gernade as the official GMS. They dont even know they game. I once told a Official GM to suck on the end of my 44 magnum and he was so dumb he didnt have a clue what I meant.
And the north American Servers arent as fill as NCSOFT would have one think.
Thier real money is from the South KOreans and the millions playing it.
Now Privates arent the best, many bugs thats for sure. But You dont have to spend your life leveling a t00n.
I currently am GMing on a private server and I help far more then any official L2 GM can. ON any given day we have like a 1000 people online. In comparing to what i use to see on ERICA I would say they have 3000 or so there. our Giran is as packed as On officials and all the leveling areas are packed also.
THeres still a grind on the server I play on, and you have to craft everything like on officials.
I can say nothing beats Officials for everything working and awesome graphics. And nothing beats the officials for pure ego driven gomers. Its taken a bit to serious there.
And yes level 75 in a month is possible on officials now a days.
So wether its 75 in a month on a private or officials doesnt matter anymore
Personally I wont PAY NCSOFT anymore money.
I enjoy helping people in Lineage 2 and giving them the help I couldnt get on officials
And after GMING and knowing my GM commands are the same ones used on officials and all them times GMS told me they cant do anything even as simple as unstuck me way back in prelude. Heh
In the end its a pure fraud on NCSOFTs part and NCSOFTs kick backs they get from IGE lol
I know people who get banned for ebaying but NOT for using IGE...I know I tried to get myself banned and bought the smallest amount of adena and turned myself in and nothing happened lol
Yeah I blah blah blah a lot.
and I make little sense, but try talking to a Lineage 2 Official GM and you'll see how much sense i do make.
and i 1 shot Anthars, seriuouls botting is bannable, (Farmers is something else) oh yere the game has a /unstuck feture now if you do get stuck...
Hmm, Botting isn't legal! I think anyway. It is against the game rules, but I rarely see anything done about them...this is true!
My question to the guy running the private server is, can you tell being a GM who is running L2 Walker? Are the GMs really pulling our legs. Are bots actually legal?
I've played real server for over a year now.....and recently tried the private server.

The only reason to play on private server is to try out a new character type, or see what your class get's as skills at higher lvls.
The private servers have no sense of communty, and the pk...i mean PVP O.o is ALOT worse than on real server. If you love pvp, then try these servers. If you want a community feel to your game, suck it up, and pay the monthly fee.
Posting linkz to private servers arent allowed, and if you dont like the grind in lineage2, i rather recommend Wow then any private server
Enough about the private servers and the jackhats flawed reasoning for playing on them. The reason is simple, they do not have what it takes to play the retail so they flock to a private server to play some arshats uber loot, max level version.
There is not a single valid reason anyone should condone or play a pirate version of any game.
By the way, reported
(I report Bots also in L2 and it helps guys, there are a few that I don't see anymore, it may take two or three times but dont get discouraged)
WoW is maybe easy to 60 but its a top grind game.
Endless instance runs 1000x same instance lol grind grind grind thats wow :P
Hope to build full AMD system RYZEN/VEGA/AM4!!!
MB:Asus V De Luxe z77
CPU:Intell Icore7 3770k
GPU: AMD Fury X(waiting for BIG VEGA 10 or 11 HBM2?(bit unclear now))
PSU:Corsair AX1200i
OS:Windows 10 64bit
Btw thousend play private and some have 3500 to 5000 peeps on private there some real good ones with almost no lag and bugs are rare rate 3x or 5x is ok.
But its more for peeps who cant afford p2p or hate long grind in retail.
Hope to build full AMD system RYZEN/VEGA/AM4!!!
MB:Asus V De Luxe z77
CPU:Intell Icore7 3770k
GPU: AMD Fury X(waiting for BIG VEGA 10 or 11 HBM2?(bit unclear now))
PSU:Corsair AX1200i
OS:Windows 10 64bit
I can see private servers if you want to experience the mechanics of another character. But you lose all the reasons for playing L2. No community, no continuity with your character.
I notice all these posts that have some wicked leveling plan, like 1-75 in nanoseconds, also slam the game. Hmmm.
In L2's defense, if you want a game that you will be interested in for years (because the pace is slower), and interested in community (with a bunch of like-minded fanatics), its a great place. And each Chronicles expansion (which they don't charge for, unlike the other f**k game companies) are major improvemetns.
Hmmm, i play to have fun. That's reason enough for me. xD
Why not? All servers I played on had 1k-3k players online constantly. People aren't as greedy as on retail and they help out a lot more then there, both in pvp as well as equipment etc.
Yeah, play a dagger in c1 - it's nice and balanced, then play it c2 and it's beat ppl 10+ levels above you with ease, then c3 comes and you're mostly useless. Lots of continuity. And it's not just daggers that get totally changed with every chronicle or get nerfed useless and stay that way. Look at dwarfs, EE or summoners. If there's a place with horrible continuity it's retail ;P
I am not sure if I like the idea to kill over 10.000 mobs for a single level while I see all those bot trains on retail. Those get banned really fast on the private servers I play while it's nearly impossible to get them banned on retail. Guess it helps that the bots are not paying for accounts on private servers ;P
And no, it's not just guessing. Someone I know well was botting 24/7 with 3 trains of 9 accounts - to level 75. A few times a GM contacted him with a stupid question but nothing ever happend otherwise. He sold the stripped accounts for $450-$900. Which is the nanoseconds leveling plan for rich ppl. Just because a credit card replaces high rates/faster levelling doesn't mean it's fairer if you ask me ;P
His new trains are all nearly 70 again. 67-69 range last time we chatted. Again not a single ban. So what's NcSoft doing all day? Why do they deny to force people to play by the rules? Why can't they do what private servers often can?
Take C1 client, take C1 server, enable all C4 features you can. You'd be surprised to see how few NcSoft really added in Chronicle 2-4. And if I look at the horrible pvp balance in c2 and the constantly changed drops I am not sure if you can really call it "extensions" or "improvement" anyway. They mostly enable the stuff that was there (locked) since open beta, adding some textures and 3d models while trying to change balance so that it fits the korean player base. To advertise the new chronicle they also add 1-2 "major features" like severan signs ;P
As for the slower pace, go play on a x0,0001 wow server that has only 1% of the quests activated. Let every death remove a few % of the xp and make sure mp/hp regen even while sitting is as slow as in L2, so that eg if you're a mage you'll be sitting a lot more time then you'll kill. Then you roughly got L2 pace. Would that really make wow more interessting to you then the normal x1 wow?
|| Languages for gamers: http://gamerslingo.com
/where God
ERROR: Target could not be found
/target Believer
/skill science
You missed your target since Believer ignores science
/skill logic
You missed your target since Believer traded all his INT for faith.
Sorry didn't want to offend you. I am offended by NcSoft's "we don't give a -_- about cheaters" policy, that's all. If they'd at least try to ban cheaters the servers would be a lot more fun place. Also the comment was more from my side of view. I feel like being part of the dumb croud when I see ppl use exploits to get in a few days where i get legit in a few weeks/months without NcSoft at least trying to do anything against it. You don't neccessary have to feel like that xD
As for private server numbers, there are a few 1000 servers, most rather small (< 200-400 players) ones but just the top ten of those has a lot more players then L2 NA. L2X, L2W (private servers) for example have 4 servers each alone. I never took asian L2 players into this comparisson since I got no clue about private servers in asia. I only looked at Europe and NA.
|| Languages for gamers: http://gamerslingo.com
/where God
ERROR: Target could not be found
/target Believer
/skill science
You missed your target since Believer ignores science
/skill logic
You missed your target since Believer traded all his INT for faith.
What I said is that the poster I replied to was wrong about no cheats on retail. And the big boom exploit (or the various exploits before) is not normal powerlevelling for sure. As for the "dumb croud" - i was referring to myself and my friends that played legit as written in the posting before. Sorry for insulting myself Oo
Just check l2blah and l2orphus for the erica section. The number of known legit 7x Erica chars just went up to 4 there. Or ask the people that play there.
If you want to validate what i said it's easy.
Open google, search for private L2 servers, find hundreds of them, some of them with thousands of players. Do the same thing for DAoC, WoW or any other game you want to. Compare those numbers. I would be surprised if you'd find a single DAoC server with at least 10% players (that's 300-500 online at the same time) of one of the bigger L2 (3000-5000) servers. Most server have 1% (30-50 users) if at all. The same goes for WoW even though there're a lot more servers they're still anything but well visited (max i saw was around 250 players).
I could post a few links but seriously, I am not here to advertise listing sites for private servers. Those would help with getting a quick overview really fast. If you want them PM me and i am happy to send them.
|| Languages for gamers: http://gamerslingo.com
/where God
ERROR: Target could not be found
/target Believer
/skill science
You missed your target since Believer ignores science
/skill logic
You missed your target since Believer traded all his INT for faith.
[quote]Originally posted by Sorrowho
seriuouls botting is bannable, (Farmers is something else) oh yere the game has a /unstuck feture now if you do get stuck...[/b][/quote]
Well, try to get a bot banned. If you succeed the owner was a complete idiot. I know enough ppl that bot trains to sell them when they're high level. Some are farmers, some are normal players that noticed that they could just run 8 more chars behind them and make a few grand without big risk.
The GMs not being able to understand english doesn't really help. When I first read on the forum about the GM that unstuck a bot that was reported because it kept hitting the wall I couldn't believe it. Then it happened *twice* to me. Nothing as lovely when you get a standardized message "your friend has been unstuck now" when you report some -_- for botting.
It's all nice that there are rules but if there's nobody to enforce them the ppl that break it are the winners.
|| Languages for gamers: http://gamerslingo.com
/where God
ERROR: Target could not be found
/target Believer
/skill science
You missed your target since Believer ignores science
/skill logic
You missed your target since Believer traded all his INT for faith.
ROFL and that from the guy that said that insulting just makes you look immature a little up in the thread ;P
|| Languages for gamers: http://gamerslingo.com
/where God
ERROR: Target could not be found
/target Believer
/skill science
You missed your target since Believer ignores science
/skill logic
You missed your target since Believer traded all his INT for faith.