This is what happens when people step up to the bat and actually work together to get something changed. Add it to wookie armor, xp nerf, crafting nerf, etc.
Now if only people would work together to get NoJedi Servers or severe limits put on them. Or worked together to get the price changed on the expansion...
This happens when people do what they are supposed to do in a Beta .. find bugs. The non trade of many items WAS a bug, we reported it, it was changed - as it was never intended to be so in the first place.
No it wasnt just a bug. They were trying to slip one by the community.....again. Come on Erillion. You cant be that niave. Or do you actually believe jedi are rare?
Originally posted by kaibigan34 They were trying to slip one by the community.....again. Kai
Thats what you think.
IMHO thats highly unlikely. That schematics are not tradeable .. by definition to be given to a crafter by a fighter that found this as reward or loot ... is a bug, not something that the devs wanted to "slip by the community".
Bug was found - and corrected.
Lets stamp out the rest of the bugs.
And the "nerfs"/changes ... good thing in my opinion. No more 40 min duels due to healing overkill. No more force running forever. Harder mob AI - harder fights.
Originally posted by kaibigan34 They were trying to slip one by the community.....again. Kai
Thats what you think.
IMHO thats highly unlikely. That schematics are not tradeable .. by definition to be given to a crafter by a fighter that found this as reward or loot ... is a bug, not something that the devs wanted to "slip by the community".
Highly unlikely? Look at history. Look at their track record. Putting a bugged patch that were clearly aware of the serious and high game breaking level of the bugs then posting "We didnt anticipate any of this"....
How about when they tried to slip the crafting nerf to us by saying it was a better more well rounded system? Especially when every crafter and non-crafter that etsted it clearly knew it was a nerf and nothing more...
They tried to slip one by the community and hoped they wouldnt get caught. Nothing more or less. Believe what you want but you cant fight SOE/LA history and previous actions.
Bug was found - and corrected.
Lets stamp out the rest of the bugs.
And the "nerfs"/changes ... good thing in my opinion. No more 40 min duels due to healing overkill. No more force running forever. Harder mob AI - harder fights.
Yah why would jedi need force run now that BHs are gimped yet again... Harder mob AI = alot more grouping. Lets go ahead and make the game 100% pure group only. In fact lets just take it to the logical end. Kick anyone who hasnt joined a group within 5 minutes of logging in and anyone who steps more then 5 feet outside a city dies instantly. heh
Originally posted by Torak I'm not sure but wasn't someone saying the XP Nerf was a bug at first also. LoL. I guess they method of operation at Sony is "add it in, if they don't like it, say it's a bug and take it out".
SoE never said this was a bug, infact they came out and stated it was intentional. They have since changed their minds, very likely because of player preasure. A good thing in this case.
Also the XP nerf was a bug, as in it wasn't ready or surposed to have been released. While SoEs CS aren't exactly switched on, you could tell something had gone wrong due to the chaos and confusion it caused them.
Originally posted by grapevine Kai is right, it wasn't a bug. That dev comment from the other tread (about them not being tradable) can be found in the beta forum.
Link please - I did not find it on the beta boards.
(i have access to Beta, so link should work for me .. or send it as PM)
Originally posted by grapevine Kai is right, it wasn't a bug. That dev comment from the other tread (about them not being tradable) can be found in the beta forum.
Link please - I did not find it on the beta boards.
(i have access to Beta, so link should work for me .. or send it as PM)
Have fun
Unless you mean this :
All loot drop and 95% of the quest rewards have been moved to bio-link or just tradeable. The few exceptions are the pre-order/retail rewards, .... (cut out due to NDA, speaking about specific quests ) ......Loot/Quest reward schmatics will be tradeable.
Note: Loot collected prior to this patch will still show up as No Trade, but any new loot gained will not.
I don't believe you are supposed to link to the beta forums (due to NDA only partially being lifted). However the threads title is "No Trade = No Choice = No Reason".
You can also see what Blixtev said in Admriker444's thread.
We are using No Drop for a vaierty of reasons this expansion. Mainly because it requires you to do the content to earn the rewards. Some of the new content is very difficult and it will take a solid team of people operating together to beat it. This adds a subtle value to items that before anyone spamming in the Mining Outpost on Dantooine could aquire.
Most quest rewards are going to be no drop. If you get something you cant or do not want to use, it can either be displayed in a House you are the owner of, or you can sell it to a junk dealer if you do not want it clogging up inventory space. Most of the new loot/rewards can be sold off for credits to junk dealers.
Well .. the bio-link basically achieves exactly what Blixtev describes as desirable here.
But I agree ... at least for Blixtev it was "intentional" .. so more than a bug. Seems like some of his programmers are better in implementing stuff than he is in announcing it to the players.
Originally posted by Erillion This happens when people do what they are supposed to do in a Beta .. find bugs. The non trade of many items WAS a bug, we reported it, it was changed - as it was never intended to be so in the first place. ** going back to Beta testing now ** Have fun Erillion
And it shouldn't be the responsibility of paying customers to be the trouble-shooters. Not everyone that pays for a subscription feels like wasting their time beta testing and its very apparent thats about the only beta testing the SWG team is doing lately.
I stopped playing with this marketting campai... (cough) err expansion was announced. Between the half-assed development practices and yet another jedi themed addition to the game with a planet that has zero to do with the timeline of the game. Everyone has been waiting for more content from the actual episodes the game timeline is taking place in and they push out this trash instead.
When I get bored with EQ II it will probably be the end of my station pass, SWG isn't holding me too it anymore unforuntely. I don't approve of their development practices and ethics at this point. A shame because the ranger updates look very promising and interesting to me.
- Scaris
"What happened to you, Star Wars Galaxies? You used to look like Leia. Not quite gold bikini Leia (more like bad-British-accent-and-cinnamon-bun-hair Leia), but still Leia nonetheless. Now you look like Chewbacca." - Computer Gaming World
Actually, so far I've been able to do everything without a Jedi, either on my own or with a group of other non-jedis. There are very few Jedi in the Beta (only the few that got it when Jedi was enabled on the frogs the first few days or so) so the expansion is pretty much being tested by non-Jedi Also haven't come across any quests based on the prequels, thats not to say they don't exist tho. Although Mustafar doesn't feature in EPIV to VI, it did still exist during our current time period.
Originally posted by Obraik Actually, so far I've been able to do everything without a Jedi, either on my own or with a group of other non-jedis. There are very few Jedi in the Beta (only the few that got it when Jedi was enabled on the frogs the first few days or so) so the expansion is pretty much being tested by non-Jedi Also haven't come across any quests based on the prequels, thats not to say they don't exist tho. Although Mustafar doesn't feature in EPIV to VI, it did still exist during our current time period.
Never said a thing about needing to be a jedi to take part in the expansion. I think you may want to re-read my statement again.
- Scaris
"What happened to you, Star Wars Galaxies? You used to look like Leia. Not quite gold bikini Leia (more like bad-British-accent-and-cinnamon-bun-hair Leia), but still Leia nonetheless. Now you look like Chewbacca." - Computer Gaming World
Originally posted by Erillion Ahh, you mean THIS I think : >>>>>>>>>>> Blixtev wrote:
We are using No Drop for a vaierty of reasons this expansion. Mainly because it requires you to do the content to earn the rewards. Some of the new content is very difficult and it will take a solid team of people operating together to beat it. This adds a subtle value to items that before anyone spamming in the Mining Outpost on Dantooine could aquire.
Most quest rewards are going to be no drop. If you get something you cant or do not want to use, it can either be displayed in a House you are the owner of, or you can sell it to a junk dealer if you do not want it clogging up inventory space. Most of the new loot/rewards can be sold off for credits to junk dealers. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>
Well .. the bio-link basically achieves exactly what Blixtev describes as desirable here.
But I agree ... at least for Blixtev it was "intentional" .. so more than a bug. Seems like some of his programmers are better in implementing stuff than he is in announcing it to the players.
Have fun
Agreed, but that wasn't what was initialy indended.
Originally posted by Obraik Actually, so far I've been able to do everything without a Jedi, either on my own or with a group of other non-jedis. There are very few Jedi in the Beta (only the few that got it when Jedi was enabled on the frogs the first few days or so) so the expansion is pretty much being tested by non-Jedi Also haven't come across any quests based on the prequels, thats not to say they don't exist tho. Although Mustafar doesn't feature in EPIV to VI, it did still exist during our current time period.
Never said a thing about needing to be a jedi to take part in the expansion. I think you may want to re-read my statement again.
Title aside (and a series of quests), its isn't a jedi related expantion either.
The beta server is also extremely busy, so plenty of people are "waisting their time". The expantion is also relatively bug free, especially for a SoE product.
Originally posted by grapevine The expansion is also relatively bug free, especially for a SoE product.
** hands grapevine a flame retardant suit, cause no matter if that statement is true or not, he will need it to survive the SWG flamers response to that **
... Between the half-assed development practices and yet another jedi themed addition to the game with a planet that has zero to do with the timeline of the game...
You call it a Jedi themed addition? Ok, sure I'd say that roughly 5% of the quests so far have, but I wouldn't say the entire expansion is Jedi themed. I guess it depends on your tolerance of Jedi themes, if 1% is too much then you're probably not gonna like it (as I think you've already figured)
Originally posted by grapevine The expansion is also relatively bug free, especially for a SoE product.
** hands grapevine a flame retardant suit, cause no matter if that statement is true or not, he will need it to survive the SWG flamers response to that **
Originally posted by Obraik Originally posted by Fadeus ... Between the half-assed development practices and yet another jedi themed addition to the game with a planet that has zero to do with the timeline of the game...You call it a Jedi themed addition? Ok, sure I'd say that roughly 5% of the quests so far have, but I wouldn't say the entire expansion is Jedi themed. I guess it depends on your tolerance of Jedi themes, if 1% is too much then you're probably not gonna like it (as I think you've already figured)
Yet again not what I mean when I say Jedi themed. I don't care if it has no jedi content and no jedi quests in it. From a marketting standpoint its geared to draw the interest of jedi, jedi wanna be's, and people that don't know anything about the game and want to start and be a jedi. It's catering to the same concept they have been using all along and that is that "jedi sell", Plain and simple. They could have gone a million other ways with this expansion. But they just so happenned to pick the planet that's only exhistence in the storline is the planet that Obi-Wan and Vader battled and Vader lost.
It has nothing to do with the current timeline. The planet merely exhisting doesn't justify putting it in over a planet that has a serious impact on the current timeline. I am sorry no one can seem to get my point, if you enjoy it keep playing it.
- Scaris
"What happened to you, Star Wars Galaxies? You used to look like Leia. Not quite gold bikini Leia (more like bad-British-accent-and-cinnamon-bun-hair Leia), but still Leia nonetheless. Now you look like Chewbacca." - Computer Gaming World
Originally posted by Fadeus ... Between the half-assed development practices and yet another jedi themed addition to the game with a planet that has zero to do with the timeline of the game... You call it a Jedi themed addition? Ok, sure I'd say that roughly 5% of the quests so far have, but I wouldn't say the entire expansion is Jedi themed. I guess it depends on your tolerance of Jedi themes, if 1% is too much then you're probably not gonna like it (as I think you've already figured)
Yet again not what I mean when I say Jedi themed. I don't care if it has no jedi content and no jedi quests in it. From a marketting standpoint its geared to draw the interest of jedi, jedi wanna be's, and people that don't know anything about the game and want to start and be a jedi. It's catering to the same concept they have been using all along and that is that "jedi sell", Plain and simple. They could have gone a million other ways with this expansion. But they just so happenned to pick the planet that's only exhistence in the storline is the planet that Obi-Wan and Vader battled and Vader lost.
It has nothing to do with the current timeline. The planet merely exhisting doesn't justify putting it in over a planet that has a serious impact on the current timeline. I am sorry no one can seem to get my point, if you enjoy it keep playing it.
Can't argue with that, agree entirely.
Actually I could see the title and marketing backfireing one them somewhat. Those who buy it expecting Jedi (heavily) themed quests are going to be very disapointed.
SOE's idea of gating content is charging $30 for it.
I always hated they did that with eq. It is why I never bought into eq.
Start gating content based on player accomplishments similar to how you gated the village and then give us what we already paid for free and I might play it. I wont buy absurdly overpriced add ons, and if you allow jedi to travel there with a bounty as you did with wookieworld I will be extremely dissappointed at how you treat your current customers for 1 new customer.
What are we paying 14.99 a month for? Server improvements? Content? Bug fixes? I mean we aren't getting much at all for that money.
I'm being kind here. I haven't seen ONE thing in this expansion I would pay a dime for. Well, except that bunker house, and let's face it.. that thing is extortion really. You want the house, you pay 30 bucks for a pile of crap.
Shayde - SWG (dead) Proud member of the Cabal.
It sounds great, so great in fact, I pitty those who canceled - Some deluded SWG fanboi who pities me. I don't like it when you say things. - A Vanguard fan who does too. 09f911029d74e35bd84156c5635688c0
I would tend to agree, that its overpriced at $30 relative to RotW and JTL.
Nothing really against the expantion, as it does seem like higher quaility and have been mostly enjoying it. However conent wise, it seems to be less (in quantity) than the other two while it costs more.
This is what happens when people step up to the bat and actually work together to get something changed. Add it to wookie armor, xp nerf, crafting nerf, etc.
Now if only people would work together to get NoJedi Servers or severe limits put on them. Or worked together to get the price changed on the expansion...
This happens when people do what they are supposed to do in a Beta .. find bugs. The non trade of many items WAS a bug, we reported it, it was changed - as it was never intended to be so in the first place.
** going back to Beta testing now **
Have fun
No it wasnt just a bug. They were trying to slip one by the community.....again. Come on Erillion. You cant be that niave. Or do you actually believe jedi are rare?
Thats what you think.
IMHO thats highly unlikely. That schematics are not tradeable .. by definition to be given to a crafter by a fighter that found this as reward or loot ... is a bug, not something that the devs wanted to "slip by the community".
Bug was found - and corrected.
Lets stamp out the rest of the bugs.
And the "nerfs"/changes ... good thing in my opinion. No more 40 min duels due to healing overkill. No more force running forever. Harder mob AI - harder fights.
Have fun
Thats what you think.
IMHO thats highly unlikely. That schematics are not tradeable .. by definition to be given to a crafter by a fighter that found this as reward or loot ... is a bug, not something that the devs wanted to "slip by the community".
Highly unlikely? Look at history. Look at their track record. Putting a bugged patch that were clearly aware of the serious and high game breaking level of the bugs then posting "We didnt anticipate any of this"....
How about when they tried to slip the crafting nerf to us by saying it was a better more well rounded system? Especially when every crafter and non-crafter that etsted it clearly knew it was a nerf and nothing more...
They tried to slip one by the community and hoped they wouldnt get caught. Nothing more or less. Believe what you want but you cant fight SOE/LA history and previous actions.
Bug was found - and corrected.
Lets stamp out the rest of the bugs.
And the "nerfs"/changes ... good thing in my opinion. No more 40 min duels due to healing overkill. No more force running forever. Harder mob AI - harder fights.
Yah why would jedi need force run now that BHs are gimped yet again... Harder mob AI = alot more grouping. Lets go ahead and make the game 100% pure group only. In fact lets just take it to the logical end. Kick anyone who hasnt joined a group within 5 minutes of logging in and anyone who steps more then 5 feet outside a city dies instantly. heh
Have fun
Kai is right, it wasn't a bug. That dev comment from the other tread (about them not being tradable) can be found in the beta forum.
Just glad they changed their minds, after the compaints.
I'm not sure but wasn't someone saying the XP Nerf was a bug at first also.
LoL. I guess they method of operation at Sony is "add it in, if they don't like it, say it's a bug and take it out".
SoE never said this was a bug, infact they came out and stated it was intentional. They have since changed their minds, very likely because of player preasure. A good thing in this case.
Also the XP nerf was a bug, as in it wasn't ready or surposed to have been released. While SoEs CS aren't exactly switched on, you could tell something had gone wrong due to the chaos and confusion it caused them.
Link please - I did not find it on the beta boards.
(i have access to Beta, so link should work for me .. or send it as PM)
Have fun
Link please - I did not find it on the beta boards.
(i have access to Beta, so link should work for me .. or send it as PM)
Have fun
Unless you mean this :
All loot drop and 95% of the quest rewards have been moved to bio-link or just tradeable. The few exceptions are the pre-order/retail rewards, .... (cut out due to NDA, speaking about specific quests ) ......Loot/Quest reward schmatics will be tradeable.
Note: Loot collected prior to this patch will still show up as No Trade, but any new loot gained will not.
Thank you for all your feedback.
I dont see a dev saying it was intentional.
Have fun
I don't believe you are supposed to link to the beta forums (due to NDA only partially being lifted). However the threads title is "No Trade = No Choice = No Reason".
You can also see what Blixtev said in Admriker444's thread.
Ahh, you mean THIS I think :
Blixtev wrote:
And it shouldn't be the responsibility of paying customers to be the trouble-shooters. Not everyone that pays for a subscription feels like wasting their time beta testing and its very apparent thats about the only beta testing the SWG team is doing lately.
I stopped playing with this marketting campai... (cough) err expansion was announced. Between the half-assed development practices and yet another jedi themed addition to the game with a planet that has zero to do with the timeline of the game. Everyone has been waiting for more content from the actual episodes the game timeline is taking place in and they push out this trash instead.
When I get bored with EQ II it will probably be the end of my station pass, SWG isn't holding me too it anymore unforuntely. I don't approve of their development practices and ethics at this point. A shame because the ranger updates look very promising and interesting to me.
- Scaris
"What happened to you, Star Wars Galaxies? You used to look like Leia. Not quite gold bikini Leia (more like bad-British-accent-and-cinnamon-bun-hair Leia), but still Leia nonetheless. Now you look like Chewbacca." - Computer Gaming World
Actually, so far I've been able to do everything without a Jedi, either on my own or with a group of other non-jedis. There are very few Jedi in the Beta (only the few that got it when Jedi was enabled on the frogs the first few days or so) so the expansion is pretty much being tested by non-Jedi
Also haven't come across any quests based on the prequels, thats not to say they don't exist tho. Although Mustafar doesn't feature in EPIV to VI, it did still exist during our current time period.
Never said a thing about needing to be a jedi to take part in the expansion. I think you may want to re-read my statement again.
- Scaris
"What happened to you, Star Wars Galaxies? You used to look like Leia. Not quite gold bikini Leia (more like bad-British-accent-and-cinnamon-bun-hair Leia), but still Leia nonetheless. Now you look like Chewbacca." - Computer Gaming World
Never said a thing about needing to be a jedi to take part in the expansion. I think you may want to re-read my statement again.
Title aside (and a series of quests), its isn't a jedi related expantion either.
The beta server is also extremely busy, so plenty of people are "waisting their time". The expantion is also relatively bug free, especially for a SoE product.
** hands grapevine a flame retardant suit, cause no matter if that statement is true or not, he will need it to survive the SWG flamers response to that **
Have fun
** hands grapevine a flame retardant suit, cause no matter if that statement is true or not, he will need it to survive the SWG flamers response to that **
Have fun
Yet again not what I mean when I say Jedi themed. I don't care if it has no jedi content and no jedi quests in it. From a marketting standpoint its geared to draw the interest of jedi, jedi wanna be's, and people that don't know anything about the game and want to start and be a jedi. It's catering to the same concept they have been using all along and that is that "jedi sell", Plain and simple. They could have gone a million other ways with this expansion. But they just so happenned to pick the planet that's only exhistence in the storline is the planet that Obi-Wan and Vader battled and Vader lost.
It has nothing to do with the current timeline. The planet merely exhisting doesn't justify putting it in over a planet that has a serious impact on the current timeline. I am sorry no one can seem to get my point, if you enjoy it keep playing it.
- Scaris
"What happened to you, Star Wars Galaxies? You used to look like Leia. Not quite gold bikini Leia (more like bad-British-accent-and-cinnamon-bun-hair Leia), but still Leia nonetheless. Now you look like Chewbacca." - Computer Gaming World
Yet again not what I mean when I say Jedi themed. I don't care if it has no jedi content and no jedi quests in it. From a marketting standpoint its geared to draw the interest of jedi, jedi wanna be's, and people that don't know anything about the game and want to start and be a jedi. It's catering to the same concept they have been using all along and that is that "jedi sell", Plain and simple. They could have gone a million other ways with this expansion. But they just so happenned to pick the planet that's only exhistence in the storline is the planet that Obi-Wan and Vader battled and Vader lost.
It has nothing to do with the current timeline. The planet merely exhisting doesn't justify putting it in over a planet that has a serious impact on the current timeline. I am sorry no one can seem to get my point, if you enjoy it keep playing it.
Can't argue with that, agree entirely.
Actually I could see the title and marketing backfireing one them somewhat. Those who buy it expecting Jedi (heavily) themed quests are going to be very disapointed.
SOE's idea of gating content is charging $30 for it.
I always hated they did that with eq. It is why I never bought into eq.
Start gating content based on player accomplishments similar to how you gated the village and then give us what we already paid for free and I might play it. I wont buy absurdly overpriced add ons, and if you allow jedi to travel there with a bounty as you did with wookieworld I will be extremely dissappointed at how you treat your current customers for 1 new customer.
What are we paying 14.99 a month for? Server improvements? Content? Bug fixes? I mean we aren't getting much at all for that money.
It really isn't worth the money.
I'm being kind here. I haven't seen ONE thing in this expansion I would pay a dime for. Well, except that bunker house, and let's face it.. that thing is extortion really. You want the house, you pay 30 bucks for a pile of crap.
Shayde - SWG (dead)

Proud member of the Cabal.
It sounds great, so great in fact, I pitty those who canceled
I don't like it when you say things. - A Vanguard fan who does too.
I would tend to agree, that its overpriced at $30 relative to RotW and JTL.
Nothing really against the expantion, as it does seem like higher quaility and have been mostly enjoying it. However conent wise, it seems to be less (in quantity) than the other two while it costs more.