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Ratings of games

Just curious, where do the ratings listed no this site come from?  Are they voted on by players or do companies simply pay to get good ratings?  IM curious as to how some of the top rated games came to be to rated. 



  • moonfogmoonfog Member Posts: 979

    Originally posted by skelz
    Just curious, where do the ratings listed no this site come from?  Are they voted on by players or do companies simply pay to get good ratings?  IM curious as to how some of the top rated games came to be to rated. 

    If you look at the games list were it says "Rating" you see a nifty little * and then look at the bottom of the list you see what the * stands for.

    I will post it incase thats to hard for ya: "* All game ratings are based on the opinions of our members."

    Its amazing how far reading gets ya eh? ::::31::

  • skelzskelz Member Posts: 77

    Its amazing how far sarcasm gets you as well. 


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