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Am I missing something?

skelzskelz Member Posts: 77

I thought this was a really good game with a lot of potential during my first 3 to 4 days of my trial.  The skill system was mind boggling.  It seemed as if you could go a lot of different ways with it and be unique.  It was obvious that once you get off starter island that grouping would be necessary and exploring for resources would be a big part of the game.


so I got off starter island and was immediately invited to a guild.  They were incredibly nice and gave me gear, 150k in money and even a flaming sword.  They powerleveld my melee to level 45 by the end of the night.


However I cant help but feel something is missing to the game.  The fun factor isnt there for me.  After getting off starter island I haevnt done much but harvest.  Its nearly impossible to solo or even explore.  Every time I explore I am aggrod by gingos or kipees and wind up with exp penalties.  There seems to be very few people on to group with and I feel that since I was given all my uber gear there is really nothing for me to set a goal on. 


At first I couldnt undestand why the community was so nice and so non hostile compared to other games.  Well, for one there is no one els to play with so I can undestand them being nice to try  to get people to stay.  And two they have nothing else to do in the game! Even with 100 melee skills its nearly impossible to do anything on your own.  If you get more than 1 or 2 low mobs on you, you die!Armor barely does jack sh8t.  There is no reason to use anything other than light armor with +hp and modifications. 

Crafting is useless.  Once you are in a guld there are atleast 10 people that can make anything you need so whats the point? 

Combat is simplistic even though it may seem like the skill tree is deep, its not.  Combat happens at the trainer and not when you fight the mobs.  You combine a few skills and stanzas, rush out to the nearest spawn and bash one button while someone heals you and another aggros re pops. 


I have heard nothing but good things about this game so Im thinking maybe im missing something?

When I log in I have nothing to do but harvest because as I said anywhere i try to explore i die.  I wind up helping people who are newer than me.  WHile this is entertaining, it only keeps my interest for a short time.  So is it just me, or is this just not my game?



  • GRIMACHUGRIMACHU Member Posts: 528

    Roleplay, explore with groups, people higher level than you can team with you using their lower skills. If you're in a decent guild, they will.

    Get involved in the events and story.

    Things were just patched so you may find armour more use now.

    Postmortem Studios
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  • Rahan01Rahan01 Member Posts: 14

    You can solo , explore etc.. no prob but it takes skills & experience.

    Don't expect to be able to kill most mobs & travel to different continents after only a couple of weeks of play.

    Ryzom is not WoW, its much more challenging.

    Armor makes a huge difference, weapons as well.

    Not sure what the guild gave you but i craft my own gear (most of it ) & using the right stanzas , wearing a choice (or better) armor & weap, i just laugh at the gingos image & started to make my way to other cities & the primeroots.



  • xenofurxenofur Member Posts: 34

    seriously, try asking that on the official forums ( ) and you'll get all the answers you want (plus a few you probably don't want ;))

  • pasquepasque Member Posts: 16

    Um, as Grimachu said - due to the classless skill system, homins can work on their lower skills anytime so more experienced player guildies can team with newer members... it's like babysitting with experience (well for me anyways - I'm the one being babysat though ::::02::)! You should be able to ask your guild about this... they're not just for handing stuff out - pick their brains for info - get them to organise trips!

    About the crafting... you shouldn't worry about not being the highest crafter for a particular item in the guild. It's always nice to be able to make your own (you discover what the good stuff it this way as well - good gear makes all the difference - doesn't matter how it looks, it's the mats that went into that count)... and more importantly high lvl crafters are high lvl diggers. This means that it is likely they're busy with the needs of higher lvl homins, and depending on the crafter, they may even hoard the better mats for these items. It's always a mistake to depend on one person - it's great if there are crafters of different lvls taking care of guildies of different levels! You really need to check the stats on your equipment - it should all be at least choice - tbh, melee is not my thing at all, we're prolly the same lvl but in good heavy armor set with hp jewels and a decent weapon, even a pack of gingos should not be a problem. Circular attack is handy to have in such situations too ::::15:: !

    About the melee on button mashing thing - have to tried the attack after (dodge, parry, critical hit etc.) stanzas? When they first came out the general consensus was that they were useless but now we are realising that nothing is further from the truth - using them makes your stamina usage much more efficient for example - you just need to learn to use them.

  • anarchyartanarchyart Member Posts: 5,378
    The fun factor in this game is likely leveling YOURSELF and not getting power levelled, finding the flaming sword YOURSELF and doing things YOURSELF. Taking gifts and being power levelled kills the fun for me in any game.

  • Ranma13Ranma13 Member Posts: 747

    Having people level you up and receiving a weapon to help you out is not avoiding fun. It's an accessory to having fun because you don't struggle as much. If the content is not there, it doesn't matter if a group helps you or or if you do it on your own; either way it'll be boring.

  • RemyVorenderRemyVorender Member RarePosts: 4,010

    Originally posted by Ranma13

    Having people level you up and receiving a weapon to help you out is not avoiding fun. It's an accessory to having fun because you don't struggle as much. If the content is not there, it doesn't matter if a group helps you or or if you do it on your own; either way it'll be boring.

    I'd have to disagree. Getting everything handed to you will kill the fun of any game. As I was reading the OP I got to the part where he says, "I got off the newbie island and was instantly invited into a guild, was given a ton of stuff and power leveled to 45 that same night", I said...well there's your problem right there.

    Struggling to succeed but succeeding none the less is what makes a gaming experience fun.

    Joined 2004 - I can't believe I've been a member for 20 years! Get off my lawn!

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