I will probably be a travelling hunter, selling skins, meat, bones, and possibly lumber to romans and barbarians alike. With the profits i will buy spears (throwing and melee) and leather clothing, and i will hunt, and fish.. and kill the bandits that try at me.
I am Micaelis Titus Agrippa, a Legionaire in the service of the 24th Legion Italica. Hope to master close combat with the Sword, and may even try to be in the Gladiator Games.
I'm going to be a warrior that kills bandits attacking my people.
I will probably be a travelling hunter, selling skins, meat, bones, and possibly lumber to romans and barbarians alike. With the profits i will buy spears (throwing and melee) and leather clothing, and i will hunt, and fish.. and kill the bandits that try at me.
Im not anti social, im just pro solitude!
I am Marcus Quintilius Ferox, Commander of the 24th Legion Italica..
that is what I will be hehe.
"Old UO is now but a dream that will live in the hearts of the faithful for eternity."
Think you have what it takes to take the 'Oath of the legion' and become a true soldier of Rome?
Service guarantees citizenship!
Tribune Angusticlavian of the 33rd Legion, probably in charge of the supply train.
Going to serve House Drusilla the best way I can.
im gunna be a barbarian. not sure what guild ill join yet.
I think that I will kill the emperor and take control of rome coup de etat!!!