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Why do people expect Blizzard to ever make a good game again?

UnintendedUnintended Member UncommonPosts: 98
Almost all the veterans that made the company have gone, large portions of the talent that were responsible for the games you love are gone. They're not the company you fell in love with any more, they're just a big corporate soulless game factory with only one goal in mind, to make more and more profit. The company that exists today called Blizzard is not Blizzard, whatever they make in the future is in name only. This is the thing, people become loyal to companies and forget the people matter more than the name.

Considering Microsoft seems to ruin everything they touch, surely that is another nail in that coffin lol.


  • cheyanecheyane Member LegendaryPosts: 9,435
    We should not considering how Diablo IV turned out.
    Garrus Signature
  • ScotScot Member LegendaryPosts: 24,644
    This is what was said about Bioware etc and its true. The new company keeps the studio name but after a few years "Blizzard" won't even be the studio MS acquired. Though I don't agree MS always does badly, they often do well in my eyes.

    I do think gamers are too tied to studios, take each game as it comes on its own merits. The one exception here is if you are thinking of playing something with a live service/cash shop, you can get a good idea of how that's going to go from what happened with the studios previous titles. But its live service, so that's going to be bad and it will get worse as time goes on, no matter what the studio so you know that anyway.
  • SovrathSovrath Member LegendaryPosts: 33,128
    Scot said:

    I do think gamers are too tied to studios, take each game as it comes on its own merits. 
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  • AeanderAeander Member LegendaryPosts: 8,109
    cheyane said:
    We should not considering how Diablo IV turned out.
    Having just beat Diablo IV, it is good. It's just not great. As in, it's a fun enough campaign clear and that's it.
  • UnintendedUnintended Member UncommonPosts: 98
    Aeander said:
    cheyane said:
    We should not considering how Diablo IV turned out.
    Having just beat Diablo IV, it is good. It's just not great. As in, it's a fun enough campaign clear and that's it.

    For me Blizzard have never been good at storytelling, they're going at world building. However Diablo IV isn't good in the world building aspect and maybe it's just me but the online part of Diablo isn't what I remembered it to be with 2.
  • AngrakhanAngrakhan Member EpicPosts: 1,979
    Microsoft doesn't ruin everything they touch. That's completely unfounded bullshit, frankly. MS Azure is a force to recon with in the cloud platform space pulling in nearly $100 billion with a B annually. Of the fortune 500 companies 95% leverage Azure services in some way. Xbox is a very successful console platform. PlayStation outsells it, but it's still very much a contender in the console space. MS Office runs on pretty much any OS that you can reasonably expect to use on a regular basis, and having used Google Open Office, I can tell you MS has a definite lead in usability there. The sentiment that MS ruins anything is just hipster bandwagoning of people trying to sound cool and "down with the man, man!" and frankly isn't grounded in fact or reality. Apple with it's software updates to slow down your old phone to force you to upgrade is pretty high up there on the slime scale, but I don't see many people bringing that up, and that's something that Apple has been fined for doing in court, not some rumor.

    Now will Blizzard release anything good now that they've been acquired by Microsoft? That seems largely up to Blizzard. I do think with Bobby Kotick finally out of the picture they have a chance. My understanding is that they have a lot of directional autonomy with what games they want to build and how they want to build them. As you pointed out the original founders of Blizzard are gone. Is there anyone left who has the same talent and vision? Time will tell, but if not I'm not sure throwing MS under the bus is fair or accurate.
  • cheyanecheyane Member LegendaryPosts: 9,435
    Aeander said:
    cheyane said:
    We should not considering how Diablo IV turned out.
    Having just beat Diablo IV, it is good. It's just not great. As in, it's a fun enough campaign clear and that's it.
    I finished it too the main story but it was mediocre at best.
    Garrus Signature
  • GorweGorwe Member Posts: 1,639
    cheyane said:
    We should not considering how Diablo IV turned out.
    I mean, it has an ok story, but that's pretty much it.

    FAR from good ole Blizzard.
  • GorweGorwe Member Posts: 1,639
    A lot of people say rezing everyone and fixing bugs is harder and more work than you think, but nobody explains how? How can respawning at the graveyard be a lot of work when the game already did that before hardcore? Why is making a patch to respawn at a flight master if dced during flight so difficult? Or do they just mean it's more work than blizzard is willing to put in, which is no work?
    Hardcore + Always Online = BAD experience.
  • MSuperMSuper Newbie CommonPosts: 21
    Problem is they got purchased by Activision around 2010 or so then everything started going south.

    They used to spend 2-3 years on a game and made solid creations.

    Guess it happens to most big companies, quality of product goes down look at IBM.
  • XiaokiXiaoki Member EpicPosts: 4,076
    MSuper said:
    Problem is they got purchased by Activision around 2010 or so then everything started going south.

    They used to spend 2-3 years on a game and made solid creations.

    Guess it happens to most big companies, quality of product goes down look at IBM.

    Blizzard was never purchased by Activision.
  • Elidien_gaElidien_ga Member RarePosts: 469
    Blizzard is caught between a rock and a hard place right now. There was a recent article about Diablo 4 where they discussed miss reading their players. They actually wanted to go back to the days of Diablo 2 and have people grind for gear and epics and that one special, game changing and build altering drop. That's not what players want now (and I mean that statement as a whole - not each individual player). Is that "what do they want now" that is the tough part and the challenging part. 

    I think Blizzard has struggled with that part. We can debate all day long what it is (easy games, instant gratification, etc....) but to me, its about options and not being forced to play a certain way. I have been playing WOW again and finishing up the stories in Dragonflight and also Pandaria remix as well (Along with Diablo 4 too) and the games give me options. Not a single play session is the same and that is great. I am not trapped in a box and I love it.

    I think we are starting to see Microsoft's influence on Blizzard and on Bethesda as well. The upcoming changes to FO76 are huge and things players have asked for for a long time.  I do not see that everything they touch turns to crap.

    Others have said it best, gone are the days of "____ studio makes great games". Games are so hit and miss and each game has to be judged on its merits. Play what you want, what you love it and enjoy it. 
  • UnintendedUnintended Member UncommonPosts: 98
    Blizzard are chasing what players want, they're not making what players didn't know they wanted like what the original developers did.
  • AeanderAeander Member LegendaryPosts: 8,109
    IMO, and this is going to be controversial, Blizzard should just embrace what they are NOW as opposed to trying to be what they were then. 

    They aren't the same studio who made vanilla WoW and Diablo 2. They don't know how to make games for the hardcores anymore. They are, however, masters of making casual, fun mass market games. Diablo 3, once it was fixed, was THE best casual ARPG. Heroes of the Storm was the best MOBA for breaking away from the stale meta and sweaty palms of its genre. Same for Overwatch and shooters. They're good games in a different way, and their other new shit just isn't because it doesn't know what it wants to be.
  • VagabondoVagabondo Member UncommonPosts: 93
    Because they got the finances to do so
  • DigDuggyDigDuggy Member RarePosts: 694
    Because they have the money, developers, and experience to do so.  kinda basic reasons really.
  • aliseooaliseoo Newbie CommonPosts: 7
    Face much bugs & Glitches ?
  • GorweGorwe Member Posts: 1,639
    edited August 2024
    We'll see what happens in October, won't we? I feel like a lot depends on it.
  • BrainyBrainy Member EpicPosts: 2,287
    Xiaoki said:
    MSuper said:
    Problem is they got purchased by Activision around 2010 or so then everything started going south.

    They used to spend 2-3 years on a game and made solid creations.

    Guess it happens to most big companies, quality of product goes down look at IBM.

    Blizzard was never purchased by Activision.
    They merged and then Activision bought the remaining shares. Which is essentially the same thing.

    Activision took over and its been downhill since.
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