So, I am giving a try to NW.
Of course, I reached the faction selection mission. And undecided, I went to explore a chunk of the world instead.
Yes, I am stuck in the "which faction" question. At first I wanted to make a fluff/RPG/style decision, but the rational part of me made me open the map and look at "who owns what?"
Almost everything on my server is purple. One green. Two yellows.
Since faction ownership provides bonuses, and that faction PvP is a thing in this game (in which I would like to participate) this is rather an important choice.
Should I go with the winning side, take advantage of bonuses, of PvP help. Because playing the underdog is fun, but getting constantly hunted might get old quickly, especially with a new character.
1) is there some kind of bouncing mechanism allowing comebacks for small factions?
2) is there any risk vs reward advantage for underdog factions?
3) or should I just go with the purple wave?