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3.17 Opinions



  • HatefullHatefull Member EpicPosts: 2,503
    Mendel said:
    I had installed 3.17 right before 3.17.1 came out and I neglected to delete my user folder again. I was having a horrible time and finally forced myself to delete user folder and verify the game again. I didn't think it would make that much of a difference since I had just deleted the user folder when updating to 3.17, but I was wrong. My game is running so much smoother now. I told myself last time I would delete the user folder everytime and I wasted my own time not following up on that decision. If you are having some fps problems or graphical artifacting, try it out too.

    It sounds like the installation process doesn't bother to clean up things.  These type of things shouldn't be happening in a $400 million project.

    a 400-million-dollar project that is nowhere close to complete. But yeah, great logic. And yes, before the same tired drivel starts happening. We know 10 years, we know feature creep and all the other off-the-shelf bullshit justifications everyone has for hating on this project.

    You don't like it, got it, why do you come here? Next, tell me how you're a dev and how you would have done XYZ to make this game. Heard it all, and it's all BS.

    Anyway, @GrindcoreTHRALL thanks for the tip, I will give it a try when 3.18 hits!

    If you want a new idea, go read an old book.

    In order to be insulted, I must first value your opinion.

  • HatefullHatefull Member EpicPosts: 2,503
    Mendel said:
    I had installed 3.17 right before 3.17.1 came out and I neglected to delete my user folder again. I was having a horrible time and finally forced myself to delete user folder and verify the game again. I didn't think it would make that much of a difference since I had just deleted the user folder when updating to 3.17, but I was wrong. My game is running so much smoother now. I told myself last time I would delete the user folder everytime and I wasted my own time not following up on that decision. If you are having some fps problems or graphical artifacting, try it out too.

    It sounds like the installation process doesn't bother to clean up things.  These type of things shouldn't be happening in a $400 million project.

    It’s Alpha!  
    Until the argument needs to be made that ITS THE REAL GAME!
    I would have thought people would have figured that out by now, but that is putting way too much faith in the regular posters here. Just post, don't think!

    If you want a new idea, go read an old book.

    In order to be insulted, I must first value your opinion.

  • GrindcoreTHRALLGrindcoreTHRALL Member UncommonPosts: 346
    Honestly I am just kind of lazy, CIG has very explicitly told users to delete their user folder. Its at the top of all the patch notes, the community is constantly talking about it, and its in all of the help FAQs for troubleshooting. I sometimes think its redundant to do so with each patch and then learn my laziness is costing me quality frames because its so much better just putting the 2 seconds of effort into deleting my user folder. 

    I actually wonder why CIG hasn't just made it a default step in the updater to just delete folder and start from scratch each time. I think its because peoples keybinds can take so long to settup and constantly telling the user to delete it gives them the option to do so on their own time instead of randomly losing your keybind layouts with each update. 
  • BabuinixBabuinix Member EpicPosts: 4,502
    It's usually only the shaders folder inside the User folser that can cause problems.

    I Delete everything besides the keybinds (profile) wither way.
  • MaxBaconMaxBacon Member LegendaryPosts: 7,848
    Generally games do not clean up those temporary folders, as it's where things like your options, keybinds and other bits are, it'd be nightmarish for users to redo settings for joysticks and such every time.

    So the launcher would never do that by default, but it could add an option to clean temp files without manually having to go there.
  • TheDalaiBombaTheDalaiBomba Member EpicPosts: 1,493
    Hatefull said:
    Mendel said:
    I had installed 3.17 right before 3.17.1 came out and I neglected to delete my user folder again. I was having a horrible time and finally forced myself to delete user folder and verify the game again. I didn't think it would make that much of a difference since I had just deleted the user folder when updating to 3.17, but I was wrong. My game is running so much smoother now. I told myself last time I would delete the user folder everytime and I wasted my own time not following up on that decision. If you are having some fps problems or graphical artifacting, try it out too.

    It sounds like the installation process doesn't bother to clean up things.  These type of things shouldn't be happening in a $400 million project.

    a 400-million-dollar project that is nowhere close to complete. But yeah, great logic. And yes, before the same tired drivel starts happening. We know 10 years, we know feature creep and all the other off-the-shelf bullshit justifications everyone has for hating on this project.

    You don't like it, got it, why do you come here? Next, tell me how you're a dev and how you would have done XYZ to make this game. Heard it all, and it's all BS.

    Anyway, @GrindcoreTHRALL thanks for the tip, I will give it a try when 3.18 hits!
    Only as much BS as the drivel you just spilled there.

    Hint hint: you have no more a right to talk about SC here than Mendel does.  You're buying into the project means nothing here.  Zero.  Zilch.  Nada.
  • VrikaVrika Member LegendaryPosts: 8,019
    edited June 2022
    MaxBacon said:
    Generally games do not clean up those temporary folders, as it's where things like your options, keybinds and other bits are, it'd be nightmarish for users to redo settings for joysticks and such every time.

    So the launcher would never do that by default, but it could add an option to clean temp files without manually having to go there.
    A released game would either clean the stuff up by default, or include a warning that you're trying to launch with old configuration files and the game may not be compatible with those.
  • UwakionnaUwakionna Member RarePosts: 1,139
    Ehhh....that's generally why you would have a specific file for user preferences and keybinds (sometimes those are even saved as separate documents), and most other things would be modifiable by the game.

    "Temporary folders" are generally not where user setting are nor should be, and those are used to unpack and save/hold assets by the game, not for the user. Those should be getting wiped by a/the game relatively regularly.

    Plus if core system features change that impact system settings, then a safe operating procedure would be to archive the user settings, and reset the game to whatever the new default setting are, in order to avoid potential game breaking errors.
  • MendelMendel Member LegendaryPosts: 5,609
    Uwakionna said:
    Ehhh....that's generally why you would have a specific file for user preferences and keybinds (sometimes those are even saved as separate documents), and most other things would be modifiable by the game.

    "Temporary folders" are generally not where user setting are nor should be, and those are used to unpack and save/hold assets by the game, not for the user. Those should be getting wiped by a/the game relatively regularly.

    Plus if core system features change that impact system settings, then a safe operating procedure would be to archive the user settings, and reset the game to whatever the new default setting are, in order to avoid potential game breaking errors.

    The terms 'Alpha' and 'In Development' seem to be more ways to excuse slip-shod development practices.  And first impressions *are* made in Alpha, Beta, and other Early Access modes, including installation.


    Logic, my dear, merely enables one to be wrong with great authority.

  • MaxBaconMaxBacon Member LegendaryPosts: 7,848
    edited June 2022
    Uwakionna said:
    Ehhh....that's generally why you would have a specific file for user preferences and keybinds (sometimes those are even saved as separate documents), and most other things would be modifiable by the game.

    "Temporary folders" are generally not where user setting are nor should be, and those are used to unpack and save/hold assets by the game, not for the user. Those should be getting wiped by a/the game relatively regularly.

    Plus if core system features change that impact system settings, then a safe operating procedure would be to archive the user settings, and reset the game to whatever the new default setting are, in order to avoid potential game breaking errors.

    AppData is not really a temp folder, is a folder.

    It's where countless games do their saves and all that jazz, including logs. It's hardly ever done within the game's own install folder.

    If I go to my folder I'll loose count of how much software I no longer have installed, actually left its folders in there. From Adobe stuff to EA, Mozilla, Rockstar Games, soooo much stuff I no longer have installed.

    On my SC one I find several folders, the game does appear to be versioning its AppData folders at least here

  • UwakionnaUwakionna Member RarePosts: 1,139
    edited June 2022
    Certainly there are games that do that, but there's also plenty of games that more intelligently put such things in a separate location in your documents. Diablo 2, DDO, ESO, Maya, Borderlands, Even Unreal publishes user content to Documents.

    That also doesn't change the other more basic point made. Regardless of if you save the data to AppData or Documents.

    You still generally have a best practice of user settings and keybinds being their own file and save information separate from many other system settings and asset. Similarly, if a game makes significant changes to systems that compromises settings, then resetting said settings is important to maintaining integrity/stability.

    That's just something people playing an early access title under heavy development should understand as a cost of being in such a state of development. Things need to get reset every so often to make sure it all works and reduce probability of error. That goes for game settings and files as much as it goes for any kind of game progress.

    Just because there are examples of others who have done something poorly, does not make it a good idea for another studio to follow suit.

    EDIT: And apologies. Given your comment said "temporary folders" and not AppData, I could only respond based on what you had stated.

    If they're versioning their folders yet still running into problems of new versions not running clean settings, then they still need to solve the other half of the problem there. That just cycles back to the point of not using good basic practices.
    Post edited by Uwakionna on
  • MaxBaconMaxBacon Member LegendaryPosts: 7,848
    edited June 2022
    Uwakionna said:
    EDIT: And apologies. Given your comment said "temporary folders" and not AppData, I could only respond based on what you had stated.

    If they're versioning their folders yet still running into problems of new versions not running clean settings, then they still need to solve the other half of the problem there. That just cycles back to the point of not using good basic practices.

    Yeah AppData is meant for just that App Data of the stuff installed, that's what I was talking about, the places games and software tend to use for those saves.

    BUT the USER folder is another thing, that one is inside the game instal.

    In way both of them have shader folders, on the USER folder you just need to delete the shaders folder and doesn't create issues.

    I guess this is not about versioning either because within the same version you might run into issues that'll get sorted by the reset of those files, sort idk what goes wrong there so often but it's related to the shaders for sure
  • UwakionnaUwakionna Member RarePosts: 1,139
    edited June 2022
    Which folder you want to say is where is still tangential to the subject of management of the files themselves. If people have to delete files, or even more discretely something for shader settings/cache, then that just cycles back to the point already made about not using good practices.

    Moving these posts around talking about the name of folders is irrelevant to that. If you want to go from "temporary folders" to "AppData" to "USER", you can. All the same underlying arguments still apply and is the part to be addressed, not what label you want to slap over it.
  • MaxBaconMaxBacon Member LegendaryPosts: 7,848
    Uwakionna said:
    Which folder you want to say is where is still tangential to the subject of management of the files themselves. If people have to delete files, or even more discretely something for shader settings/cache, then that just cycles back to the point already made about not using good practices.

    Moving these posts around talking about the name of folders is irrelevant to that. If you want to go from "temporary folders" to "AppData" to "USER", you can. All the same underlying arguments still apply and is the part to be addressed, not what label you want to slap over it.
    No I agree that the game itself should be doing some clean up of shaders and such as they are a just a cache that regens.

    Now Issues related to settings, login and other types of files that justifies more manual fixes as on itself are rather specific and uncommon issues.

  • UwakionnaUwakionna Member RarePosts: 1,139
    That all falls under the same points as prior.

    You can get nambly about user settings, but as already stated, when the game is changing core mechanics and features that messes with settings, then ultimately resetting those is the thing that makes most sense to avoid unnecessary error.

    The user is going to have to do that any ways when they are deleting files to have them regenerated, so instead of half-assing the process, just do it right through the update.
  • MaxBaconMaxBacon Member LegendaryPosts: 7,848
    Torval said:
    myself and anyone else using mods
    What? Owo
  • HatefullHatefull Member EpicPosts: 2,503
    edited November 2022
    Hatefull said:
    Mendel said:
    I had installed 3.17 right before 3.17.1 came out and I neglected to delete my user folder again. I was having a horrible time and finally forced myself to delete user folder and verify the game again. I didn't think it would make that much of a difference since I had just deleted the user folder when updating to 3.17, but I was wrong. My game is running so much smoother now. I told myself last time I would delete the user folder everytime and I wasted my own time not following up on that decision. If you are having some fps problems or graphical artifacting, try it out too.

    It sounds like the installation process doesn't bother to clean up things.  These type of things shouldn't be happening in a $400 million project.

    a 400-million-dollar project that is nowhere close to complete. But yeah, great logic. And yes, before the same tired drivel starts happening. We know 10 years, we know feature creep and all the other off-the-shelf bullshit justifications everyone has for hating on this project.

    You don't like it, got it, why do you come here? Next, tell me how you're a dev and how you would have done XYZ to make this game. Heard it all, and it's all BS.

    Anyway, @GrindcoreTHRALL thanks for the tip, I will give it a try when 3.18 hits!
    Only as much BS as the drivel you just spilled there.

    Hint hint: you have no more a right to talk about SC here than Mendel does.  You're buying into the project means nothing here.  Zero.  Zilch.  Nada.
    Post edited by Hatefull on

    If you want a new idea, go read an old book.

    In order to be insulted, I must first value your opinion.

  • HatefullHatefull Member EpicPosts: 2,503
    Mendel said:
    Uwakionna said:
    Ehhh....that's generally why you would have a specific file for user preferences and keybinds (sometimes those are even saved as separate documents), and most other things would be modifiable by the game.

    "Temporary folders" are generally not where user setting are nor should be, and those are used to unpack and save/hold assets by the game, not for the user. Those should be getting wiped by a/the game relatively regularly.

    Plus if core system features change that impact system settings, then a safe operating procedure would be to archive the user settings, and reset the game to whatever the new default setting are, in order to avoid potential game breaking errors.

    The terms 'Alpha' and 'In Development' seem to be more ways to excuse slip-shod development practices.  And first impressions *are* made in Alpha, Beta, and other Early Access modes, including installation.

    Tell me you know nothing about this project without telling me you know absolutely nothing about this project...or what an alpha is.

    If you want a new idea, go read an old book.

    In order to be insulted, I must first value your opinion.

  • MinscMinsc Member UncommonPosts: 1,353
    MaxBacon said:
    Uwakionna said:
    EDIT: And apologies. Given your comment said "temporary folders" and not AppData, I could only respond based on what you had stated.

    If they're versioning their folders yet still running into problems of new versions not running clean settings, then they still need to solve the other half of the problem there. That just cycles back to the point of not using good basic practices.

    Yeah AppData is meant for just that App Data of the stuff installed, that's what I was talking about, the places games and software tend to use for those saves.

    BUT the USER folder is another thing, that one is inside the game instal.

    In way both of them have shader folders, on the USER folder you just need to delete the shaders folder and doesn't create issues.

    I guess this is not about versioning either because within the same version you might run into issues that'll get sorted by the reset of those files, sort idk what goes wrong there so often but it's related to the shaders for sure
    They actually just recently changed where the shaders were stored to appdate SPECIFICALLY to make it easier to clear in the future. People are forgetting that the game was built on cryengine and even though it's been highly modified they are still going through and refactoring portions of it as they go. This is likely something that they just hadn't had time for previously.
  • rodarinrodarin Member EpicPosts: 2,611
    Love all the comments here and other places from people who have raved about this thing for years. But the BEST one is "game much more playable now for me".

    First off its not a game its a tech demo. But that aside. TEN YEARS and closing in on HALF A BILLION and its just now getting moderately playable (FPS wise apparently).


    Shows just how forthcoming all the fanbois have been over the years.

    Either way its ANOTHER year down the drain ANOTHER 40 or 50 million added (which is basically the ONLY thing keeping this scam going) and still no closer to any sort of release date.

    At this point this thing is a living meme.

    The apologists and all the people suddenly DEFENDING feature creep is basically allowing these people to perpetually stay in alpha (which is still really isnt from all the stuff I continue to see) and rake in 'donations' have ship sales for REAL money (which apparently they still claim will be curtailed 'at launch' {bwaahaahaaa NEVER launching} because everything you can buy with real money now will be available for in game credits).

    Either way see you in another year or so and still no closer to a launch date. I have only been writing that for about 5 years now. I am old enough to remember when 5 years ago people said it would be launched in 3.
  • BabuinixBabuinix Member EpicPosts: 4,502
    Haters really have a hard time dealing with other people's fun, oh so jelly :D

    They get so salty that gamers have been playing and having fun doing so for years though. While the company keeps developing and improving the game while making millions and new players join in record numbers year after year.

    Haters Gonna Hate, Backers Gonna Back.

    Rinse & Repeat B)

  • KyleranKyleran Member LegendaryPosts: 44,251
    Suckers are going to keep sucking...

    [Deleted User]Babuinixdragonlee66Hatefull

    "True friends stab you in the front." | Oscar Wilde 

    "I need to finish" - Christian Wolff: The Accountant

    Just trying to live long enough to play a new, released MMORPG, playing New Worlds atm

    Fools find no pleasure in understanding but delight in airing their own opinions. Pvbs 18:2, NIV

    Don't just play games, inhabit virtual worlds™

    "This is the most intelligent, well qualified and articulate response to a post I have ever seen on these forums. It's a shame most people here won't have the attention span to read past the second line." - Anon

  • strawhat0981strawhat0981 Member RarePosts: 1,228
    I have spent around 150 bucks on this game, which is way less than I have spent on other games. Im gonna lay this out there for yall...I am still having fun. Make your jokes and enjoy talkin shizz, dosent matter really. I also enjoy project:gorgon so maybe I just love unfinshed games lol

    Originally posted by laokoko
    "if you want to be a game designer, you should sell your house and fund your game. Since if you won't even fund your own game, no one will".

  • BabuinixBabuinix Member EpicPosts: 4,502
    Kyleran said:
    Suckers are going to keep sucking...
    ...their thumbs while crying until they find a game to call home :D

  • HatefullHatefull Member EpicPosts: 2,503
    Babuinix said:
    Kyleran said:
    Suckers are going to keep sucking...
    ...their thumbs while crying until they find a game to call home :D

    I actually think Kyleran is getting funnier the closer he gets to total senility. Surprising that his alter-ego Wizardry hasn't made an appearance on this thread.

    If you want a new idea, go read an old book.

    In order to be insulted, I must first value your opinion.

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