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The long-awaited update to Swords of Legends Online, The Firestone Legacy, is now live today. With the update, the MMORPG shifts to free-to-play, brings new zones, and more to players eager to explore the eastern MMO.
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mmorpg junkie since 1999
Sucks for you for limiting yourself like that. People are saying that PvP was never popular and some played for 100s of hours without ever encountering PvP. Also I hear there is a system that greatly discourages PKing. I'm gonna play it for a bit and see if I like it, but the PvP part doesn't scare me at all even though I hate forced PvP. The game so far seems decent enough that I might consider adapting to its crap factor, unlike Bless Unleashed, which had UI and controls so bad that nothing justified playing it.
It's entirely possible for New World to drop to 2000 players too. Amazon are making sure at least that the downhill trend continues.
Cash shop is still only cosmetics, which is a great thing to see.
World feels alive with a lot of players checking out f2p. Raids are choreographed heavily like FFXIV. Combat is a hybrid system very similar to GW2.
So far, so good.
I mean it's F2P so it's always worth the look IMO.
You can turn it off.. Just press K in-game and change faction mode to off. No more PvP.