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Just figured I would post something to see if anyone still checked these forums

Calintz333Calintz333 Member UncommonPosts: 1,193
Hello likely nonexistent Guild Wars 1 community on this website. While I realize most have probably already moved to the GW1 Reddit, I was curious to see if anyone still actively visited this forum. Feel free to reply if you are one of the few who reads this post :) 


  • QuizzicalQuizzical Member LegendaryPosts: 25,563
    Hello likely nonexistent Guild Wars 1 community on this website. While I realize most have probably already moved to the GW1 Reddit, I was curious to see if anyone still actively visited this forum. Feel free to reply if you are one of the few who reads this post :) 
    I read your post.  I haven't played GW1 in many years, though.
  • LinifLinif Member UncommonPosts: 340
    Like @Quizzical above, I haven't played it many years. I miss the old necromancer days.
  • AkulasAkulas Member RarePosts: 3,029
    Tried to recover my account, they said I had 2 accounts and couldn't verify I was the owner. Motivation wasn't strong enough to go any further and since CS was nice and polite I thought no point in bugging them for something that I'll likely just spend 5 minutes in. Otherwise, I'd jump back in for a look. I think I was a necro or something on one of my characters.

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