I like the new Star Wars films (with criticisms of course)
Don't like any of the Gothic games
Castle design in Fantasy games don't take into account fantasy warfare or monsters.
I am enjoying the Wheel of Time Amazon series though I have strong criticisms about some of their decisions. Same with the Witcher on Netflix.
Don't really like Babylon 5 or Deep Space 9. I can watch them but would never do so on my own.
Most tabletop role playing games that I have tried are too wrapped up in minutiae and get very boring because of it.
Is the Wheel of Time/Witcher opinion unpopular? Both franchises are getting good ratings and are generally well received.
Wheel of Time oozes respect for its novels. The people on board clearly care, and clearly want to make a good series. If you want to see a bad adaptation, look at the Shanaynay Chronicles.
Nah, for book purists they are not "good." Additionally, there are a few videos out there that downright roast Wheel of Time. Not all of their criticisms are off but at some point you just have to make a decision that you are watch something based on the books and leave it at that.
Yeah, I've started the Shanarra Chronicles but it's difficult to finish.
I enjoyed the first 3 WoT books , after that felt really repetitive ..
on another note ..
Tad Williams. The Dragonbone Chair set is excellent
I don't even know if this is an unpopular opinion, but animated adaptations are better than live action. I'd rather for example... Mistborn be more Netflix Castlevania than Netflix Witcher.
I like the new Star Wars films (with criticisms of course)
Don't like any of the Gothic games
Castle design in Fantasy games don't take into account fantasy warfare or monsters.
I am enjoying the Wheel of Time Amazon series though I have strong criticisms about some of their decisions. Same with the Witcher on Netflix.
Don't really like Babylon 5 or Deep Space 9. I can watch them but would never do so on my own.
Most tabletop role playing games that I have tried are too wrapped up in minutiae and get very boring because of it.
Is the Wheel of Time/Witcher opinion unpopular? Both franchises are getting good ratings and are generally well received.
Wheel of Time oozes respect for its novels. The people on board clearly care, and clearly want to make a good series. If you want to see a bad adaptation, look at the Shanaynay Chronicles.
Nah, for book purists they are not "good." Additionally, there are a few videos out there that downright roast Wheel of Time. Not all of their criticisms are off but at some point you just have to make a decision that you are watch something based on the books and leave it at that.
Yeah, I've started the Shanarra Chronicles but it's difficult to finish.
I enjoyed the first 3 WoT books , after that felt really repetitive ..
on another note ..
Tad Williams. The Dragonbone Chair set is excellent
Dragonbone Chair is excellent!
Like Skyrim? Need more content? Try my Skyrim mod "Godfred's Tomb."
Here we go I love Brandon Sanderson. My favorite author but I think he is overrated. His books are good, great even, but I don't think his books are the second coming and some would have you believe. In fact I think that he writes so much and so fast that some books, though good, are lacking like they didn't get the time they deserved to cook.
The only series he really gives time to work on is Stormlight where he usually gives himself a year or more to write them, most books he gives six months, and it shows.
Oh, by the way. If you're looking for more content of a similar style, Brian McClellan is a student of Sanderson and his Powder Mage Trilogy is a phenomenal flintlock fantasy that I couldn't put down.
That Star Wars is a terrible IP that does not do Sci-Fi or Fantasy well yet tries to combine the two.
*ducks away from the mob's ire
I will stand with you on this mate. People need to watch some eastern movies to realise how fucking shallow this IP is and anything remotely good about it is a complete ripoff done by a freckled teenager trying to impress his five year old brother.
Constantine, The Console Poster
"One of the most difficult tasks men can perform, however much others may despise it, is the invention of good games and it cannot be done by men out of touch with their instinctive selves." - Carl Jung
To piss off more people I think Harry Potter is garbage and Lord of the Rings is just a children's story stop trying to make it anything more.
Constantine, The Console Poster
"One of the most difficult tasks men can perform, however much others may despise it, is the invention of good games and it cannot be done by men out of touch with their instinctive selves." - Carl Jung
One other thing I don't like about SF games. They've really got to stop using aerodynamic flight models in space. It's just not scientific.
And let's stop relying on individual human pilots to manually track, aim, and fire a gun. A network of sensors with computers to perform those tasks are much more efficient.
While we're at it, bumping a spaceship into an asteroid is a very calamitous thing, not something no worse than bumper cars (dodge-ems for those across the pond).
Logic, my dear, merely enables one to be wrong with great authority.
My only complaint regarding Brandon Sanderson is that he wastes time on lots of Young Adult novels. Whether they are good by the standards of YA trash is not something I would know, but that time would be better utilized on his excellent fantasy works. Not that I can fault him for that, because it's the YA stuff that serves as the real money-spinner.
YA stuff is the bane of the fantasy / sci-fi genre. There. I said it.
One other thing I don't like about SF games. They've really got to stop using aerodynamic flight models in space. It's just not scientific.
And let's stop relying on individual human pilots to manually track, aim, and fire a gun. A network of sensors with computers to perform those tasks are much more efficient.
While we're at it, bumping a spaceship into an asteroid is a very calamitous thing, not something no worse than bumper cars (dodge-ems for those across the pond).
The reasons you listed are why The Expanse is one of my favorite Sci-Fi shows ever.
Respect, walk, what did you say? Respect, walk Are you talkin' to me? Are you talkin' to me? - PANTERA at HELLFEST 2023
I have to come out fighting here, having only yesterday reminded posters of keeping some Xmas cheer in their posts...oh well.
Aeander - Dwarves and Giants are storied races and done right have great lore and are a joy to play. Are they overdone in MMOs? Well Dwarves are but that's because they are so good.
Torval - Where do I start?
Dune is possibly the best SF ever written. Was the series too long? Well when it got to other writers continuing it, yes it was.
Star Wars is possibly the the best Sf/fantasy on film. The first three films were the best, you don't surprise me that you think the later ones were better but I do think the ones you mentioned are good.
Final Fantasy, fair enough they milk the brand but that can be said for so many great brands.
You seem to have fallen in to that politically correct and irrational hobby of calling out people from the past for not holding the attitudes we do today. All the authors you mentioned were greats in their field. Bradbury was underrated but not as much as you seem to suggest? Niven was as great in my eyes and possibly underrated himself. I found nothing dry etc about the others.
Firefly - we surely cannot tell what the reboot will do until it is out?
Dark Sun - certainly gave DnD a needed kick up the backside, alas I have never played it only heard people talking about it.
White Lantern - I thought Torval had got out of the wrong side of the bed this morning and then I saw your post...No. McKiernan. is. not. better. than. Tolkien.
So pet hates for me? Dystopias. Once a branch of SF which mostly us Brits put out it is now the staple of nearly every SF setting in film and TV. Either set in a dystopia, in a world becoming a dystopia or referencing a future that needs to be avoided which is of course a dystopia. YAWN. This is reflected in todays SF novels but not the baulk of whats out there, well not yet. If I was a SF author and I wanted the best chance for my book to be made into a film of TV series I would have a dystopia and teens which brings us to teens.
The other one has to be teen SF, not a fault of this "sub genre" that it is all dystopias mind you, that just goes with SF these days. Now they can do this really well like Lost In Space or The Rain but usually it is more 3% or The 100. The fact teen SF can be done without too much needless teen drama and relationship drama shows you how too easy it is for writers to reach for that as padding. "We have to talk".
I have to come out fighting here, having only yesterday reminded posters of keeping some Xmas cheer in their posts...oh well.
Aeander - Dwarves and Giants are storied races and done right have great lore and are a joy to play. Are they overdone in MMOs? Well Dwarves are but that's because they are so good.
Torval - Where do I start?
Dune is possibly the best SF ever written. Was the series too long? Well when it got to other writers continuing it, yes it was.
Star Wars is possibly the the best Sf/fantasy on film. The first three films were the best, you don't surprise me that you think the later ones were better but I do think the ones you mentioned are good.
Final Fantasy, fair enough they milk the brand but that can be said for so many great brands.
You seem to have fallen in to that politically correct and irrational hobby of calling out people from the past for not holding the attitudes we do today. All the authors you mentioned were greats in their field. Bradbury was underrated but not as much as you seem to suggest? Niven was as great in my eyes and possibly underrated himself. I found nothing dry etc about the others.
Firefly - we surely cannot tell what the reboot will do until it is out?
Dark Sun - certainly gave DnD a needed kick up the backside, alas I have never played it only heard people talking about it.
White Lantern - I thought Torval had got out of the wrong side of the bed this morning and then I saw your post...No. McKiernan. is. not. better. than. Tolkien.
So pet hates for me? Dystopias. Once a branch of SF which mostly us Brits put out it is now the staple of nearly every SF setting in film and TV. Either set in a dystopia, in a world becoming a dystopia or referencing a future that needs to be avoided which is of course a dystopia. YAWN. This is reflected in todays SF novels but not the baulk of whats out there, well not yet. If I was a SF author and I wanted the best chance for my book to me made into a film of TV series I would have a dystopia and teens which brings us to teens.
The other one has to be teen SF, not a fault of this "sub genre" that it is all dystopias mind you, that just goes with SF these days. Now they can do this really well like Lost In Space or The Rain but usually it is more 3% or The 100. The fact teen SF can be done without too much needless teen drama and relationship drama shows you how too easy it is for writers to reach for that as padding. "We have to talk".
Guess it's a good thing we're all talking opinions here. Cheers!
I want a mmorpg where people have gone through misery, have gone through school stuff and actually have had sex even. -sagil
I have to come out fighting here, having only yesterday reminded posters of keeping some Xmas cheer in their posts...oh well.
Aeander - Dwarves and Giants are storied races and done right have great lore and are a joy to play. Are they overdone in MMOs? Well Dwarves are but that's because they are so good.
Torval - Where do I start?
Dune is possibly the best SF ever written. Was the series too long? Well when it got to other writers continuing it, yes it was.
Star Wars is possibly the the best Sf/fantasy on film. The first three films were the best, you don't surprise me that you think the later ones were better but I do think the ones you mentioned are good.
Final Fantasy, fair enough they milk the brand but that can be said for so many great brands.
You seem to have fallen in to that politically correct and irrational hobby of calling out people from the past for not holding the attitudes we do today. All the authors you mentioned were greats in their field. Bradbury was underrated but not as much as you seem to suggest? Niven was as great in my eyes and possibly underrated himself. I found nothing dry etc about the others.
Firefly - we surely cannot tell what the reboot will do until it is out?
Dark Sun - certainly gave DnD a needed kick up the backside, alas I have never played it only heard people talking about it.
White Lantern - I thought Torval had got out of the wrong side of the bed this morning and then I saw your post...No. McKiernan. is. not. better. than. Tolkien.
So pet hates for me? Dystopias. Once a branch of SF which mostly us Brits put out it is now the staple of nearly every SF setting in film and TV. Either set in a dystopia, in a world becoming a dystopia or referencing a future that needs to be avoided which is of course a dystopia. YAWN. This is reflected in todays SF novels but not the baulk of whats out there, well not yet. If I was a SF author and I wanted the best chance for my book to me made into a film of TV series I would have a dystopia and teens which brings us to teens.
The other one has to be teen SF, not a fault of this "sub genre" that it is all dystopias mind you, that just goes with SF these days. Now they can do this really well like Lost In Space or The Rain but usually it is more 3% or The 100. The fact teen SF can be done without too much needless teen drama and relationship drama shows you how too easy it is for writers to reach for that as padding. "We have to talk".
Guess it's a good thing we're all talking opinions here. Cheers!
There are opinions and there is my point of view, the first we ponder the second you can rely on.
I do hope you realise that I agree with you, that's the bread and butter of a forum...debate!
For me dark souls 3 was unpopular. Cause I die alot ingame hahaha. Its on a discount now in de PS store, so I bought it for me and my sister. Thought easy coop!!! Well embers cost alot but I'm duping it (yes it isn't right but the only way to coop without restrictions) and now I can play it nonstop with my sister first we do mine area and after that hers.
That my jacked up ogre barbarian that has slain gods and devils alike under their Oath of Droaam great axe, now needs to sit in a forge and make junk from scrap to master rank crafting to upgrade their weapon.
Always irked me about that.
I get crafting is a big thing, but it always seemed out of whack in a game world, that my legendary wizard that has marched fearlessly through the plane of death, was going to go sit in some lab and make potions or some such, as opposed to buying potions from vendor.
and worse yet, my Arch Mage, Death Slayer, Necromancer, is just going to make generic potions, no some special homebrew, that sets them apart from the masses.
Just never.. sat well with me.
I get that for some.. it fits, like for the lore of Dwarves, where they are all crafters and warriors, so everyone worked the forges, no matter where they sat in the society, but you don't expect Sir Lancelot to have a embroidery store, because they need to make themselves a brooch or something.
Personally, I would have liked there to be direct crafting classes, like a Blacksmith, so players could build up levels, rep, power and the like, and not need to do it purely by the virtue of running and killing shit.
Egotism is the anesthetic that dullens the pain of stupidity, this is why when I try to beat my head against the stupidity of other people, I only hurt myself.
That my jacked up ogre barbarian that has slain gods and devils alike under their Oath of Droaam great axe, now needs to sit in a forge and make junk from scrap to master rank crafting to upgrade their weapon.
Always irked me about that.
I get crafting is a big thing, but it always seemed out of whack in a game world, that my legendary wizard that has marched fearlessly through the plane of death, was going to go sit in some lab and make potions or some such, as opposed to buying potions from vendor.
and worse yet, my Arch Mage, Death Slayer, Necromancer, is just going to make generic potions, no some special homebrew, that sets them apart from the masses.
Just never.. sat well with me.
I get that for some.. it fits, like for the lore of Dwarves, where they are all crafters and warriors, so everyone worked the forges, no matter where they sat in the society, but you don't expect Sir Lancelot to have a embroidery store, because they need to make themselves a brooch or something.
Personally, I would have liked there to be direct crafting classes, like a Blacksmith, so players could build up levels, rep, power and the like, and not need to do it purely by the virtue of running and killing shit.
Play UO !
Respect, walk, what did you say? Respect, walk Are you talkin' to me? Are you talkin' to me? - PANTERA at HELLFEST 2023
That my jacked up ogre barbarian that has slain gods and devils alike under their Oath of Droaam great axe, now needs to sit in a forge and make junk from scrap to master rank crafting to upgrade their weapon.
Always irked me about that.
I get crafting is a big thing, but it always seemed out of whack in a game world, that my legendary wizard that has marched fearlessly through the plane of death, was going to go sit in some lab and make potions or some such, as opposed to buying potions from vendor.
and worse yet, my Arch Mage, Death Slayer, Necromancer, is just going to make generic potions, no some special homebrew, that sets them apart from the masses.
Just never.. sat well with me.
I get that for some.. it fits, like for the lore of Dwarves, where they are all crafters and warriors, so everyone worked the forges, no matter where they sat in the society, but you don't expect Sir Lancelot to have a embroidery store, because they need to make themselves a brooch or something.
Personally, I would have liked there to be direct crafting classes, like a Blacksmith, so players could build up levels, rep, power and the like, and not need to do it purely by the virtue of running and killing shit.
Play UO !
Egotism is the anesthetic that dullens the pain of stupidity, this is why when I try to beat my head against the stupidity of other people, I only hurt myself.
My contribution: the LotR movies were complete trash that never should have seen the light of day. I'll throw in the Hobbit movies as a "bonus" even though I haven't seen any of them and never will. Jackson should never, ever be allowed anywhere near Middle-earth ever again! Not ever!
Okay. I feel better now. A little, tiny bit better.
My contribution: the LotR movies were complete trash that never should have seen the light of day. I'll throw in the Hobbit movies as a "bonus" even though I haven't seen any of them and never will. Jackson should never, ever be allowed anywhere near Middle-earth ever again! Not ever!
Okay. I feel better now. A little, tiny bit better.
I'm glad people like you are a minority. That's a positive.
Respect, walk, what did you say? Respect, walk Are you talkin' to me? Are you talkin' to me? - PANTERA at HELLFEST 2023
As far as Sci-Fi goes, that Vader was in fact one of the most powerful Jedi ever to exist.
See, I believe that Padme was in fact killed by Zam, but Anakin, even as a young padwan, refused to let her die, and used his powers to keep her alive.
This is why when Palpatine / Darth Sidious said that she would die in childbirth, Anakin was in fact worried. Which lets be honest in a world with that tech, and she being a high ranking royal, death in childbirth was a never-gonna-happen event. I mean think about it, this was a world where people would have their legs cut off and just get put back together, like nothing.
So the only reason why Anakin would in fact be worried that Padme would die, is if he knew that he was in fact the one keeping her alive, and that she was being kept alive unnaturally, which, something like Childbirth might disrupt, given both his children where force capable, there was a risk they could disrupt his ability to keep her alive.
This is why, when he was knocked down and out, and succumbed to his wounds and went unconscious, Padme also just flat out died, and the birth droid did not flip their lid and hit a code red panic button or something, that someone was just flat out dying in the delivery room, as it was, as far as all their meters went, a natural, unstoppable, death, as she had died years ago.
This meant that Anakin/Vader had the ability to flat out stop death, and do so across the universe.
This is also why he always came across as weaker in the younger years, why he could in fact literally bend reality around himself when he found out that Padme died, because he was channeling a huge amount of his force powers keeping Padme alive, so he could not go all out, and even with that crutch, he was still a powerful Jedia/Sith. When it was lifted.. again, he could literally, warp reality.
We see other hints of this, because we see that he can force choke people from ship to ship, which is something we don't see any other Jedi/Sith being able to do, almost all their powers and abilities are very short range.
The reason why he didn't use this power other times, was simply because, for the most part, he didn't love anyone else enough to do it, and he was angry, hate filled, man, that enjoyed getting his aggressions out by beating the shit out people up close and personal.
But we see again, when Darth Sidious lighting bolts him, he does not fall down like Luke did, he is being killed, we see that, his whole body is being blow apart so much so, it is setting his suit on fire and lighting up his skull, but, he does not die, hell, he does not even bend a knee, he just grabs the Emperor, carries them to the rail, and then throws them off the rail... and only then.. only after being totally destroyed from the inside out, he lets himself falter.
We also see that Darth Sidious was very amazed that Vader did not fall when his suit was in fact directly designed to be weak to lightning, just so that he would be killed with ease by Darth Sidious's lighting powers.
Yet, despite being totally obliterated physically, he did not die, till he chose to die.
Long and Short, Vader died only when he chose to die, not a second before.
As such, my Unpopular opnion is that Vader was the most powerful Jedi, one that could in fact, stop death itself, from clear across the universe.
Very unpopular opnion it seems, but it also seems backed up by the movies.
Egotism is the anesthetic that dullens the pain of stupidity, this is why when I try to beat my head against the stupidity of other people, I only hurt myself.
As far as Sci-Fi goes, that Vader was in fact one of the most powerful Jedi ever to exist.
Palpatine could have killed Vader anytime just with force lightning destroying his suit electronics. The only reason he didn't in RotJ is because he was distracted by his hatred towards his son.
Respect, walk, what did you say? Respect, walk Are you talkin' to me? Are you talkin' to me? - PANTERA at HELLFEST 2023
The David Lynch Dune Movie was pretty good and I prefer it to the new one.
Of course. I dropped the new one halfway through. Impossible to watch. I haven't liked anything by Denis Villeneuve.
Constantine, The Console Poster
"One of the most difficult tasks men can perform, however much others may despise it, is the invention of good games and it cannot be done by men out of touch with their instinctive selves." - Carl Jung
Dragonbone Chair is excellent!
Godfred's Tomb Trailer: https://youtu.be/-nsXGddj_4w
Original Skyrim: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/109547
Serph toze kindly has started a walk-through. https://youtu.be/UIelCK-lldo
Beyond the shadows there's always light
Nah. I'd just be turtles .. all the way down.
Respect, walk
Are you talkin' to me? Are you talkin' to me?
Logic, my dear, merely enables one to be wrong with great authority.
The reasons you listed are why The Expanse is one of my favorite Sci-Fi shows ever.
Respect, walk
Are you talkin' to me? Are you talkin' to me?
Aeander - Dwarves and Giants are storied races and done right have great lore and are a joy to play. Are they overdone in MMOs? Well Dwarves are but that's because they are so good.
Torval - Where do I start?
Dune is possibly the best SF ever written. Was the series too long? Well when it got to other writers continuing it, yes it was.
Star Wars is possibly the the best Sf/fantasy on film. The first three films were the best, you don't surprise me that you think the later ones were better but I do think the ones you mentioned are good.
Final Fantasy, fair enough they milk the brand but that can be said for so many great brands.
You seem to have fallen in to that politically correct and irrational hobby of calling out people from the past for not holding the attitudes we do today. All the authors you mentioned were greats in their field. Bradbury was underrated but not as much as you seem to suggest? Niven was as great in my eyes and possibly underrated himself. I found nothing dry etc about the others.
Firefly - we surely cannot tell what the reboot will do until it is out?
Dark Sun - certainly gave DnD a needed kick up the backside, alas I have never played it only heard people talking about it.
White Lantern - I thought Torval had got out of the wrong side of the bed this morning and then I saw your post...No. McKiernan. is. not. better. than. Tolkien.
So pet hates for me? Dystopias. Once a branch of SF which mostly us Brits put out it is now the staple of nearly every SF setting in film and TV. Either set in a dystopia, in a world becoming a dystopia or referencing a future that needs to be avoided which is of course a dystopia. YAWN. This is reflected in todays SF novels but not the baulk of whats out there, well not yet. If I was a SF author and I wanted the best chance for my book to be made into a film of TV series I would have a dystopia and teens which brings us to teens.
The other one has to be teen SF, not a fault of this "sub genre" that it is all dystopias mind you, that just goes with SF these days. Now they can do this really well like Lost In Space or The Rain but usually it is more 3% or The 100. The fact teen SF can be done without too much needless teen drama and relationship drama shows you how too easy it is for writers to reach for that as padding. "We have to talk".
I want a mmorpg where people have gone through misery, have gone through school stuff and actually have had sex even. -sagil
I do hope you realise that I agree with you, that's the bread and butter of a forum...debate!
Always irked me about that.
I get crafting is a big thing, but it always seemed out of whack in a game world, that my legendary wizard that has marched fearlessly through the plane of death, was going to go sit in some lab and make potions or some such, as opposed to buying potions from vendor.
and worse yet, my Arch Mage, Death Slayer, Necromancer, is just going to make generic potions, no some special homebrew, that sets them apart from the masses.
Just never.. sat well with me.
I get that for some.. it fits, like for the lore of Dwarves, where they are all crafters and warriors, so everyone worked the forges, no matter where they sat in the society, but you don't expect Sir Lancelot to have a embroidery store, because they need to make themselves a brooch or something.
Personally, I would have liked there to be direct crafting classes, like a Blacksmith, so players could build up levels, rep, power and the like, and not need to do it purely by the virtue of running and killing shit.
Play UO !
Respect, walk
Are you talkin' to me? Are you talkin' to me?
Okay. I feel better now. A little, tiny bit better.
I'm glad people like you are a minority. That's a positive.
Respect, walk
Are you talkin' to me? Are you talkin' to me?
See, I believe that Padme was in fact killed by Zam, but Anakin, even as a young padwan, refused to let her die, and used his powers to keep her alive.
This is why when Palpatine / Darth Sidious said that she would die in childbirth, Anakin was in fact worried. Which lets be honest in a world with that tech, and she being a high ranking royal, death in childbirth was a never-gonna-happen event. I mean think about it, this was a world where people would have their legs cut off and just get put back together, like nothing.
So the only reason why Anakin would in fact be worried that Padme would die, is if he knew that he was in fact the one keeping her alive, and that she was being kept alive unnaturally, which, something like Childbirth might disrupt, given both his children where force capable, there was a risk they could disrupt his ability to keep her alive.
This is why, when he was knocked down and out, and succumbed to his wounds and went unconscious, Padme also just flat out died, and the birth droid did not flip their lid and hit a code red panic button or something, that someone was just flat out dying in the delivery room, as it was, as far as all their meters went, a natural, unstoppable, death, as she had died years ago.
This meant that Anakin/Vader had the ability to flat out stop death, and do so across the universe.
This is also why he always came across as weaker in the younger years, why he could in fact literally bend reality around himself when he found out that Padme died, because he was channeling a huge amount of his force powers keeping Padme alive, so he could not go all out, and even with that crutch, he was still a powerful Jedia/Sith. When it was lifted.. again, he could literally, warp reality.
We see other hints of this, because we see that he can force choke people from ship to ship, which is something we don't see any other Jedi/Sith being able to do, almost all their powers and abilities are very short range.
The reason why he didn't use this power other times, was simply because, for the most part, he didn't love anyone else enough to do it, and he was angry, hate filled, man, that enjoyed getting his aggressions out by beating the shit out people up close and personal.
But we see again, when Darth Sidious lighting bolts him, he does not fall down like Luke did, he is being killed, we see that, his whole body is being blow apart so much so, it is setting his suit on fire and lighting up his skull, but, he does not die, hell, he does not even bend a knee, he just grabs the Emperor, carries them to the rail, and then throws them off the rail... and only then.. only after being totally destroyed from the inside out, he lets himself falter.
We also see that Darth Sidious was very amazed that Vader did not fall when his suit was in fact directly designed to be weak to lightning, just so that he would be killed with ease by Darth Sidious's lighting powers.
Yet, despite being totally obliterated physically, he did not die, till he chose to die.
Long and Short, Vader died only when he chose to die, not a second before.
As such, my Unpopular opnion is that Vader was the most powerful Jedi, one that could in fact, stop death itself, from clear across the universe.
Very unpopular opnion it seems, but it also seems backed up by the movies.
All time classic MY NEW FAVORITE POST! (Keep laying those bricks)
"I should point out that no other company has shipped out a beta on a disc before this." - Official Mortal Online Lead Community Moderator
Proudly wearing the Harbinger badge since Dec 23, 2017.
Coined the phrase "Role-Playing a Development Team" January 2018
"Oddly Slap is the main reason I stay in these forums." - Mystichaze April 9th 2018
Palpatine could have killed Vader anytime just with force lightning destroying his suit electronics.
The only reason he didn't in RotJ is because he was distracted by his hatred towards his son.
Respect, walk
Are you talkin' to me? Are you talkin' to me?