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grapevinegrapevine Member UncommonPosts: 1,927

SoE have reverted all the XP changes that were in publish  22, on the live servers. :)

System messages were just sent out.  There wasn't any server restart needed, but its being recommended that people log out for it to take (on an individual basis).


  • kaibigan34kaibigan34 Member Posts: 1,508

    The power of the cancel button at work.

    Just for all those people that told me, earlier today, that trying to fight SOE was fruitless and only they will win... I have just one thing to say......

    I TOLD YOU SO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



  • MotorheadMotorhead Member UncommonPosts: 1,193

    To all the current players, congrats!  You beat 'em !

    Players: 1

    SOE: 0



    "Some days you just can't get rid of a bomb." -- Batman

  • ErillionErillion Member EpicPosts: 10,329

    Originally posted by grapevine

    SoE have reverted all the XP changes that were in publish  22, on the live servers. :)

    For now, my friends , for now.

    They will and have to change XP gain and they will do so within the next days or weeks - perhaps not with the sledgehammer like they did with Publish 22 and perhaps not by 50 %.

    The "power of the cancel button" wont change that.

    Have fun


  • DinionDinion Member Posts: 879

    Originally posted by Motorhead
    To all the current players, congrats! You beat 'em !
    Players: 2
    SOE: 20


    MMOs Retired From: Earth and Beyond, Project Entropia, There, A Tale in the Desert, Star Wars Galaxies, World of Warcraft, Eve Online, City of Heroes/Villains.

    MMOs Currently (worth) Playing: None.

    MMO hopefuls: Age of Conan.

  • ErillionErillion Member EpicPosts: 10,329

    Make that :


    Players 3

    SOE 19


    a) Crafting nerf reversed

    b) Wookie Armor  (--> although I think Wookie armor was planned already - so , debatable)

    c) XP nerf reversed (I think only a temporary victory)


    Have fun


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