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Need PC game recommendation please...

KesaraiKesarai Member UncommonPosts: 3
I have been playing MMO's since the day Dark Age of Camelot was released. Prior to that I was playing single player RPG's. But I'm bored & looking for suggestions be it MMO or single player RPG. Would prefer something with up to date graphics but hey, I'm willing to give older games a shot as well, some of those are worth the out of date graphics.

Have played in past DAoC (up until WoW was released), played WoW until BC released, have played Ryzom, SWTOR, RIFT, ESO, GW (all xpacs), GW2 for a couple years, Dark and Light, Lord of the Rings Online, and some other MMO's I know I am forgetting. Single player games I have played Mass Effect (all incl the Legendary Edition), all the Dragon Age releases, some of the Neverwinter Nights, Skyrim, Baldur's Gate and others. None of the games listed was played in the order listed, just typing them out as I think of them.

I have found that my favorite games (both mmo & single player) are ones where I have travelling/combat companions & can interact with them (Mass Effect (all), SWTOR, Dragon Age (all) for example, and one thing these all have in common other than companions, is a heavy story line that I can really immerse myself in. 

I can't play games where I'm locked in to FPS view where I see things as if I was walking, I have to be able to see my character & some of surrounding area, not sure why I can't play those but I just can't.

So I'm looking for recommendations, RPG or MMO doesn't matter, but looking for a game that I have companions I can explore the world with, interact with, storyline that can be immersed into, that I am NOT locked into that particular field of view. It also has to be a PC game, I have no xBox, PS or any other console, just my desktop PC.

Thanks in advance for your suggestions :) 



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    Somebody, somewhere has better skills as you have, more experience as you have, is smarter than you, has more friends as you do and can stay online longer. Just pray he's not out to get you.
  • WarThorWarThor Member UncommonPosts: 41
    Amazon’s new world looks promising so far.
  • fineflufffinefluff Member RarePosts: 561
    Kesarai said:
    I have found that my favorite games (both mmo & single player) are ones where I have travelling/combat companions & can interact with them (Mass Effect (all), SWTOR, Dragon Age (all) for example, and one thing these all have in common other than companions, is a heavy story line that I can really immerse myself in. 
    You might like Final Fantasy 12. It's a single player RPG with a lot customization for how you can build out companions' combat roles. You can switch between them in battle, and they all feature heavily in the story. You can find it on steam.
  • KnightFalzKnightFalz Member EpicPosts: 4,600
    For single player, Dragon's Dogma: Dark Arisen may provide what you seek.
  • VrikaVrika Member LegendaryPosts: 7,999
    edited July 2021
    Kesarai said:

    Have played ... all the Dragon Age releases, some of the Neverwinter Nights, ..., Baldur's Gate and others. 
    Have you already played Pillars of Eternity (1 and 2) and Tyranny? If you liked Dragon Age 1, Neverwinter Nights and Baldur's Gate you'd likely like also those three.

    Also Disco Elysium, and Wasteland 2 and 3.

    It doesn't have good graphics, but if you liked Baldur's Gate games then there's nowadays enhanced edition of Planescape Torment. It has really good story.

    EDIT: Also Knights of the Old Republic 1 and 2 are really good games, even if they're already a bit older.
  • TheocritusTheocritus Member LegendaryPosts: 10,041
    THeres a ton of good single player games out now...Off the top of my head:

    Disco Elysium
    Pathfinder Kingmaker
    Darkest Dungeon
    Project Zomboid
    The Dungeon Below
    7 Days to Die
    Edge of Eternity 1 & 2
    The Forest
    The Outer Worlds
    Outer Wilds
    Battle Brothers
    The Dungeon of Naheulbeuk
    Dyson Sphere Program

    Theres a ton on Steam but you have to look around a bit......YOu just missed the summer sale but they often have sales and will have a fall sale in a couple months.

  • KesaraiKesarai Member UncommonPosts: 3
    Thanks everyone for your suggestions, will look at them & see what I can come up with. 

    Part of my problem is I keep comparing most games I look at to the Dragon Age series (1, 2, & Inquisition), the Mass Effect series (1, 2, 3 & Andromeda), and of course to SW:TOR.

    I love the freedom to move anywhere & the instant combat with my companion along side me. Not a fan of the click to move, turn based combat where I have to select each ability prior to fighting (or whatever it's called), I'm more into the reactionary type combat where my AI companion does his/her thing unless I specifically tell it to do otherwise and I work on defeating enemies while staying alive.

    I do not like PvP at all and refuse to play games that are PvP, I don't like being ganked & with my hands such as they are, I don't have the reaction speed that PvP requires.

    Anyways, thanks again all =)  If anyone thinks of any other PC game or recommendation (single player or MMO), I'll still keep checking the thread
  • Po_ggPo_gg Member EpicPosts: 5,749
    edited July 2021
    I believe for that specific goal you won't find a better suited MMORPG than SWTOR.
    There are quite a few others with companions, but not on SWTOR's level, interaction-wise and integrated to the story... 

    Singleplayer games more likely have the droids you're looking for. Vrika mentioned the two KotOR games, those are great fit.

    In the MMORPG section, maybe STO. You manage there your bridge crew, so what you lose on the story side (compared to SWTOR), you gain on the strategic aspect and numbers.
    They aren't integrated too much into the story, and the interaction is limited as well, but on the flipside you control more of them at once, and the customisation is way more open than SWTOR's.
    [Deleted User]
  • fineflufffinefluff Member RarePosts: 561
    Kesarai said:

    I love the freedom to move anywhere & the instant combat with my companion along side me. Not a fan of the click to move, turn based combat where I have to select each ability prior to fighting (or whatever it's called), I'm more into the reactionary type combat where my AI companion does his/her thing unless I specifically tell it to do otherwise and I work on defeating enemies while staying alive.
    FF12 works like that. You can set up actions for your party members that will dictate how they act in battle. It's very customizable and you can add a lot of actions. For example, on your companion you can set up "On Ally: HP < 50% use Cure" and when your HP drops below 50% your companion will heal you. Basically, you are programming the AI of your companions. You can manually do actions with your party members in battle too.

  • ScorchienScorchien Member LegendaryPosts: 8,914
    Here ya go .. Drakensang .. and when/if you beat there is an amazing sequel and in my humble opinion a better more immersive and interesting game with deeper systems  than DA ...

       If you want to really challenge yourself , the best by far is RoK Star Trail ..  and its not even remotely close ..

       Truly a game that stands alone ..

  • AfghanTalibanAfghanTaliban Newbie CommonPosts: 6
    Hey bro! Play Pillars of Eternity, Pillars of Eternity 2, Tyranny, Pathfinder Kingmaker, all parts of The Banner Saga, Ash of Gods, Disco Elysium. You should like it
  • MendelMendel Member LegendaryPosts: 5,609
    Scorchien said:
    Here ya go .. Drakensang .. and when/if you beat there is an amazing sequel and in my humble opinion a better more immersive and interesting game with deeper systems  than DA ...

       If you want to really challenge yourself , the best by far is RoK Star Trail ..  and its not even remotely close ..

       Truly a game that stands alone ..

    I have a CD for Star Trail from SirTech.   That's an old game.   It never really worked right for me; the initial 2-3 encounters 'inspired' many restarts.   I remember loving the overland map, choose a path and you travel to the next decision point.

    Logic, my dear, merely enables one to be wrong with great authority.

  • ScorchienScorchien Member LegendaryPosts: 8,914
    Mendel said:
    Scorchien said:
    Here ya go .. Drakensang .. and when/if you beat there is an amazing sequel and in my humble opinion a better more immersive and interesting game with deeper systems  than DA ...

       If you want to really challenge yourself , the best by far is RoK Star Trail ..  and its not even remotely close ..

       Truly a game that stands alone ..

    I have a CD for Star Trail from SirTech.   That's an old game.   It never really worked right for me; the initial 2-3 encounters 'inspired' many restarts.   I remember loving the overland map, choose a path and you travel to the next decision point.

    I am referencing the new Star Trial (remake) that released in 2017 ...

     you may want to give it a look .. Great Game ..  without the problems of the OLd Sir Tech version

  • JemcrystalJemcrystal Member UncommonPosts: 1,989
    Play Ark Survival Evolved.

  • laseritlaserit Member LegendaryPosts: 7,591
    One game my kids and I have been grooving on tabletop and playing an EA version of is Gloomhaven. It goes full release Oct 20 on Steam.

    I'm personally excited about it. Quite a challenging game.

    "Be water my friend" - Bruce Lee

  • TogglesunTogglesun Newbie CommonPosts: 6
    How is it?
  • ScotScot Member LegendaryPosts: 24,509
    Last three posts reported as adbots.
  • James781James781 Newbie CommonPosts: 4
    Factorio. Few days ago finished it with friend, cool game. Old, low quality graphics but cool. You should try it
  • ElisSmithElisSmith Newbie CommonPosts: 7
    If you like thrill seeking, bomb-throwing, gun-firing action, you should try Farlight 84. I have been playing the game or a while now. They have an app too if you like playing it on your phones. I enjoyed the graphics, selection of guns, equipment, and vehicles. Great selection of characters as well, each possess different advantages.  ;)
  • AngrakhanAngrakhan Member EpicPosts: 1,895
    Cyberpunk 2077 is a really good game now. It was a disaster at launch but they stuck it out and got it fixed. Starfield is a solid game. No Man's Sky is good. All three fit the bill of an open world game where you are free to approach it from different angles and play styles. None will force you down the path of the main story and you can largely ignore it and do your own thing. They're all single player although NMS has multiplayer capabilities. It's not an MMO, though. Other options for older games are Fallout 4 and Skyrim. Hundreds of hours of gameplay for you across all those games. You won't be bored for a while.
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