We love this place. Those of us who have been here during the golden age of millions of users remember what was. Lets face it do to reasons (many of you know my theory's as to why), mmorpgs have fallen. With that fall so has advertising revenue for our beloved mmorpg.com. Enter Brave browser.
Short history, Brave browser is the baby of the guy who made Mozilla. Brave gives you complete control of your data, allows you choose what type of adds, and how many you want to see. DYOR read more.
Every month Brave pays you for the ads you choose to click by the way of the Basic Attention Token (BAT). As of the time of type, 1 BAT= around 55c. With this token you can either cash it in for fiat OOOOOOOOOR......
You can tip Verified Creators of content you consume, ie websites, youtube channels, MMORPG,com.
I've received about 12-13 bats over the last 2 months. I tipped MMORPG.com 1 BAT last month. While typing this I am going to TIP another BAT.
Forgive me for not taking screenshots, but the entire process takes less than 3 secs.
Blockchain, crypto can you guys start to see where this is going.
@mmorpg.com Forget about it. Just give me my damn Legendary!

We already have adblockers that allow for certain settings but truth is that websites do NOT want to ever play fair aka cookies.
We used to all the time,like ever single site was telling us cookies were to enhance our site use...LMAO BS,cookies have always been to enhance ad revenue.SO not only do they like to play unfair they like to lie to us as well.
I remember when this site changed it's platform to i believe was a cheaper one i started to see double click threads.Well Bill told us it was just a glitch as th site moved over to a new site and woudl take time to iron out issues.Well that was total BS that dbl clock idea has remained ever since.
So instead of posting an article with th econtent it is always CLICK HERE to see the content beyond the title.99% o the time there wasn't even anything mor et oread,maybe a quote or another link.
Brave is NOT the answer and imo not even a good browser as it is basically a Chrome copy cat but a worse version of.
Never forget 3 mile Island and never trust a government official or company spokesman.
Don't get me wrong there are people who in the real world are just friendly but most of the time people are thinking about money.
If i decide to tip a waitress it is not because i think she deserves it or really cared about me as a customer,it is because i just wanted to.This is the same in everything else with me,if i want to help someone it is because i want to and not because i am looking for some favor back or i feel i owe them a favor.
Conent creators put out content,i might read it or i might not,i never go in expecting much or feeling like i NEED to give this person some likes or a pat on the back or to give him clicks so he can make more money from YouTube.
We see it ALLL the time now,it feels like every single video the creators are asking us to like and subscribe and follow me on 8 different platforms.Oh and here is a link to my Twitter and my Patreon.
Sum it up simply??Content creators only purpose is to USE YOU to make revenue and look that rhymes.
Never forget 3 mile Island and never trust a government official or company spokesman.
This is how it works.
DYOR excellent read.
“Microtransactions? In a single player role-playing game? Are you nuts?”
i literally get chim, small rectangle bottom of screen, click it, close the window. While im on this site, youtube, whatever. At the end of the month I get tokens. I then contribute to sites that I enjoy.
Real talk why would anyone care about building a game, providing articles or anything for people like you in this genre.
If I were a dev I'd keep skinner-boxing you mental midgets to death for another 10 years! Learning impaired much? Ladder don't reach too high? ahahhahahahaha
@Iselin you cool tho
edit- you complain about inventory space in free to play games don't you?
"To old anymore, all I see is fast gameplay that seems too much work for me to enjoy."
Youre probably anti-iphones and googlepay too, huh Dino
tooo easy IT'S ME
edit - @Kyleran fallout76 collateral damage
I always use the "recent discussions" page as my home page here and these days the bottom of the 1st page sometimes has threads with their last activity a couple of days ago.
3-5 years ago that bottom thread's most recent post was almost never more than 4 or 5 hours old. That's definitely a significant change.
“Microtransactions? In a single player role-playing game? Are you nuts?”
Tipping another this month. It's the least I could do.