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Valheim EA



  • AsheramAsheram Member EpicPosts: 5,078
    edited March 2021

    Post edited by Asheram on
  • cheyanecheyane Member LegendaryPosts: 9,435
    Asheram said:
    I like the part where he kills Elkthyr with just campfires 11 minutes into video, lol

    This was hilarious loved it.
    Garrus Signature
  • BloodaxesBloodaxes Member EpicPosts: 4,662
    Torval said:
    Bonemass is down. That was a hell of a fight. They really buffed buffed bosses and this is the first one that requires advanced strategy and tactics. The first two sort of introduce you to the concept, but this one drives it home. What a pain in the ass.

    Wasting no time at all, we now have wolf cloaks and a stack of silver (thanks to Blueturtle)! :lol:
    My friend found it tough, I honestly found it easy. The Elder was tougher imo.

    I was way overprepared tough. I had full iron armour max tier, max tier iron mace and iron shield, and obviously the best food I could use and poison resistance.

    My friend went fighting the swamp boss without poison resistance lol. I thought it was obvious you could need them. Hell, even if the boss didn't poison you, you're still fighting in the swamp.

    There's no harm being overly cautious when you need to go such distance to fight them.

  • AlBQuirkyAlBQuirky Member EpicPosts: 7,432
    Asheram said:
    I like the part where he kills Elkthyr with just campfires 11 minutes into video, lol

    OMG! I was literally rolling in my chair!

    That Elder (2nd boss) fight was the best!

    Thanks for sharing that :lol:

    - Al

    Personally the only modern MMORPG trend that annoys me is the idea that MMOs need to be designed in a way to attract people who don't actually like MMOs. Which to me makes about as much sense as someone trying to figure out a way to get vegetarians to eat at their steakhouse.

  • BloodaxesBloodaxes Member EpicPosts: 4,662
    edited March 2021
    Torval said:

    Not sure if you fought him before or after they recently buffed the bosses, but we couldn't have done it without poison resist pots.

    The one thing we lacked, which would have made the fight so much easier, is health pots. We only had a few and that made it tricky towards the end. We also had a rather limited supply of frost arrows (around 60 I think).

    We did level the ground and raise the swampy areas and made paths for kiting. We also built fires around the spawn point to help keep the chill away, until he eventually destroyed them all. It still helped to get us off to a good start.

    We were fully maxed with iron armor and trolls cape, but only one mace. The sword didn't do terrible damage though, just not mace level of damage. Despite having poison buffs up his dot still ticked away pretty heavily. I couldn't stand and melee him full time. His sideways melee attacks were also hard to parry/block. It was easier just to avoid them. We were well food buffed with sausages, turnip and carrot soup, and some jam for when i started ranged.

    Next time I fight him I will:
    - bring many more health pots
    - bring many more frost arrows
    - iron maces for all
    - not forgetting that we could go reset our rested buff when it expired. oops :lol:
    I beat him like 2-3 weeks ago so not sure which version it was.

    Only prep thing I did before starting the fight is hoe the area from any water. Poison resist makes him a cake walk. Only thing you need to be careful is when he tosses the blob, go kill em asap. As for when he farts, I just walk away.

    I did not use any arrows, just melee to death. I was able to block all his attacks with my iron shield. Tbh, his attacks were quite slow, which made it easy to time them. I did however go alone fighting him on my own world. Still, same strategy should have applied.
    Post edited by Bloodaxes on

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    거북이는 목을 내밀 때 안 움직입니다

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    The user and all related content has been deleted.

    거북이는 목을 내밀 때 안 움직입니다

  • AsheramAsheram Member EpicPosts: 5,078
  • AlBQuirkyAlBQuirky Member EpicPosts: 7,432
    Torval said:
    Bonemass is down. That was a hell of a fight. They really buffed buffed bosses and this is the first one that requires advanced strategy and tactics. The first two sort of introduce you to the concept, but this one drives it home. What a pain in the ass.

    Wasting no time at all, we now have wolf cloaks and a stack of silver (thanks to Blueturtle)! :lol:
    Us taking on Bonemass

    B1812E3F82B940F6940EFFD4A178D65A892F0F59 25601440

    Remember kids... always, ALWAYS cover your workbenches :)
    [Deleted User]lahnmirAsheramAsm0deus

    - Al

    Personally the only modern MMORPG trend that annoys me is the idea that MMOs need to be designed in a way to attract people who don't actually like MMOs. Which to me makes about as much sense as someone trying to figure out a way to get vegetarians to eat at their steakhouse.

  • BloodaxesBloodaxes Member EpicPosts: 4,662
    Bloodaxes said:
    Torval said:

    Not sure if you fought him before or after they recently buffed the bosses, but we couldn't have done it without poison resist pots.

    The one thing we lacked, which would have made the fight so much easier, is health pots. We only had a few and that made it tricky towards the end. We also had a rather limited supply of frost arrows (around 60 I think).

    We did level the ground and raise the swampy areas and made paths for kiting. We also built fires around the spawn point to help keep the chill away, until he eventually destroyed them all. It still helped to get us off to a good start.

    We were fully maxed with iron armor and trolls cape, but only one mace. The sword didn't do terrible damage though, just not mace level of damage. Despite having poison buffs up his dot still ticked away pretty heavily. I couldn't stand and melee him full time. His sideways melee attacks were also hard to parry/block. It was easier just to avoid them. We were well food buffed with sausages, turnip and carrot soup, and some jam for when i started ranged.

    Next time I fight him I will:
    - bring many more health pots
    - bring many more frost arrows
    - iron maces for all
    - not forgetting that we could go reset our rested buff when it expired. oops :lol:
    I beat him like 2-3 weeks ago so not sure which version it was.

    Only prep thing I did before starting the fight is hoe the area from any water. Poison resist makes him a cake walk. Only thing you need to be careful is when he tosses the blob, go kill em asap. As for when he farts, I just walk away.

    I did not use any arrows, just melee to death. I was able to block all his attacks with my iron shield. Tbh, his attacks were quite slow, which made it easy to time them. I did however go alone fighting him on my own world. Still, same strategy should have applied.
    Yeah he and the final two were buffed since that time. Iron Gate said players were beating them too easy. 
    Didn't know they buffed them.

    Still, I found him quite easy to kite. If you take care of any adds he spawns quickly, you can focus on him by hitting him 2-3 times then moving out of range or block/parry his attacks. Might need some hp potions, but still imo less "difficult" than the elder. You have to keep on moving vs him and hide behind pillars or the vines or his attack will wreck you.

  • AsheramAsheram Member EpicPosts: 5,078
    Bloodaxes said:
    Bloodaxes said:
    Torval said:

    Not sure if you fought him before or after they recently buffed the bosses, but we couldn't have done it without poison resist pots.

    The one thing we lacked, which would have made the fight so much easier, is health pots. We only had a few and that made it tricky towards the end. We also had a rather limited supply of frost arrows (around 60 I think).

    We did level the ground and raise the swampy areas and made paths for kiting. We also built fires around the spawn point to help keep the chill away, until he eventually destroyed them all. It still helped to get us off to a good start.

    We were fully maxed with iron armor and trolls cape, but only one mace. The sword didn't do terrible damage though, just not mace level of damage. Despite having poison buffs up his dot still ticked away pretty heavily. I couldn't stand and melee him full time. His sideways melee attacks were also hard to parry/block. It was easier just to avoid them. We were well food buffed with sausages, turnip and carrot soup, and some jam for when i started ranged.

    Next time I fight him I will:
    - bring many more health pots
    - bring many more frost arrows
    - iron maces for all
    - not forgetting that we could go reset our rested buff when it expired. oops :lol:
    I beat him like 2-3 weeks ago so not sure which version it was.

    Only prep thing I did before starting the fight is hoe the area from any water. Poison resist makes him a cake walk. Only thing you need to be careful is when he tosses the blob, go kill em asap. As for when he farts, I just walk away.

    I did not use any arrows, just melee to death. I was able to block all his attacks with my iron shield. Tbh, his attacks were quite slow, which made it easy to time them. I did however go alone fighting him on my own world. Still, same strategy should have applied.
    Yeah he and the final two were buffed since that time. Iron Gate said players were beating them too easy. 
    Didn't know they buffed them.

    Still, I found him quite easy to kite. If you take care of any adds he spawns quickly, you can focus on him by hitting him 2-3 times then moving out of range or block/parry his attacks. Might need some hp potions, but still imo less "difficult" than the elder. You have to keep on moving vs him and hide behind pillars or the vines or his attack will wreck you.
    You dont even need to hit them to kite, just run the direction you want them to go til you see their name and hp bar disappear, move back a little til it reappears and they will actively come looking for you.
    I kited my first bonemass fight to an adjacent plains to a stone structure and was plugging him with arrows out of reach of all the add on mobs. It was working til a lox came by and was hit by bonemass and it started attacking him and the building I was on got knocked down in the process.
  • Asm0deusAsm0deus Member EpicPosts: 4,641
    edited March 2021
    I found the tree boss far far easier to kill solo, and I have 5 or 6 times, than the swamp boss.  Tree guy is super easy to stay away from and just pluck arrows at him from behind the pillars, hell I don't even get hit once. No prep required other than have enough arrows

    Swamp guy was horrible, his spawn spot was by some deep swamp water, kiting him while taking care of adds was much more difficult and I was using a lvl 4 iron mace, only succeeded on that one cause I was with 3 other 

    Died once to him however we had set up a portal with beds nearby so was a quick 30 sec run back to the fight.

    Mind you I did the bosses after the bosses were buffed.

    Brenics ~ Just to point out I do believe Chris Roberts is going down as the man who cheated backers and took down crowdfunding for gaming.

  • AsheramAsheram Member EpicPosts: 5,078
    edited March 2021
    When I first did the Elder in beta arrows were useless vs him.
    Post edited by Asheram on
  • BloodaxesBloodaxes Member EpicPosts: 4,662
    Well, the more people there are, the stronger they become. I did mine solo. 

    Besides, I was speaking mainly on how you have to fight the Elder compared to Bonemass difficulty wise. The elder is not really tougher, but you can't really stay in one spot unlike bonemass were I just went close to hit him, backed a little when he puts poison, then back to whacking him.


  • BrainyBrainy Member EpicPosts: 2,279
    I beat Bonemass solo right after they buffed him.   He was pretty tuff to me, I equipped a few different weapons until I found out he was weak to maces, but he has a lot of mechanics.  Melee macing him was pretty tuff, even with the good damage.

    Bonemass is 2nd hardest boss IMO,  the last boss I was not expecting that level of difficulty.
    I found the first boss kind of hard actually, probably because I had no clue what I was doing.  Just running around the alter trying not to die and get stamina back.

    I didn't use any online info, so my difficulty based on going in with the gear you have available at the time you fight the boss is as follows.

    Yagluth>>>>Bonemass>>Eikthyr>The Elder>Moder

  • AsheramAsheram Member EpicPosts: 5,078

  • AsheramAsheram Member EpicPosts: 5,078
    I wonder how the hammer delay will affect hiding in base and repairing walls til mobs get bored.

    Also wonder if the fire thing is because of videos like that one I linked where he killed elkthyr and the elder with only campfires.
    [Deleted User]AlBQuirky
  • AsheramAsheram Member EpicPosts: 5,078
    edited March 2021
    I would never have the patience to sit afk for long periods to be in range so the surtlings spawn. You can sail to ashlands and gain as much while being active. I have recently started going out and killing them when they raid me and getting what I need.
    As far as greydwarfs go I found myself wishing I could stop them from dropping stuff as limited inventory space fills up too fast and its not hard to kill them.
    [Deleted User]AlBQuirky
  • cheyanecheyane Member LegendaryPosts: 9,435
    Valheim Plus sounds interesting. I might look into that.
    [Deleted User]AlBQuirky
    Garrus Signature
  • AsheramAsheram Member EpicPosts: 5,078
    edited March 2021
    Torval said:
    Asheram said:
    I would never have the patience to sit afk for long periods to be in range so the surtlings spawn. You can sail to ashlands and gain as much while being active. I have recently started going out and killing them when they raid me and getting what I need.
    As far as greydwarfs go I found myself wishing I could stop them from dropping stuff as limited inventory space fills up too fast and its not hard to kill them.

    I don't sit there waiting for the respawn. In fact they respawn slower if you do. We have a small hub with portal near there. I just pop in and do a circuit to gather the coal. The cores are just a bonus. Then I port back to the main base, load up the kilns and then the smelters. It's sort of a circuit that happens every 10 minutes or so. The coal kilns and the surtling pools supplement each other so I don't have to wait as long overall.

    Once we finally find the Ashlands that whole strategy might change. One thing about playing is how exploration and discovery changes how I do things.
    Oh ok didnt know that. Watched this video and it sounded like you had to be in range for them to spawn.

    Would seem to make more sense if the spawners were in the plains though, would kill any farming options like this though.

    And in case you didnt know just sail

     as far south as you can for ashlands

    [Deleted User]AlBQuirkykitarad
  • cheyanecheyane Member LegendaryPosts: 9,435
    I downloaded Valheim Plus and am currently configuring it. Hopefully I find a balance between difficulty and fun I am happy with and don't feel like I am cheating myself. I really don't want to make the game easier but some things are bit too hard for me as far as mobs go. I am a poor fighter and this hurdle is something I need to overcome on my own. 

    I will periodically save my progress in case I come upon an impossible situation and find corpse retrieval nigh impossible.
    Asheram[Deleted User]AlBQuirky
    Garrus Signature
  • SovrathSovrath Member LegendaryPosts: 33,098
    cheyane said:
    I downloaded Valheim Plus and am currently configuring it. Hopefully I find a balance between difficulty and fun I am happy with and don't feel like I am cheating myself. I really don't want to make the game easier but some things are bit too hard for me as far as mobs go. I am a poor fighter and this hurdle is something I need to overcome on my own. 

    I will periodically save my progress in case I come upon an impossible situation and find corpse retrieval nigh impossible.
    It's a game and in some cases a "toy."

    You can make it any way you feel like. The whole idea is to have some entertainment.

    If making it easier makes it more fun then do it.

    Asheramcheyane[Deleted User]kitaradAlBQuirky
    Like Skyrim? Need more content? Try my Skyrim mod "Godfred's Tomb." 

    Godfred's Tomb Trailer:

    Original Skyrim:

    Try the "Special Edition." 'Cause it's "Special."

    Serph toze kindly has started a walk-through. 
  • TwistedSister77TwistedSister77 Member EpicPosts: 1,144
    edited March 2021
    Should they add a feature of finding a damsel in distress... being able to marry and have children at your base?  That could get kill by an attack?

    Super hard boss guarding her.

    Maybe she and the lads could do basic chores while you're off exploring?
  • AsheramAsheram Member EpicPosts: 5,078
    edited March 2021
    Tiller said:
    Lol the first pic made me think of how cool it would be to have a boss fight like the Darksiders one where the big guy is stuck in the road.
    2:40 into
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