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Valheim EA



  • FaileasFaileas Member UncommonPosts: 84
    kitarad said:
    Faileas said:
    kitarad said:
    Faileas said:
    Torval said:
    This is a Valheim thread, not BDO. Can we stay on topic please?
    Sorry, got a bit carried away there.  o:)

    Faileas said:
    Tokken said:

    Vikings... the new trend.
    What's with all the viking theme'd games coming out recently? Supposedly there's a viking MMO coming out called Odin Valhalla Rising this year. From what I've heard it's going to be F2P, but I could be mistaken. I don't know if I'd be bothered to play it though, vikings aren't exactly my cup of tea... They were bloodthirsty barbarians with no manners. ;) Give me an MMO about Hindu lore and mythology... Much more deep and profound.

    It's just a time delay issue.

    Vikings have become very popular on TV. The main series "Vikings" is pretty awesome, then you've got series like The Last Kingdom and Norsemen on top of others which have broadened appeal over the last several years.

    But, it takes a long time to make a game, which is why it's taken a while for that trend in television to make its way into the gaming world. I'm happy it is though, I love the viking aesthetic and the lore (even though a lot of the aesthetic is completely made up)

    I tried watching "Vinland Saga" (viking anime), but I found the amount of voilence and unnecessary bloodshed too offputting. I've heard many good things about "Vikings", so I might give it a shot, but usually the gruff-n-tuffness of these shows don't do much for me. Now for the delicate features of the Archer from BDO on the other hand... ;)

    So, what I wanted to ask about Valheim is, is it ever going to become an MMO, or will they stick to only 1-10 players? Can random players join your game, or do you have to invite people in? I don't want to invite people to play a game with me. I just know they're going to decline my invites anyways... :(
    No I doubt the engine can handle beyond 10 people. I password protect my games because I don't want some yahoo to come in and destroy my structures. I will really be ready to kill if that happens. Been spending ages on my buildings.
    WHAT, but that would be awesome! If some yahoo came into my game, and started destroying my structures I would just walk up to him and be like: "HEY, WHAT DO YOU THINK  YOU'RE DOING! GET BACK HERE!!!" and then chase after him, throwing axes behind his back in an attempt to murder him. Now that's fun. :) Not if he just vanishes without a trace, though, that would suck... Maybe if they did a Cooldown period after joining each game... 
    I am sure you will get that pleasure just leave your game open. You can customize it to your liking so if you want someone to destroy your structures just leave it without a password.
    That would be a dream come true. I've always wanted the opportunity to shout: "Get off my lawn!" inside  a game. I can't wait for it come on sale so I can finally lure unsuspected visitors into my villages and axe them all... :) 
  • WizardryWizardry Member LegendaryPosts: 19,332
    edited March 2021
    IDK it is simply a guess by anyone but since he first put this game out there nobody wanted to play it,he couldn't even get some to help him promote the game.
    So HOW and WHY did this all of a sudden 2 1/2 years later become popular but more importantly does this sudden winfall of money mean more updates or same old or less?

    My train of thought is that this VERY small team had to already work hard to update the game to get people to play.However since that time,hardly anything was done to the game 2 1/2 years of a few things like character update which still imo looks bad and added a few Bosses.

    I heard there is only dungeons in the Black Forest,again seems like they pretty much stopped working on the game or only 1-2 people working on it.

    When the phrase EARLY access is used to coerce people into playing you EXPECT to see ongoing steady updates which has NOT been the case at least not much effort.

    So NOW with all this money,do people think or EXPECT them to hire some people to improve this game,add content?Or do you think they are just celebrating,out partying and now have no incentive to do anymore because they already won the lottery?

    I have a hunch they do almsot nothing,3 more years from now you'll again see basically the same game.What i THINK might happen eventually is they will make another game rather than update this one because a NEW skin will make more money than updates will.
    [Deleted User]AlBQuirky

    Never forget 3 mile Island and never trust a government official or company spokesman.

  • WizardryWizardry Member LegendaryPosts: 19,332
    Optimization is a HUGE need as well i see some complaining about storage space on the character.

    Optimization is already bad which might be why it is pretty much a single player game.You would need a very strong PC to run even 10 players once the file size gets large and any hopes to the future of perhaps 20-50 people seems impossible unless running a Quantum computer.

    Never forget 3 mile Island and never trust a government official or company spokesman.

  • kitaradkitarad Member LegendaryPosts: 8,189
    Faileas said:
    kitarad said:
    Faileas said:
    kitarad said:
    Faileas said:
    Torval said:
    This is a Valheim thread, not BDO. Can we stay on topic please?
    Sorry, got a bit carried away there.  o:)

    Faileas said:
    Tokken said:

    Vikings... the new trend.
    What's with all the viking theme'd games coming out recently? Supposedly there's a viking MMO coming out called Odin Valhalla Rising this year. From what I've heard it's going to be F2P, but I could be mistaken. I don't know if I'd be bothered to play it though, vikings aren't exactly my cup of tea... They were bloodthirsty barbarians with no manners. ;) Give me an MMO about Hindu lore and mythology... Much more deep and profound.

    It's just a time delay issue.

    Vikings have become very popular on TV. The main series "Vikings" is pretty awesome, then you've got series like The Last Kingdom and Norsemen on top of others which have broadened appeal over the last several years.

    But, it takes a long time to make a game, which is why it's taken a while for that trend in television to make its way into the gaming world. I'm happy it is though, I love the viking aesthetic and the lore (even though a lot of the aesthetic is completely made up)

    I tried watching "Vinland Saga" (viking anime), but I found the amount of voilence and unnecessary bloodshed too offputting. I've heard many good things about "Vikings", so I might give it a shot, but usually the gruff-n-tuffness of these shows don't do much for me. Now for the delicate features of the Archer from BDO on the other hand... ;)

    So, what I wanted to ask about Valheim is, is it ever going to become an MMO, or will they stick to only 1-10 players? Can random players join your game, or do you have to invite people in? I don't want to invite people to play a game with me. I just know they're going to decline my invites anyways... :(
    No I doubt the engine can handle beyond 10 people. I password protect my games because I don't want some yahoo to come in and destroy my structures. I will really be ready to kill if that happens. Been spending ages on my buildings.
    WHAT, but that would be awesome! If some yahoo came into my game, and started destroying my structures I would just walk up to him and be like: "HEY, WHAT DO YOU THINK  YOU'RE DOING! GET BACK HERE!!!" and then chase after him, throwing axes behind his back in an attempt to murder him. Now that's fun. :) Not if he just vanishes without a trace, though, that would suck... Maybe if they did a Cooldown period after joining each game... 
    I am sure you will get that pleasure just leave your game open. You can customize it to your liking so if you want someone to destroy your structures just leave it without a password.
    That would be a dream come true. I've always wanted the opportunity to shout: "Get off my lawn!" inside  a game. I can't wait for it come on sale so I can finally lure unsuspected visitors into my villages and axe them all... :) 
    It's like 16 euros how much cheaper do you want it to be?

  • FaileasFaileas Member UncommonPosts: 84
    kitarad said:
    Faileas said:
    kitarad said:
    Faileas said:
    kitarad said:
    Faileas said:
    Torval said:
    This is a Valheim thread, not BDO. Can we stay on topic please?
    Sorry, got a bit carried away there.  o:)

    Faileas said:
    Tokken said:

    Vikings... the new trend.
    What's with all the viking theme'd games coming out recently? Supposedly there's a viking MMO coming out called Odin Valhalla Rising this year. From what I've heard it's going to be F2P, but I could be mistaken. I don't know if I'd be bothered to play it though, vikings aren't exactly my cup of tea... They were bloodthirsty barbarians with no manners. ;) Give me an MMO about Hindu lore and mythology... Much more deep and profound.

    It's just a time delay issue.

    Vikings have become very popular on TV. The main series "Vikings" is pretty awesome, then you've got series like The Last Kingdom and Norsemen on top of others which have broadened appeal over the last several years.

    But, it takes a long time to make a game, which is why it's taken a while for that trend in television to make its way into the gaming world. I'm happy it is though, I love the viking aesthetic and the lore (even though a lot of the aesthetic is completely made up)

    I tried watching "Vinland Saga" (viking anime), but I found the amount of voilence and unnecessary bloodshed too offputting. I've heard many good things about "Vikings", so I might give it a shot, but usually the gruff-n-tuffness of these shows don't do much for me. Now for the delicate features of the Archer from BDO on the other hand... ;)

    So, what I wanted to ask about Valheim is, is it ever going to become an MMO, or will they stick to only 1-10 players? Can random players join your game, or do you have to invite people in? I don't want to invite people to play a game with me. I just know they're going to decline my invites anyways... :(
    No I doubt the engine can handle beyond 10 people. I password protect my games because I don't want some yahoo to come in and destroy my structures. I will really be ready to kill if that happens. Been spending ages on my buildings.
    WHAT, but that would be awesome! If some yahoo came into my game, and started destroying my structures I would just walk up to him and be like: "HEY, WHAT DO YOU THINK  YOU'RE DOING! GET BACK HERE!!!" and then chase after him, throwing axes behind his back in an attempt to murder him. Now that's fun. :) Not if he just vanishes without a trace, though, that would suck... Maybe if they did a Cooldown period after joining each game... 
    I am sure you will get that pleasure just leave your game open. You can customize it to your liking so if you want someone to destroy your structures just leave it without a password.
    That would be a dream come true. I've always wanted the opportunity to shout: "Get off my lawn!" inside  a game. I can't wait for it come on sale so I can finally lure unsuspected visitors into my villages and axe them all... :) 
    It's like 16 euros how much cheaper do you want it to be?
    What can I say, I'm a Dutch cheapskate. ;) Bargaining is part of my DNA. If I can get it as cheap as possible, the better... I'm not even going to touch Black Desert, even though it's only 10 bucks on Steam now. It's probably my fault MMO businesses are unsuccessful, mwahaha. >:)
  • kitaradkitarad Member LegendaryPosts: 8,189
    edited March 2021
    I think they passed the 5 million copies mark. At this point it will be a long wait for the price to drop any further. The game is really a wonderful example of doing it right. I'm glad I bought it and I am currently enjoying it a lot.

    Black Desert often goes to 5 bucks.

  • AsheramAsheram Member EpicPosts: 5,078
    edited March 2021
    @Wizardry Valheim doesn't need your approval, doesn't need your $20, doesn't care if you play it. It isnt going to go away because you dont like it.
    Find another thread to  in.
    Post edited by Asheram on
  • AsheramAsheram Member EpicPosts: 5,078
    Torval said:
    In addition to the content additions they have already envisioned. I would like to see a few things improved, added, balanced, or tweaked.

    Housing/Building - This system alone needs a lot of love. It's very fun, but it could benefit from more shapes and better terrain modeling.
    • Terrain modeling - It absolutely needs better control to level more accurately around borders. This is especially apparent around large height differences.
    • More build shapes to allow better building customization. Not just for wood either, but more stone building shapes would be appreciated.
    • Going off the above build shape request... Roofing. This definitely needs to be applied to roofing. Trying to build a roof that isn't a square, rectangle, or proper circle is a real pain in the ass and often doesn't work well at all.
    • More material tiers to all building pieces. For example, wood structures with corewood and fine wood panels, flooring, and other pieces could have better durability and defense for attacks.
    • Improved AI is already a well request feature improvement so not spending time on this.
    • More interesting item loot tables. After killing so many trolls, or any kind of mob there is almost an incentive to avoid fights rather than spend time and resources and risk on them. Trolls are a good example, but it really applies to all mobs since their loot tables work similarly. Mobs need more interesting loot tables. I like that crafting is key so I don't want to necessarily see that replaced, but loot can get rather boring as it stands. One example of a slightly more interesting loot table are wraiths that drop chains. Chains are useful for a lot of important things but braziers will always be something desired for the comfort buff. Mobs need more interesting stuff like this.
    • Portals need an improvement system. I get that the ore restriction on portals is to promote travel, but the system as it stands is crude and clunky. Maybe portals need a way to improve them that allow ore travel. Maybe refined bars should be able to be transported. Maybe there are other ways to improve this system, but as it stands players must either take long boat rides or build full featured crafting stations all over the amp. It just feels clunky and I don't have a clear cut solution suggestion, but it needs work badly.
    • I want to be able to add a custom server list and save the password directly in the UI. I get a large list of servers I never want to join, or my own personal local, but I must add our hosted server IP every time and input the password every time.
    • Server customization options like Conan Exiles and other typical survival types do it. I don't want this to replace polishing crude systems like the Portals, but players should have the option to configure their shared server in a way that works for the entire team.
    • Characters should be server bound. This would prevent the ore transport workaround, but also just keep a world as an integral unit. Server hopping with characters feel contrary to the rest of the game philosophy and design.
    • Valheim needs optimization. I'm sure a bit part of the issue being Unity, but that just means programming around that engine's flaws. I'm not trying to make this request sound "so easy", but it needs to happen. Performance issues can severely affect the experience.
    Those are a few of the feedback issues and ideas I've had playing the game. I'd say the most important to me is performance/optimization and then building improvements.
    Have you expressed this in their discords suggestion channel?
  • Asm0deusAsm0deus Member EpicPosts: 4,641
    Faileas said:
    That would be a dream come true. I've always wanted the opportunity to shout: "Get off my lawn!" inside  a game. I can't wait for it come on sale so I can finally lure unsuspected visitors into my villages and axe them all... :) 

    This would probably not go how you expected as the game is very, very cheat enabled.

    It has zero safeguards, like even a rudimentary mmo would, against such things
    [Deleted User]AlBQuirkyAsheram

    Brenics ~ Just to point out I do believe Chris Roberts is going down as the man who cheated backers and took down crowdfunding for gaming.

  • TokkenTokken Member EpicPosts: 3,651
    kitarad said:
    I think they passed the 5 million copies mark. At this point it will be a long wait for the price to drop any further. The game is really a wonderful example of doing it right. I'm glad I bought it and I am currently enjoying it a lot.

    Black Desert often goes to 5 bucks.
    sorry, off topic. BUT sometimes you can get BDO free on steam~!

    Proud member since March 2004!  Make PvE GREAT Again!

  • AlBQuirkyAlBQuirky Member EpicPosts: 7,432
    Just saw this on Valheim's reddit:

    Had a good chuckle with it :)
    Tokken[Deleted User]

    - Al

    Personally the only modern MMORPG trend that annoys me is the idea that MMOs need to be designed in a way to attract people who don't actually like MMOs. Which to me makes about as much sense as someone trying to figure out a way to get vegetarians to eat at their steakhouse.

  • cheyanecheyane Member LegendaryPosts: 9,435
    I killed a troll but I kind cheated. I swam on to a small rock in the middle of the sea and the troll followed me into the water but he could not climb on to the island so I stood on the rock and shot him down with wooden arrows while I avoided his stones which he throws very slowly. I got 5 troll hides.
    Garrus Signature
  • [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 12,262
    The user and all related content has been deleted.

    거북이는 목을 내밀 때 안 움직입니다

  • AsheramAsheram Member EpicPosts: 5,078
    edited March 2021
    cheyane said:
    I killed a troll but I kind cheated. I swam on to a small rock in the middle of the sea and the troll followed me into the water but he could not climb on to the island so I stood on the rock and shot him down with wooden arrows while I avoided his stones which he throws very slowly. I got 5 troll hides.
    Thats not cheating thats sound strategy ;). Once you have all 4 troll armor pieces you get a sneaking buff that makes you 25% less detectable by mobs.
    Tokken[Deleted User]AlBQuirky
  • AlBQuirkyAlBQuirky Member EpicPosts: 7,432
    edited March 2021
    cheyane said:
    I killed a troll but I kind cheated. I swam on to a small rock in the middle of the sea and the troll followed me into the water but he could not climb on to the island so I stood on the rock and shot him down with wooden arrows while I avoided his stones which he throws very slowly. I got 5 troll hides.
    The troll armor and cape are wonder. 
    I've actually gone back to my Troll armor, from Bronze. I kept dying in one of those "The Forest is Alive!" events. I could not get my stamina back fast enough to either block or swing my bronze mace :(

    PS: I'm just putzing around right now. I've beaten the first boss thus far. I'm hankering to tackle boss #2 so I can work on the stone building (I hope it's the second boss) :)

    - Al

    Personally the only modern MMORPG trend that annoys me is the idea that MMOs need to be designed in a way to attract people who don't actually like MMOs. Which to me makes about as much sense as someone trying to figure out a way to get vegetarians to eat at their steakhouse.

  • [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 12,262
    The user and all related content has been deleted.

    거북이는 목을 내밀 때 안 움직입니다

  • BloodaxesBloodaxes Member EpicPosts: 4,662
    I currently have a love/hate relationship with the longship. On one hand I love the extra storage, but on the other hand, it gets stuck EVERYWHERE!!! The water is too shallow in certain areas...

    I made the unfortunate decision to build near the spawn point in the meadows. Boy, was that a terrible idea.

  • [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 12,262
    The user and all related content has been deleted.

    거북이는 목을 내밀 때 안 움직입니다

  • BloodaxesBloodaxes Member EpicPosts: 4,662
    edited March 2021
    Yeah @Torval and I were transporting a ton of iron last night from a Swamp far from our home and used the Longship and I am not a fan. We needed the extra storage space it provided, that was great and all but thing is not in the same league of handling as the Karve which handles like a dream is fast and very easy to turn and navigate through rocks and channels
    That is also a problem for me. I built near the water in the meadows thought I had easy access to the ocean and other areas. I have 2/3 passages leading to the ocean. 

    Only 2 of the 3 passages are doable with the longship. The other one there's not enough room to rotate. All 3 have issues with hitting the bottom of the water. Especially when the water is agitated. One of the passages is really cool (with the karve at least). Its very long and goes by the mountains and meadow. Tried going through it with longship, and got stuck every couple seconds. Was not a fun ride xD

    Having to constantly go off the ship, and pushing it myself getting wet gets frustrating fast. The worst situation is when I have to use the pickaxe to dig down. 

  • AsheramAsheram Member EpicPosts: 5,078
    Bloodaxes said:
    I currently have a love/hate relationship with the longship. On one hand I love the extra storage, but on the other hand, it gets stuck EVERYWHERE!!! The water is too shallow in certain areas...

    I made the unfortunate decision to build near the spawn point in the meadows. Boy, was that a terrible idea.
    Yeah @Torval and I were transporting a ton of iron last night from a Swamp far from our home and used the Longship and I am not a fan. We needed the extra storage space it provided, that was great and all but thing is not in the same league of handling as the Karve which handles like a dream is fast and very easy to turn and navigate through rocks and channels
    The karve is great except for the limited storage and also not being able to melee flying things that are on top of you because you wind up hitting your boat and damaging it instead. I sunk twice trying to fend off squito and ghosts.
    [Deleted User]AlBQuirkykitarad
  • AsheramAsheram Member EpicPosts: 5,078
  • BloodaxesBloodaxes Member EpicPosts: 4,662
    Torval said:
    There are a few kinks in their game play loop. Transportation of materials is definitely one of them. It's long, tedious, frustrating, and boring after the first couple of trips.

    Dungeon and metal nodes don't respawn. Currently, the inability to teleport metals as a mechanic necessitates long frustrating journeys. The alternative is to abandon centralized bases and build smaller crafting areas. It costs 35 iron to enhance a forge to T5. It costs 2 iron to build a basic stonecutter.

    The reasoning behind this is supposedly to encourage exploration, but I don't buy that this is really the driving factor. The reality that nodes don't respawn means an area will become depleted of iron and, later on, other metals. This is really what drives exploration.
    Yeah... Yesterday I played for like 3-5 hours. In those hours (I did take small breaks from time to time), all I did was go to a far away swamp and clear 4 Sunken Crypts plus a little exploration by foot to scout for more Crypts.

    It's a very huge time sink. 
    AlBQuirky[Deleted User]Asheram

  • Asm0deusAsm0deus Member EpicPosts: 4,641
    About the ore not going through portals...there is a mod that allows this. If you do not want to install this mod you can use the Rainbow Bridge method.

    Make a single player wold called Bifrost, and make a crafting table and one chest near your initial spawn point and log off in front of it.

    In your main world be it single player or dedicated server go exploring, play as normal etc BUT when you find a sunken crypt, ore etc and if you find the fact you cant use a portal to bring that back absurd then take fill up all your character's inventory, doesn't matter if you are overburdened, and log out.

    Log into Bifrost world you be in front of your chest put all your ore in it, log out back to your main world and travel to your main base via portal and go in front of of your ore chest, log out.

    Log back into Bifrost take all your ore out of the chest and log back into your main world and put all the ore into the chest.

    Portal bypassed because you a good friends with

    Brenics ~ Just to point out I do believe Chris Roberts is going down as the man who cheated backers and took down crowdfunding for gaming.

  • BloodaxesBloodaxes Member EpicPosts: 4,662
    Eh still cheesing the system. I'd rather not do that.

    The time sink is mainly finding and clearing the crypts not the transportation (unless wind keeps coming against you).

  • AlBQuirkyAlBQuirky Member EpicPosts: 7,432
    AlBQuirky said:
    cheyane said:
    I killed a troll but I kind cheated. I swam on to a small rock in the middle of the sea and the troll followed me into the water but he could not climb on to the island so I stood on the rock and shot him down with wooden arrows while I avoided his stones which he throws very slowly. I got 5 troll hides.
    The troll armor and cape are wonder. 
    I've actually gone back to my Troll armor, from Bronze. I kept dying in one of those "The Forest is Alive!" events. I could not get my stamina back fast enough to either block or swing my bronze mace :(

    PS: I'm just putzing around right now. I've beaten the first boss thus far. I'm hankering to tackle boss #2 so I can work on the stone building (I hope it's the second boss) :)
    You are always free to putter around on our server if you wish. You can defeat the second boss or perhaps we could help you tackle it. Just reach out to Myself, Torval or Lahnmir 
    I'll consider that offer :)

    Tonight I encountered my first serpent. It was in the daylight on a bright sunny ocean. The serpent was really beautiful and cool looking! Luckily, I had the wind at my back and was close to the nearest isle. I was able to run ashore and almost killed it with arrow before it ran off :(

    Then I encountered my second at night. Very different look to it. Again I had wind at my back and outran it. Both were in my Karve. The daylight serpent was bright red and orange in color while the night encounter had glowie blue/green skies. All in all an interesting session :)

    Unfortunately, the daylight attack wrecked my Karve. I HATE that we can't swim underwater! Most of my materials sunk. I ended making a crafting bench and hoe to raise up the land so I could at it.

    - Al

    Personally the only modern MMORPG trend that annoys me is the idea that MMOs need to be designed in a way to attract people who don't actually like MMOs. Which to me makes about as much sense as someone trying to figure out a way to get vegetarians to eat at their steakhouse.

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