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Guild Wars 2 is coming to Steam

BrotherMaynardBrotherMaynard Member RarePosts: 647
edited August 2020 in The Pub at MMORPG.COM
As per the forum post. The Steam launch is planned for November 2020.

Funnily enough, the announcement was made as the very sceptical thread was among the most discussed.


  • FrodoFraginsFrodoFragins Member EpicPosts: 6,071
    "please note that you cannot convert an existing Guild Wars 2 account to a Steam account or convert a Steam account to a non-Steam account."

    That is so weird.  Like ridiculously so.  I don't know of any other MMO that went to steam with that limitation.
  • TokkenTokken Member EpicPosts: 3,654
    "please note that you cannot convert an existing Guild Wars 2 account to a Steam account or convert a Steam account to a non-Steam account."

    That is so weird.  Like ridiculously so.  I don't know of any other MMO that went to steam with that limitation.
    I don't want to buy it again. 

    Proud member since March 2004!  Make PvE GREAT Again!

  • FrodoFraginsFrodoFragins Member EpicPosts: 6,071
    Nyctelios said:
    "please note that you cannot convert an existing Guild Wars 2 account to a Steam account or convert a Steam account to a non-Steam account."

    That is so weird.  Like ridiculously so.  I don't know of any other MMO that went to steam with that limitation.
    ahem.... EvE online?

    Didn't even know it was on steam lol.

    LOTRO, Marvel Heroes and I assume SWTOR don't limit you that way.
  • GrimulaGrimula Member UncommonPosts: 644
    will it be Free to play ??
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  • timeraidertimeraider Member UncommonPosts: 865
    Nyctelios said:
    Nyctelios said:
    "please note that you cannot convert an existing Guild Wars 2 account to a Steam account or convert a Steam account to a non-Steam account."

    That is so weird.  Like ridiculously so.  I don't know of any other MMO that went to steam with that limitation.
    ahem.... EvE online?

    Didn't even know it was on steam lol.

    LOTRO, Marvel Heroes and I assume SWTOR don't limit you that way.
    Its because you can't buy certain packs on steam, you have to purchase them on their store front.

    EvE and Gw2 have a lot of issues battling RMT, and making it so you can access it on Steam or their Client would make it even worse to track I assume
    Meh, they could have asked Warframe or so on some idea's. They seemed to get that working fine.
    At least... Every month a good few users of them get put behind the permabanned bars for trying to rmt with steampacks ;D

    I can imagine Eve having a lot harder time with that compared to GW2 though so i can see it being locked there. Gw2 however is as easily rmt'd as any other mmo regardless so doubt it would make it much easier :)
    Ashes of Creation Referral link - Help me to help you!
  • skeaserskeaser Member RarePosts: 4,228
    "please note that you cannot convert an existing Guild Wars 2 account to a Steam account or convert a Steam account to a non-Steam account."

    That is so weird.  Like ridiculously so.  I don't know of any other MMO that went to steam with that limitation.

    Is it really that weird that companies want to keep all that sweet MTX money for themselves?
    Sig so that badges don't eat my posts.

  • ScorchienScorchien Member LegendaryPosts: 8,914
    edited August 2020
    "please note that you cannot convert an existing Guild Wars 2 account to a Steam account or convert a Steam account to a non-Steam account."

    That is so weird.  Like ridiculously so.  I don't know of any other MMO that went to steam with that limitation.

    many of them dont and the ones that do , many folks end up with fucked acct/inv/etc....

     Ultima Online will be doing the same shortly
  • GorweGorwe Member Posts: 1,641
    Tokken said:
    "please note that you cannot convert an existing Guild Wars 2 account to a Steam account or convert a Steam account to a non-Steam account."

    That is so weird.  Like ridiculously so.  I don't know of any other MMO that went to steam with that limitation.
    I don't want to buy it again. 
    Idk, starting from 0 sounds enticing.
  • TheocritusTheocritus Member LegendaryPosts: 10,064
    Gorwe said:
    Tokken said:
    "please note that you cannot convert an existing Guild Wars 2 account to a Steam account or convert a Steam account to a non-Steam account."

    That is so weird.  Like ridiculously so.  I don't know of any other MMO that went to steam with that limitation.
    I don't want to buy it again. 
    Idk, starting from 0 sounds enticing.

    I did that like 3 times and was bored to tears by level 20.
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